The 2022 Capricorn Full Moon reaches its maximum phase at 11:37a PDT on Wednesday, 13th July 2022 (21.35°). The Capricorn Moon is reflecting the light of the Cancer Sun, forcing those who are often focused on their ambitions, achievements, and status to (re)connect with their emotions and feel those emotions fully within their hearts.

Now you may wonder if some people will be able to soften their hearts, or if they even have hearts to begin with. This 2022 Capricorn Full Moon will assure you that even if it doesn’t seem like some people have the capacity to feel emotion or care about others, they do. It’s there. It may be hardened or frozen by a societal focus on “success” and status, but everyone has emotion. It’s just how they choose to express that emotion that varies… which is where this 2022 Capricorn Full Moon gets interesting.

Our societal and global institutions and structures are undergoing a massive transformation. If you’re familiar with the transformation that happens from caterpillar to butterfly, you understand what I mean when I say we’re in the “goo phase”. The cells seem to carry on with the process, but anyone outside of it just sees goo.

We – the collective whole of humanity – are in the goo right now.

In the midst of this transformation, many of us are simply carrying on with the busy-ness of our days, having no idea where this is going to end up, waiting for some authority to tell us what to do. We’re waiting on someone else to come up with a plan, not realizing that we are the ones who must set our intentions, create our goals in alignment with those intentions, and develop our plans to achieve them.

This 2022 Capricorn Full Moon lets us know – our emotions let us know – it’s time for us to stop waiting on others to do what we must do for ourselves.

Capricorn is cardinal earth energy, meaning it takes the initiative in our physical, material, and/or financial matters as the setter of standards and the originator of many of our goals and objectives regarding our public and/or professional personas. It’s also often associated with ambition, accomplishment, and the achievement of goals. Because the ability to achieve our goals often requires significant focus and discipline, it makes sense that Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, and as result, is known for being the archetypal “father” or patriarch of the Zodiac, which can bring a serious and deeply grounding energy to matters-at-hand.

As the sign that ushers in the winter season, Capricorn is used to keeping everything in icy shadow, under wraps until it’s rested, refocused, and ready to start bringing things to blossom in the rays of the spring sun.

In contrast, Cancer is the sign opposite to Capricorn in every way. The archetypal “mother” or matriarch of the Zodiac, Cancer is the sign that ushers in the summer energy – the fullest, brightest, and warmest light of the Sun. Reflecting the Cancer Sun’s fullest glory, the Capricorn Full Moon has no choice but to allow its usual steely demeanor to be warmed, showing uncharacteristic compassion and care.

For Capricorn, emotions are messy. Their belief is that emotions will distract you from the pursuit of ambitions and goals, which is the excuse Capricorn often gives for trying not to feel their emotions. Yet this 2022 Capricorn Full Moon is likely to not only have you feeling your emotions, but also awakening to your emotional needs that are driving your ambitions and goals. It can also reveal where your goals could be more aligned with and focused on feeling compassion and caring for yourself and others on both the emotional plane and the material/physical plane.

In other words, the light of the Cancer Sun and Cancer’s sign ruler being in Capricorn softens Capricorn’s edges. This Full Moon helps bring us out of the cold shadows and into the warmth of the light.

This isn’t to say that Capricorn will be neutralized during this 2022 Capricorn Full Moon phase. In fact, Capricorn’s energy will help us in a very valuable way – it will help us sharpen our focus by teaching us how to use our emotional energy to recognize what our goals actually are, and how to channel our emotional energies into healthy and productive actions that are in alignment with our goals.

But here’s the thing – we must acknowledge that our actions are emotion-driven.

This may be a tough one, especially because so many of us have been conditioned to “toughen up”, “stop crying”, “stop being emotional”, etc. Our emotions aren’t welcome in the world as it has been, and those of us who are still very focused on the way the world has worked in the past will continue to say this and believe this.

Yet this 2022 Capricorn Full Moon may be the turning point, moving us away from that old conditioning because there is so much going on, too many people simply can no longer pretend they aren’t feeling anything about what is happening to them and/or around them. This may be the moment when the emotions not only are amplified in those who are naturally warm-hearted, but are also revealed in those who are now coming to terms with their humanity in a world that was established not to care for or nurture humanity at all. The new experience of the world that’s emerging now makes space for these emotions to come to the surface to be seen and shared.

That said, emotions will still show up in those who “don’t” or “won’t” show emotion. This is because despite the denials of having feelings for anyone or anything, emotions will always be expressed in some way. However, those ways may not be healthy or life-affirming, showing up instead as verbal/physical/psychological abuse, violence, punishment, persecution, prosecution, homicide/genocide, etc. There’s the old adage that “Hurt people hurt people”, and that’s what we’re seeing in the world now. It’s not that the people who commit these acts don’t feel emotion – they’ve just learned to channel their emotional pain into pain of all kinds toward others.

When people allow themselves to feel their own emotions, they can begin to heal them. Suddenly, what seem to be polarities in our lives begin to balance and resolve themselves. The mother and father archetypes; achievement and encouragement; chaos and order; coldness and warmth; darkness and light; ambition and emotion… Under this 2022 Capricorn Full Moon, many of us are likely recognize that our polarities are actually two sides of the same coin, and that we must learn to embrace both sides of these coins within each of us. This process starts with ourselves because if we don’t, we’ll project our imbalances onto others and spread the pain.

Once we work them out in ourselves, we can see them in others and support others’ healing in healthy and appropriate ways. Yet we must remember that we cannot heal others, and others cannot heal us. We must be willing to do the work to feel our own emotions and heal ourselves. Then, and only then, can we understand that others must do their own emotional work to heal. We can support and encourage them, but they have to take the steps. They must be in action.

That all said, there is something fascinating I noticed in preparing for this article. In assessing the transits in effect at maximum phase, I was struck by what was present, but also what was absent. I always look to see if there’s any major planetary geometry of an astrology chart because those configurations bring significant energy to an event chart. In this chart for the 2022 Capricorn Full Moon, there was one configuration in particular that caught my eye and my mind:

A potential Grand Sextile or Star pattern (six consecutive sextile aspects, all interconnected), missing one point.

Scorpio North Node à Capricorn Moon à Pisces Juno à Taurus Uranus conjunct North Node à Cancer 4 Sun à Virgo_______? (20-21°)

The Virgo component is missing, creating a gap in what could be a Grand Sextile/Star. This reveals the lack of a plan, a system, a process by which to manifest the desired goal and activate the fullest potential of these interconnected planets.

This isn’t to say this combination isn’t still powerful – it is!
Yet if there was a plan to put all this energy into productive motion, it would be spectacular!

Anyone with anything at 18-24° of any sign in their personal astrology charts will be feeling some sort of way today as those bodies and points in your personal chart will be feeling the energies powerfully today.

However, those of us who have anything at 18-24° Virgo is going to have one heck of a time during this 2022 Capricorn Full Moon. If you have a plan of action in place for yourself and your goals, you’ll likely find ample opportunity to put those plans into motion during this Full Moon phase. But if you don’t have a plan, you’ll likely feel a great deal of pressure to make one, and then you’ll feel that pressure release once you’ve got a solid plan in place.

In order to plan, you have to set a clear and decisive intention – an objective or goal with emotion behind it. That’s where balancing the ambition with the emotion comes in, and where the greatest challenge may be for most of us.

We’re used to setting goals in alignment with our societal conditioning – to achieve “success”, to gain notoriety or fame, to achieve a particular professional or societal status. Yet we rarely set goals which feel like they are aligned with our true selves – who we really want to be and what we really want to do in this world.

We rarely if ever ask ourselves the questions – why are we doing something that doesn’t feel right for us? Why do it when our emotions are boiling to the surface, trying to get us to pay attention to the fact that something’s not right for us?

This brings us to the core issues of this 2022 Capricorn Full Moon.

Are we really fearful that we won’t achieve our worldly goals…
…are we actually fearful that the worldly goals we’re pursuing are not aligned with our true selves?

And when we do pursue those worldly goals overriding our emotions and our true calling(s), are we expressing our disconnection with our inner truths/selves through acting out in abuse and violence against ourselves and/or others?

During this 2022 Capricorn Full Moon, like it or not, your energy will be focused on your emotions. If anything, you’re going to learn how your emotions are largely driving your actions and behaviors now. Fear can be a powerful drug. So can overconfidence. You’ll see both in play throughout this week, in yourself and in others, so don’t let fear and/or overconfidence distract you from your inner emotional truth. Instead, analyze them – figure out what you’re actually afraid of, or what fear your bravado is covering up. You may actually discover what’s limiting you and/or blocking you from your goals.

The numerology for this 2022 Capricorn Full Moon is interesting in that the Full Moon’s maximum phase occurs on an 8 Universal Day in the Americas and all points west (with the exception of a sliver of western Europe), and it will occur on a 9 Universal Day in the rest of the world. This is interesting as it indicates that those of us in “western nations” will likely be seeking power, influence, and control of matters they are involved in, while those of us in other parts of the world will likely be eager to bring any outstanding matters to completion. Both regions hold the potential to use their focus and self-discipline to drive the outcomes they want, but nine energy always has an end goal in mind. Eight energy tends to have plenty of power and influential presence, but can often lack objective. The presence of well-thought objectives and flexible-path plans are critical now. If objective aren’t clear or if plans are too vague or too rigid, this time won’t be productive. There needs to be enough discipline to maintain direction, yet enough flexibility to go with the flow in that direction without being so rigid things and people fall apart.

These dynamics are important because all of this is occurring under a 4 Universal Month of seeking or securing stability, safety, and solid ground (or noticing where it’s not established or collapsing); and under a 6 Universal Year of nurturing, caring for, and protecting whatever and/or whomever we are most emotionally and/or pragmatically invested in. If we find ourselves in good positions, we may be tempted to try to secure these conditions in our lives by any means necessary. However, if we are not in good and healthy positions, we may find ourselves in one of two extremes – using everything we have to seek, find, and secure the resources we believe we need; or feeling resigned and defeated and realizing we have nothing to lose. Either extreme will lead to action of some sort. The key is to make sure we act to take care of ourselves without losing our care and compassion for others when we take those actions. It’s of paramount importance that no matter what we’re going through or what we are experiencing, we remember that all of us are interconnected, and pain for one is pain for all.

There are also the astrological transits at the time of maximum phase, within 3-4°orb. These will shed additional light onto the energies we are experiencing during this 2022 Capricorn Full Moon. Though we talked about some of these to a degree earlier in the article, here’s the more detailed rundown:

DOUBLE GRAND TRINE/KITE: Scorpio South Node sextile Capricorn Moon sextile Pisces Juno sextile (Taurus Uranus conjunct North Node) sextile Cancer 4 Sun (18-21°) – The grand trine is water energy, bringing emotions to the fore in this dynamic. That’s on top of the fact that the Moon itself is one of the earth sign focal points, bringing even more emotional energy to the mix. The other earth element focal point is the conjunction of Uranus and North Node, indicating that the people – the masses – are the ones who will dictate the future course of humanity, despite efforts to indoctrinate the masses in the direction opposite their natures. The nodal axis reflects this effort to pull humanity back from its evolution, to deny it of its resource needs. Yet the intuitive pull of humanity is very strong. The missing component to make this configuration a Grand Sextile or Star is a Virgo placement. This is very telling because it reveals that there is no practicality or pragmatism being applied – there are no systems, facilities, or plans in place for how to direct and utilize all of this energy to achieve the desired goals or fulfill on the visions.

T-SQUARE: Capricorn Pluto Retrograde square Aries Eris square Cancer Ceres (25-27°) – As our societal and global institutions and structures are undergoing massive transformation, there is a status quo that aligns with their goals and agendas. What may not have been expected is the emotional investment people have in the status quo and how their personal values have become intertwined with the institutions and structures that are now being changed. This awakens a sense of betrayal in some of us as these changes challenge us to reassess both our values and our goals to something unfamiliar and uncomfortable. Yet this also awakens others to the fact that our values haven’t aligned with the status quo – that the status quo has been betraying us – and that the institutions in flux provide an opportunity to change our course to align with our values.

SEQUENCE: Capricorn Pluto Retrograde semi-sextile Aquarius Saturn Retrograde semi-sextile Pisces Neptune Retrograde semi-sextile Aries Eris (24-27°) – Structural transformation is leading to efforts by what remains of those institutions to sustain their authority over the masses. Yet the masses see their opportunity to demand what they want in the face of the weakening institutions. This transition isn’t as easy as many may have hoped – it’s much more intense and messy than most people would like. Yet the sense of betrayal and desire for justice – for making things right – is strong enough to carry us through to whatever will be on the other side of what seems like chaos now.

SEQUENCE: Pisces Vesta semi-sextile Aries Jupiter semi-sextile Taurus Mars (5-8°) – Dedication to a vision that may or may not be realistic creates a growing call for action. However, these actions may be doing more to expand awareness of harsh realities the vision is trying to mask than they are encouraging a true vision of compassionate service to be realized. Actions are proving to be focused on fundamental resources – adequate food, shelter, and health care/support. Notice who is in action, and what they are in action around/for.

Pisces Vesta square Gemini Pallas Athena (4-6°) – Dedication to the dream or a particular vision challenges our pattern(s) f thought and belief. If we find these contradict or block each other, we may need to choose between what we’ve always wanted and what we’ve always believed.

Taurus Mars semi-sextile Gemini Pallas Athena (5-6°) – The actions we need to take to obtain and/or preserve our personal resources may lead to a reassessment of our beliefs and our usual strategies to get our needs met.

SEQUENCE: Capricorn Moon semi-sextile Aquarius White Moon Selene semi-sextile Pisces Juno (21°) – The emotional investment we’ve made in achieving our goals or getting our desired results may become more sensitive and compassionate to the needs of others. That awareness of others beyond ourselves will likely inspire us to seek ways to tap into our best and Highest expressions of ourselves for the good of all humankind, which leads to a stronger collective commitment to selfless service.

Aries Chiron semi-sextile (Taurus Uranus conjunct North Node) (16-18°) – As individuals heal their self-identity wounds, it become easier for them to see their fellow human beings differently. Instead of as rivals or competition for attention or resource, other individuals are more likely to be seen as collaborators in a common environment.

Aries Chiron square Cancer Mercury (16-17°)– Self-identity wounds may challenge our capacity for having and holding compassionate thoughts and words for others. If the wounds are not healed by their owners, they may be projected onto others, reminiscent of the old adage, “Hurt people hurt people.”

(Taurus Uranus conjunct North Node) sextile Cancer Mercury (17-18°) – As humanity’s values evolve, those new values influence people’s thoughts and words – thoughts and words which create a future of compassionate and nurturing care. People become more inclined to think about others as humans as result.

The energy of the 2022 Capricorn Full Moon will be felt from Sunday 10th July through Saturday 16th July 2022. During this time, you will experience a softening of the heart, and may feel your emotions more than usual. Yet by allowing your emotions to come through, you may find remarkable clarity regarding your truest life goal(s). If you don’t have a plan to achieve that goal, make one.

Even if this all seems impossible at first, once you let yourself feel your emotions, allow those emotions to guide you to your goal, and a plan to achieve that goal in place, you will feel better emotionally – more clear, stable, solid, and secure in facing whatever comes next.

And once you do have a plan, keep an open mind to how your plan may be implemented. The path may not be the path you thought you’d take, but feel your way through the chaos. The path you take may not be the plan you envisioned, but it may still get you where you want to go, and you’ll feel emotionally stronger and healthier going with your heart.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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