The 2022 Leo New Moon reaches its maximum phase at 10:55a PDT on Thursday 28th July 2022 (Friday 29the July in some regions of the world). The sign of Leo is ruled by the Sun and represents fixed fire energy, which means it is focused and (ideally) stabilized creativity and activity, more specifically, our unique and individual self-expression for other individuals.

Though it has a reputation for being attention-seeking, Leo really seeks acknowledgment more than anything else and wants to be acknowledged by others for its individual uniqueness, its creative ability, and/or its generosity toward others. Leos only seek attention when they aren’t receiving acknowledgment for what they want to be acknowledged for. They can also become quite difficult to deal with when they are not able to express themselves the way they want, and can become envious of others who have both freedom of self-expression and the acknowledgment they crave.

That said, new moons are opportunities for new beginnings and fresh starts. However, there’s so much retrograde energy right now (Juno, Vesta, Saturn, Chiron, Neptune, Pluto, and Eris with Jupiter joining the retrograde parade later in the day), this 2022 Leo New Moon isn’t as much a truly fresh start as it is an opportunity to seize any available second chances to embrace and express your unique individuality in ways you may not have had the courage to express yourself before.

In the past, we may have been guilted into not expressing ourselves, being told that it wasn’t right to stand out from the crowd; or shamed for expressing ourselves by being told we were too much or not enough. We may have even made-up stories to guilt and shame ourselves into staying in our comfort zones and not trying to be more than who we are. Whatever the case may be for you, this 2022 Leo New Moon is your call to step out of the shadows you’ve hidden yourself in, and to allow yourself to be seen, heard, and known in the light of the Leo Sun.

The 2022 Leo New Moon is occurring during the last days of a numerological 4 Universal Month, meaning this is what I call a Leo 4 Sun + Moon conjunction. My nickname for Leo 4 energy is “The King/Queen of The Castle” because this energy seeks to establish and maintain a solid resource base and/or a solid foundation from which to display its unique and creative self-expression. In other words, Leo 4 is always building or securing its stage from which to show off its unique self-expression.

At a time that finds many people being challenged in finding physical, material, and/or financial stability in the world, establishing a solid foundation for oneself may seem to be a fairly large order. There’s not a lot of safety, security, or stability to be found in the world right now – a reminder that the only constant in life is change continues to be our one reliable Truth. Under Leo 4, it would be easy to say that all someone has to have the resources needed to provide or build that foundation for themselves… but that construction doesn’t only need physical, material, or financial resources. In fact, more important than the resources is having the will and courage to build that foundation, and then to step up and reveal oneself upon it. By simply having the will and courage to act and ask for your place in the Sun, the tangible and practical resources may come to you through very unexpected sources and/or in very surprising ways.

This 2022 Leo New Moon is about finding and using the will and courage to express oneself fully into the world, despite the shaky foundation. This is because the stability sought after under the influence of this Leo New Moon cannot be found outside oneself – it’s found within oneself. On an individual level, YOU must find the will and courage within yourself to put yourself out into the world and be seen and heard. On a collective level, WE must find the courage within and amongst ourselves to put ourselves out into the spotlight of the world’s stage to be seen and heard.

Now is the time for creative and courageous action.

And that’s the thing – your actions and our actions must be courageous and creative. We can’t go about this courage thing the same way we’ve always done it – with façades of bravado and/or arrogance or pretending to be people we’re not. We must find new, unique, and emotionally uncomfortable ways of going about making our presence known. Allowing our emotional vulnerability and openness to shine through will be key in allowing ourselves to be fully and authentically self-expressed to others and possibly to the world.

Yet what we often miss is that we must find our own way(s) because each of us is unique. As individuals, each of us is one-of-a-kind. We cannot – no matter how hard we try – do something exactly like anyone else. We will each sound different or look different in some way.

Even in collaboration, we may quickly learn that our collaborations work best when we are contributing our individual talents and gifts to a common purpose. The strength of the collective is at its strongest when we each show up with our individual lights shining at their brightest.

This 2022 Leo New Moon is calling you and all of us to step onto the stage, step into the light, and to shine!

I mentioned earlier that numerologically, this 2022 Leo New Moon is happening during a 4 Universal Month. It is also happening during a 6 Universal Year of nurturing and protecting what is most important to us – it is a year of clarifying and/or determining what our priorities are and what we really care about, then putting our energies into that/those thing(s).  Six years are also about healing, health, and wellness, and we’re being brought into greater awareness of our individual and collective wellness. The 2022 Leo New Moon reaches its maximum phase on a 5 Universal Day in the majority if the western world, but it’s a 6 Universal Day in all global points east. For those in the 5 Universal Day regions, we may feel the shifts and changes the most as your regions are likely the ones with the most changes to make. Meanwhile, those of us in the 6 Universal Day regions may find ourselves supporting and nurturing changes we’ve already begun to make.

The astrological transits in effect at the time of the 2022 Leo New Moon’s maximum phase (within 3° orb) are powerful, and it seems there’s quite a bit to say about each of them. They’ll give you a great deal of insight into the energies of this New Moon as well as the energies of the current events in and around our lives.

Leo 4 Sun conjunct Moon (5.64°) – You may feel called to step out of the shadows and into the light. For those of you with a more introverted nature, this could be a very challenging time for you as you may not want people to see everything you’re about. For those who are extroverts or for those of you who are introverts finding the courage to step out into the spotlight, you’ll likely find that the step into the spotlight isn’t as bad as you thought it might be.

  • quincunx Pisces Vesta Retrograde (5°) – What you’re being called to do now may not be compatible with some (or all) of the ideals you’ve had about what it means to be dedicated to something. Whether you’ve been loyal to a religious or spiritual belief or a relationship believing it would produce or yield different results, now may be the time you realize your loyalties may have been misplaced in depending on or waiting on others, and may now be better placed in yourself and your own (creative) abilities.
  • trine Aries Jupiter (5-8°) – There’s definitely a bit of “Be careful what you wish for” with this transit as your actions may produce bigger results than you expected. With Jupiter starting retrograde motion only a few hours after the New Moon’s max phase, you may get some results from your actions much more quickly than expected, too. It’ll be important for you to remember that the Universe won’t ever give you anything you can’t handle… but you may need to find the courage to step up to the opportunities presented to you now.

Cancer Venus conjunct Black Moon Lilith (12-13°) – Your closest one-on-one relationships are likely to bring up some old upsets right now, but this is a blessing in disguise. Though you may not like having these topics come up, you may come to recognize they’re coming up for you to work through them now.

  • semi-sextile Gemini Pallas Athena (11-13°) – Coming to terms with your old upsets may change the way you go about things in your everyday life. Your perspective on certain people and situations may change, and as result, the way you go about certain aspects of your life  – your personal strategies for getting through life – may also adjust or change. Your one-on-one relationships of all kinds could be game-changers for you now.

T-SQUARE w DAISY-CHAIN STELLIUM: (Taurus Mars conjunct Uranus conjunct North Node) square Leo Mercury square Scorpio South Node (15-19°) – There’s SO much happening right now that is shaping the future, not only on an individual level, but on a collective human and planetary level. Our survival resources and how we acquire and use them is at the fore of our focus, and rightfully so. At the same time, we’re being asked to reconcile with the emotional-spiritual impact of our past actions, also individually and collectively, and in many cases, those impacts run much deeper than some want to acknowledge. It’s time to talk about these issues – to get honest and open about the past, and to earnestly discuss the impact of our present upon our future. Multiple changes of course is needed, but can we “unstuck” ourselves enough to make the changes before it’s too late?

Aries Chiron Retrograde semi-sextile (Taurus Mars conjunct Uranus conjunct North Node) (15-19°) – Each of us may feel a bit overwhelmed when faced with the current status quo and the direction things seem to be moving. What may be helpful is that you cannot heal others, but you can heal yourself. Once you face, deal with, and heal your own self-identity wounds, you may have a better sense of yourself and how you can use your unique and creative self-expression to contribute the resource needs of yourself and your community.

Aries Chiron Retrograde square Cancer Black Moon Lilith (13-16°) – Healing your self-identity wounds also helps you overcome any guilt, shame, or anger from the past. It won’t be easy, but it may be a challenge worth taking now… and you may not have much of a choice at this point. Circumstances may be pushing you to step into this self-healing journey now.

Aries Chiron Retrograde trine Leo Mercury (16-18°) – A large part of your self-healing journey may be talking about your past. Sharing what you’ve been through not only helps make it real for you, it helps you begin working through it. And though others cannot do your healing work for you, their perspectives on the challenges you share could bring the light of awareness to your blind spots.

Aquarius Saturn Retrograde conjunct White Moon Selena (23) – The “limitations” and “restrictions” of our societies and communities are forcing us to pause and tune into our Higher consciousness – our inner Truths. Instead of encouraging hate and violence, how can we creatively push back against the old ways to break through to creative and innovative, truly life-affirming solutions to what we are facing now? The difficulties we’re experiencing may actually focus and discipline us if we are focused on finding solutions.

Capricorn Pluto Retrograde sextile Pisces Neptune Retrograde (25-27) – As our societal and global power structures continue to undergo a powerful transformation, more people are reassessing their belief systems. Whether it’s religious or spiritual beliefs, or social or societal ideals, there’s a lot of disillusionment about what some of us have always believed in proving to be untrue, while some of us are finding our beliefs to be affirmed through current events. Whichever experience you’re having now, trust that it’ll all be good in the end.

Capricorn Pluto Retrograde square Aries Eris Retrograde (25-27) – However, these transformations will likely spark frustration, anger in many people. It’s important to understand that much of the anger and violence happening now is how some people are (or aren’t) coming to terms with their world views being challenged or destroyed. The problem with this is that they may take us all down with them through their tantrums and other forms of acting-out. They don’t understand that killing others isn’t going to make their world any better, while killing their ego-driven pride would absolutely make the world a better place.

Leo Ceres quincunx Pisces Vesta Retrograde (2-5) – It’s important to value yourself right now – your uniqueness, your creativity – and to use them for the good of yourself and others. The challenge is when what you believed was good proves not to be so good after all. There’s a good deal of disappointment and disillusionment that’s forcing a lot of people to reconsider their social and spiritual values now. You may discover that your values may have led you to devalue yourself. It’s time for you to value yourself and your uniqueness expression now.

The energy of this 2022 Leo New Moon will be felt from Monday 25th July through Sunday 31st July 2022. Use this time to shift your focus away from acquiring resources outside of you, and more on using the resources you have within you to build your stage and begin using it to share yourself with the world. It’s no longer a time for waiting on others to see or hear you. It’s time for you to acknowledge your True self, love all of yourself, and make the light of your True self seen and heard in positive, expansive ways.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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