The 2022 Aquarius Full Moon reaches its maximum phase at 6:36p PDT on 11the August 2022 (19.35°). This is an unusually dramatic Full Moon phase, largely because there’s a great deal of information and insight coming to light in ways that are bringing some pretty major reality checks to many of us. Almost all of us are going to be feeling some way about what’s revealed to us during this Full Moon phase, and that‘s a good thing! The point is to get each and all of us out of our heads and into our feelings about all that is happening now.

Of course, this will be easier said than done.

Aquarius is fixed air energy, which I interpret as stagnant air. Of course, when air isn’t moving, it can lack circulation which can lend itself to extreme temperature, usually heat. It can lack oxygen which gives humans life through breath. With air energy being representative of intellect and communication, Aquarius can mean stagnant thinking and/or stagnant communication – no new ideas, no real innovations, no life. Echo chambers. Group think. Closed minds that are not getting any fresh air. It’s all very representative of the sign’s traditional ruler, Saturn, which tends to be rigid, authoritarian, disciplinarian, and determined to uphold tradition and institution…

… which is why Aquarius also represents the antithesis of those things. With the sign’s modern-day ruler, Uranus, Aquarius represents the call to change and evolution. It represents innovation, modernization, revelation, and possibly even rebellion and revolution against stagnant or regressive conditions. This is why, today, Aquarius is also associated with sociology, technology, mass communication/broadcasting, and eccentricity through radical individuality. It’s Aquarius that gets humanity outside its self-made boxes and encourages it to evolve through its embrace and experience of change.

It’s funny how this 2022 Aquarius Full Moon and the dynamics of its transits are showing up in the midst of a larger collective battle between the old and the new, between the past and the future. When we look at what is happening in the world right now and, as result, in our lives right now, we can see this past-future dynamic in action. The elders of our society are trying to cling to a past that technology has long surpassed and is difficult for them to keep up with, while the youth of our society are feeling held back and held down by societal institutions that don’t understand nor care to learn what they are bringing into the world. There is a huge match of tug-of-war being played right now between the old and the young, with those in the middle feeling pressure to pick a side in the battle a little more every day.

Yet that’s what this 2022 Aquarius Full Moon is bringing to our attention – the choice we individually and collectively face is whether or not we are going to allow humanity to regress to the past, or progress toward the future.

The Aquarius Moon reflects the light of the Leo Sun. Leo, being fixed fire, is all about being acknowledged. When it doesn’t get the acknowledgment it wants in the way that it wants it, it can become rather dramatic. Well, you may have noticed – there’s a lot of drama happening right now. In fact, there are more than a few issues that are being presented in unnecessarily dramatic fashion to a point where it’s become somewhat ridiculous. Yet the drama is reflective of one of if not the main core issue at this moment – people don’t feel seen or heard. The dramatics are a matter of people acting out for attention, for acknowledgment, for fear of being overlooked, missed, ignored, or worst of all, dismissed or disregarded in the midst of the large-scale changes in progress in our world.

The drama is only amplified by the fact that numerologically speaking, this 2022 Aquarius Full Moon is occurring during a 5 Universal Month of change, variety, adaptability, and unexpected actions. Change is the only constant in the Universe, yet when combined with the Leo Sun, this energy can be a whole lot of extra! Thankfully, in the Americas and all points west, this Full Moon is occurring on a 7 Universal Day of pause, rest, reflection, and retrospection. However, in the rest of the world, this Full Moon reaches its max phase on an 8 Universal Day of power, influence, and control. If something big and dramatic doesn’t happen specifically on max phase day, look for what happens during the 7-day window (8th through 14th August) both in actuality or in seeds being planted for a major shift to occur later. All of this is happening under the influence of a 6 Universal Year of purpose-driven nurturing yet emotionally-supportive care, service, and healing. With the energies in play during this Full Moon, I could almost guarantee that something massive is going to come out of this week, even if it doesn’t show up during the Full Moon phase window.

That’s because the light of this Leo 5 Sun continues to reveal not only what’s been hidden in the darkness, but also where people really stand in the light regarding their beliefs, values, and the deeds that come of them. Most of the issues we’re debating or actually fighting about aren’t about one side or the other – there’s a lot of in-between, contradiction, and hypocrisy being revealed that needs to be resolved, and there’s plenty of common ground to be discovered. Whether the whole of humanity is moving forward or backward depends on how willing we are – individually and collectively – to heal ourselves. We must be willing to face our demons, heal our shame, guilt, blame, and avoidance of responsibility and accountability for our choices, behaviors, and actions that harmed others and therefore, harmed ourselves.

But as much as some of us may say we’re ready, are we really ready to face what hides in our darkness so we can emerge in our light, or would we rather keep running away from our darkness in fear of our truths and the possibility that we ourselves are the “bad guy” we’ve accused everyone around us of being? You don’t have to choose a side – you just have to choose yourself.

It’s important that we all recognize – all of the drama we’re creating and living in our lives right now is 1) due to our chronic self-importance and our perpetual self-defense rooted in a belief that we must protect ourselves from intellectual and emotional pain, and 2) due to efforts to divide, compare, compete, and conquer to preserve our self-importance and uphold our self-defense. However, what the drama really does to all of us is that it keeps all of us from recognizing our common bond – our humanity – and stops that common bond from uniting us and effecting actual changes to the status quo. As long as there are forces trying to tell us who is human and who is not, whose stories deserve to be told and whose do not, who has a right to live and who does not, and who has a right to exist and who does not, there can be no healing nor can there be any peace on this planet, in this world, in our nations, in our societies, in our communities, or within ourselves.

This is why the 2022 Aquarius Full Moon has one more opportunity up its sleeve – it encourages each and all of us to think for our individual selves. This could be a challenge for many of us because we’ve been conditioned to believe we must belong to something bigger than ourselves in an institutional context – by family, town, region, political party, nation, country, religion, race, gender, etc. That “belonging” encourages us to label ourselves, to compete against others who have different social labels, to fight to achieve supremacy or to remain supreme in competition with others; to align with and include those who are like us and to exclude or eliminate those who are different, and to be “loyal” to those who have been in our lives for a certain length of time. It’s all a scheme to keep us from remembering that all of us are already interconnected – we are already One through our humanity, as part of human kind.

Even within the context of humanity-at-large, we each have a very unique and individual contributions to make to the greater whole of human kind. Each one of us has a role for the collective whole, even if it doesn’t seem that way, and the best way to make that contribution is to express our unique and individual selves authentically, honestly, earnestly, and fully! We must each allow ourselves to be seen, heard, and known, even if it’s only to one other person…

…and in order to express ourselves as individuals, we must recondition ourselves to think individually. Contrary to popular belief, when we can think, act, and feel as individuals, that is when we are reconnected with our true role in the world. Our individuality reconnects us with the rest of humanity. By stepping out of our echo chambers, out of our group think; we open our closed minds and begin to recognize each other as uniquely beautiful individuals (again).

The irony? We can only find our common bonds if we step away from the conditioning that makes us believe we belong to one thing and fear the possibility that we could belong to something else. And stepping away from that conditioning is a personal choice that only you can make for yourself. To make your choice truly your own, you must think and feel for yourself in this moment the 2022 Aquarius Full Moon presents – this is a time for each of us to step into our radical individuality. This is not a time for hero worship or trying to fit in with others. This is about you honoring your personal, individual truth first and foremost. And despite the involvement of the air element through Aquarius, this is something you won’t be able to think to a choice – it’s something you’ll need to feel your way into and through in order to find your way to what is true for your unique, individual self – to ultimately find your alignment with the past or the future.

The 2022 Aquarius Full Moon wants us to get in touch with our emotions around this topic of our individual and collective humanity. It’s asking us: What defines our social norms? What defines our societal truths? What defines Truth? What defines YOU? It’s forcing us to feel how we think and feel about ourselves and who and how we’re being in this world. That extends to how we feel about the people we associate and affiliate ourselves with professionally and/or socially, as well as the company we keep in our closer more personal connections, including family.

The power of this 2022 Aquarius Full Moon isn’t in its dramatization – the drama only acts as a catalyst for change.

The power of this Full Moon is actually in its ability to get us back in tune with our unique individual selves. It is a reminder that there’s only one of each of us in this world, and our radical individuality is needed now more than ever.

The astrological transits for this 2022 Aquarius Full Moon will shed more light on exactly how and why all of this is happening the way it’s happening now.

NATAL GRAND CROSS: Aquarius Moon square Taurus North Node conjunct Uranus square Leo 5 Sun square Scorpio South Node (17-19°) – This is a fixed energy grand cross, yet don’t mistake this for the status quo staying in place. What begins and/or happens as result of this configuration is anything but things staying the same! Aquarius is emotionally invested in awakening humanity to its need to evolve. It may not seem that way with Saturn in the mix, but that’s just the old institutions pushing back on the inevitable changes. Despite efforts to hold back change, there’s a shift in our collective values and priorities which is indicating that the past is no longer the future. Yet each of us will ultimately still have to choose which one we are aligning with now – the past or the future.

BOWL: Aquarius Moon sextile Aries Chiron Retrograde sextile Gemini Pallas Athena sextile Leo 5 Sun (16-19°) – The Moon’s reflection of the Sun’s light only adds to the amount of light drawing our attention to our unhealed self-identity wounds and the thought and communication patterns we’ve formed around them. This is an opportunity to heal these wounds and overcome the pain of our past so we can truly move forward into the future without burden and with clear conscience. It’s only those who are running away from the past who tend to repeat it. The ones courageous enough to face it and work through it are the ones who not only heal themselves – they also stop projecting their hurt onto others. The pattern/cycle of wounding ends, and a healthy new way of living and collaborating begins.

SEQUENCE: (Aquarius Saturn Retrograde conjunct White Moon Selena) semi-sextile Pisces Neptune Retrograde semi-sextile Aries Eris Retrograde semi-sextile Taurus Mars (22-25°) – Efforts to hold humanity back form its evolution are not finding much success right now. If anything, the advocates of the status-quo are slowing progress down just enough to allow those who want to evolve to gain their footing and focus. This leads to a reassessment and possibly a regrouping behind a clarified vision after realizing the prior objectives may have been too pie-in-the-sky. This leads to recognizing who may have been left out of earlier efforts, and more people finding their place in moving things forward, which leads to more effective action steps toward individual and collective human evolution. In other words, more people are seeing the divide between those longing to take things back to the past and those eager to move things into an uncertain yet brighter future.

Capricorn Pluto Retrograde trine Taurus Mars (25-26°) – This one brings some combustible energy! Mars is action and Pluto is transformation, and with both in earth element signs, this indicates that some thing(s) are going to notably shift in ways that will affect us on a physical, material, and/or financial level. These shifts are going to be real. If they don’t actually occur during this Full Moon phase, look for the steps being taken now that are leading the way for these major shifts to occur.

Taurus Mars sextile Cancer Black Moon Lilith (25-26°) – Value-driven actions complement emotion-driven ego responses. This could be good if the actions are done with caring and loving intent. However, if the ego is feeling shame, guilt, or any other challenging emotion, the actions could be rooted in those energies… which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Whatever the motive may be, actions taken now can potentially open the door to healing the source of those challenging emotions.

Capricorn Pluto Retrograde opposite Cancer Black Moon Lilith (26°) – The objective with any opposition transit is to find balance between the two components. However, to find balance between these two, we must move past the inclination to deal in extremes. Pluto’s inclination – even in retrograde – is to destroy what it can’t control; and Black Moon Lilith’s inclination is to dive into guilt, shame, and blame in order to deal with challenging situations. There’s a desire to destroy everything in order to save face, when what would really balance these energies is to confront the source of the painful emotions to relieve that pressure and experience healthy transformation.

The energy of this 2022 Aquarius Full Moon will be felt from Monday 8th August through Sunday 10th March 2022. Set an intention to feel your way into a personal practice of radical individuality during these seven days, and you may discover that you really are courageous enough to be your own North Star in the midst of this world’s transition from its past into its future. You already have the confidence to think and choose for yourself, and even though it may seem daunting at first, once you take the step forward, you’ll never look back.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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