The 2022 Virgo New Moon reaches its maximum phase at 1:17a PDT on Saturday 27th August 2022 (4.06°). This New Moon encourages us to begin things which improve our functionality not only in our day-to-day, but also in our lives as a whole. This is a time to consider how our lives are working for and serving us more than how we are working or serving others in our lives, and it may find us changing the ways we go about seeing and living our lives.

The reason the focus is on us is because every single one of the outer planetary influences – Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are all in retrograde motion right now! This means that the events occurring in our lives and around the world around us are giving us feedback, letting us know how the choices we have made both personally and as part of the collective whole of humanity are impacting us and the world now. The feedback we receive gives us an opportunity to reassess the purpose of some if not all of the things we choose to apply our energy and effort to in our everyday lives.

Why are we doing what we’re doing?
What’s our true motive behind our actions or behaviors?
Why do we continue to do it when it doesn’t serve us well?
Why do we continue to engage or tolerate it when it’s harmful, hurtful, abusive, or otherwise detrimental to our well-being and our quality of life?

These questions may seem a bit esoteric, but they serve a very practical purpose. Our answers to them may lead to changes in our personal values and behaviors which make an impact larger and more profound than we might realize in this moment.

Virgo is mutable earth energy. Think mud. This can be an energy that slows us down and allows us to take more time to think things through, make more thoughtful choices, and take more thoughtful actions. It can also be an energy which makes us feel stuck in our thoughts or hold us back, waiting for the “perfect” time or the “perfect” conditions to take action.

The traditional ruler of Virgo is Mercury, which brings the exchanging of ideas and information to the fore. In the case of this 2022 Virgo New Moon, you’ll likely find yourself discussing and clarifying your plans and what’s truly aligned with those plans. It may also have you discussing what is and isn’t working for you in your life, and what needs to be changed or phased out. Some of these changes will be quick and easy, but others won’t be ones you can do on the fly. They’ll require clear intention, focused attention, patience, and thoughtful action to alter or adjust your course.

However, the modern ruler of Virgo is Chiron, and with its focus on healing, this 2022 Virgo New Moon is a powerful time to make changes in your life which support the healing of old emotionally-painful self-identity wounds. Many people are feeling the pain of past wounds right now, but these wounds aren’t being opened at this time for the sake of rehashing the past – they’re being opened for you to properly and thoroughly clean them, (ad)dress them, and heal them once and for all.

Combining the intentions of the two rulers, the 2022 Virgo New Moon is a time to plan and take actions with the intention of healing and releasing the past so you can move forward into your future, both your own future and the future of humanity. The information we allow ourselves to receive now gives us an opportunity to make positive and healing changes so we can realign with our true sense of purpose. Then, we can realign our energies and efforts with said purpose in our personal lives, and eventually, in our collective experience. This reassessment and realignment with our sense of purpose helps big changes happen more smoothly and easily than they might otherwise.

We’ll get more help from the numeric energies in play at this time. Numerologically, the 2022 Virgo New Moon is occurring on a 5 Universal Day in a 5 Universal Month worldwide! This is whole lot of energy that brings change through unexpected or otherwise surprising events. If you’re choosing to make some changes in your life, today’s the day to start them. For those of you not consciously choosing to make changes in your life, you may find yourself forced to experience change due to circumstances beyond your control. This is especially the case in regard to matters of health, wellness, functionality, and practicality as this is all happening under the influence of a 6 Universal Year, encouraging us to make changes which better align us with our overall well-being in all areas of our lives.

My nickname for the energy of Virgo 5 is “The Juggler.” It implies that someone is juggling a number of projects or relationships, trying to keep them all in balance. All of us seem to have a lot going on in and around our lives, and our energies are being spread very thin. It’s becoming more difficult to keep our lives in balance. That is why this 2022 Virgo New Moon is asking us to re-prioritize and re-organize the items we’re juggling as it may be time to let one or more of them go.

For even deeper insights, here are the astrological transits within 3° orb at the time of the 2022 Virgo New Moon’s maximum phase.

(Virgo 5 Sun conjunct Moon) square Gemini Mars (4°) – Thoughtful actions… but your choices to take action may not be as easy to come by as you might believe. In some cases, actions will be based on the information you have, which may be one-sided or otherwise incomplete. However, there’s also a possibility of too much thought going into your actions as Virgo energy likes to plan, and you may find yourself so caught up in making plan A, plan, B, plan C. etc. that the action you take is over-planned, if you even take action at all! You may be too caught up in your head second-guessing or trying too hard to make conditions just perfect when really, you only need to do whatever feels most right for you. The reality is that you’ll get everything you need to learn from whatever choice you make.

(Virgo 5 Sun conjunct Moon) semi-sextile Libra Mercury (1-4°) – You have so much going on in the midst of so many changes, it may be interesting for you to take a few moments to exchange ideas and insights with other individuals. The more you talk and learn from others, the more plans you thought were solid may change. This may be a time when two minds, two sets of eyes, and two sets of ears are better than one.

T-SQUARE: Aquarius Saturn Retrograde square (Taurus North Node conjunct Uranus Retrograde) square Leo Venus (15-20°) – It seems many people and groups are being held back by self-imposed limitations – that their own rules and laws intended to limit others are now coming back to limit themselves. The hypocrisy is surfacing, and it’s challenging the rule-makers to either enforce their rules upon themselves or change the rules to avoid accountability and responsibility for their actions. Meanwhile, there are growing calls to make changes which bring balance and fairness to all parties involved, and these calls are growing louder by the moment. The choices made now will have future implications, setting the tone for what will be considered moral and ethical in the future.

NODAL T-SQUARE: Leo Ceres square Taurus North Node opposite Scorpio South Node (15°) – Values come to the fore again through this configuration, as matters concerning the unique and personal expression of individual/personal values come to light. On one hand, there’s a sense that certain behaviors or expressions are unacceptable and must not be allowed. Yet on the other hand, it’s possible to see how those behaviors or expressions may be justified. The question is… who gets to be the exception in how they behave and express themselves, and who gets to be held to the societal rules?

SEQUENCE: Pisces Juno semi-sextile Aries Chiron Retrograde semi-sextile (Taurus North Node conjunct Uranus Retrograde) (15-18°) – The commitment to a dream or vision leads to recognition of one’s own pain in shaping that vision which leads to personal evolution and a shift in one’s personal values away from the past and into the present and future… which could also lead to a shift in our collective values as more individuals choose healing the present and moving into a new future over reliving the pain of their past.

SEQUENCE: Capricorn Pluto Retrograde semi-sextile (Aquarius White Moon Selena conjunct Vesta) semi-sextile Pisces Neptune semi-sextile Aries Eris Retrograde (24-28°) – The transformation of our societal institutions is accelerating, and the impact is being felt strongly. We’re being encouraged to focus on the Highest good of all involved and the effects on all of humanity and the planet, not just our individual selves. So, we must ask ourselves – is our vision for the future is rooted in the well-being of everyone and everything, or only in our individual self-preservation?

Gemini Pallas Athena square Pisces Juno Retrograde (24-25°) – The more you discuss your ideas with others, the more you may learn how many different ways you can go about realizing a vision. The challenge in having so many options is tuning into which option is yours. Don’t let your mind talk you out of your inner knowing and its connection with Oneness. Notice the synchronicities around you as affirmation of your inner truth.

Aries Chiron Retrograde square Cancer Black Moon Lilith (13-15) – Your self-identity wounds are being opened and agitated, but the challenge for you is recognizing this pain as an opportunity to learn what type of emotional support you need right now to heal those wounds.

Leo Ceres trine Aries Chiron Retrograde (15°) –Upset can be a wonderful clarifier regarding one’s personal values and motives, and you may find yourself eager to express yourself in response to those who are agitating your self-identity wounds. The pain from these wounds may actually serve to empower you.

Leo Ceres quincunx Pisces Juno Retrograde (15-17°) – The values being displayed are in no way aligned with the visions being shared, bringing an ultimatum. Do you choose to let go of your vision to embrace your values, or do you give up your values to embrace your vision? This implies that either your vision is unrealistic or out of alignment with your personal values yet you’re going along with it for the sake of fitting in, or your values are not really your own but rather what you claim in order to align with those around you.

Leo Venus quincunx Pisces Juno Retrograde (17-19°) – The higher the pedestal, the greater the fall. This happens as more people realize their partners may not be as noble and righteous as they believed. Yet some people won’t be able to let go of their vision, no matter how much the curtain is being pulled back to expose the ugly reality. It’s important to take note of those who can’t let go of the lie no matter how much truth is being revealed, and to remember that relationships between two individuals living in two different realities won’t be able to endure.

The energy of this 2022 Virgo New Moon will be felt from Wednesday 24th August through Tuesday 30th August 2022. Yes, change is the main theme, but don’t let it overwhelm you. These changes could be something as simple and practical as cleaning or reorganizing a part of your personal space, or as large as choosing to pursue a different career path or move to a new residence.

What and how much changes in your life is up to you, but it’s most important that whatever you change brings you more in alignment if not into full alignment with your individual sense of purpose and well-being.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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