The 2022 Pisces Full Moon reaches its maximum phase at 2:59a PDT on Saturday 10th September 2022 (17.68°). This Full Moon phase will prove to be a more impactful week than many of us may expect as more of us are finding ourselves feeling weighed down by the realities of day-to-day of our lives. This is especially the case as things outside our control continue to change, causing us to adjust our everyday lives to those changes. Some of these changes have been or are predictable, but most of them are not and will come unexpectedly. As result, many of us are feeling the wear-and-tear on our psyches in ways most of us never have before.

This is why this 2022 Pisces Full Moon is so powerful, and in some ways, necessary right now. Through Pisces’ mutable water energy and innate sense of expansion, it affirms our ability to feel our intuitions, emotions, and our energetic connections to everyone and everything around us. This Pisces Full Moon carries a message of Oneness in that even if we may feel alone in our individual circumstances and conditions, we are not alone as others are going through their version of a very similar feeling. It also reminds us that each of us is only one drop of water, yet when we come together with many other drops, we can become a force of nature bringing forth a sea of change.

This Full Moon can give each and all of us a sense of greater purpose and interconnection to the mundane and practical activities of our everyday lives. Through its energy, we have opportunities to see the ripple effect of our daily responsibilities and our seemingly simple choices – the effect they have on other individuals and the world around us. If you’ve felt lost or wondered if what you do is making any sort of difference in the world at all, this 2022 Pisces Full Moon may reveal to you how we are all interconnected not only as the sea of collective humanity, but that who you are, what you do, and how you do it really does make a contribution to this world.

Pisces works on a large scale. It really does encompass the collective whole, the Oneness, All-That-Is. Its energy is what enables us to adjust and adapt to what is happening around us as well as what is happening within us. Pisces is the sign opposite Virgo in the Zodiac, so it balances Virgo’s mutable earth energy. In the case of the 2022 Pisces Full Moon, Pisces is like the tide coming in, adding more water to Virgo’s already softened earth – it adds flow to the substance, allowing us to be less rigid and more flexible and fluid. Pisces allows Virgo to loosen the reins on its carefully-drafted plans, letting it to go with the flow of what’s happening.

However, we must remember that the Moon reflects the Sun’s light, and right now, with the Virgo Sun traveling with the energy of the numerological 6 Universal Month in a 6 Universal Year, the Sun’s light is shining on everything that needs to be fixed, solved, repaired, or healed in our lives, in our communities, in our societies, and in the world. This is what may have many of us feeling so stressed or exhausted – there is so much to do! It may feel overwhelming – simply too much to handle.

For this reason, the 2022 Pisces Full Moon will be quite a handful for many of us as we may be forced to see and feel the state of the world as it is, not as we want to see it through the filter of our ideals and fantasies. We may be unable to avoid seeing and feeling the imbalances, injustices, ignorance, neglect, and/or cruelty of the world we have created… which may be a good thing.

That’s because those challenges we tend to avoid will get us thinking… and that thinking will create new, pragmatic ideas which can actually inspire us to do substantial work to solve our problems and heal long-standing wounds in our identities as individuals, community members, and world citizens. The 2022 Pisces New Moon reaches its max phase on a numerological 7 Universal Day. Seven represents logic, intellect, reflection, analysis, and inspired ideas. As we mentioned before with the 6 Universal Month and Universal Year energies, this is a day for coming up with new approaches to perpetual problems and challenges. This is a Full Moon phase for making real changes and finally starting to heal our collective pain in practical, purposeful ways.

The healing component is crucial. Healing is a choice, and we must choose it for ourselves if we are ever to overcome being victims to our circumstances or to others’ choices and deeds. Pisces can nurture quite a victim complex, so it’s important that instead of focusing on how things didn’t work out the way we wanted them to, we can focus on how we turn our losses into wins; how we turn our ignorance into knowledge, understanding, and wisdom; how we turn our dreams into realities.

We’ll also want to keep in mind that we have TEN planets and bodies in retrograde motion right now – Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Juno, Vesta, and Eris. Therefore, there’s a huge amount of feedback and information available to us if we allow ourselves to listen and look at what is being communicated through our surroundings. Much of it may be coming to us for the second or third time, so it would be wise to pay attention and act upon that information if you notice it’s coming around again.

The astrological transits in play at the time of the 2022 Pisces Full Moon will also provide additional insights into the healing journey we could be embarking upon now. Here they are:

Virgo 6 Sun conjunct Pisces Moon – Getting emotional about the practical; helps give feeling and compassion to the mundane and practical; gives a sense of greater purpose to our everyday life activities and responsibilities

  • Sun quincunx and Moon semi-sextile Aries Chiron Retrograde (15-17°) – This pair of transits reveals how day-to-day pragmatism can wear down our spirit, yet emotional connection can build us up
  • Sun trine Taurus Uranus Retrograde and Moon sextile Taurus Uranus Retrograde (17-18°) – This pair of transits awakens people to the power of their work, not just on an individual level, but as part of a collective whole; an awareness which provides somewhat surprising emotional support for continuing and evolving the work

SEQUENCE: Capricorn Pluto Retrograde semi-sextile Aquarius Vesta Retrograde semi-sextile Pisces Neptune Retrograde semi-sextile Aries Eris Retrograde (24-26°) – The transformation of our societal institutions continues, leading to revelations that what people are really dedicated to are illusions presented to them or delusions of their own making, leading to a sense of betrayal (or the recognition of how others feel betrayed), and a desire to right the real and perceived wrongs.

SEQUENCE: (Pisces Juno Retrograde conjunct Moon) semi-sextile Aries Chiron Retrograde semi-sextile Taurus North Node (14-15°) – A commitment to the greater and Highest good of all is being called for from within us and around us, and this leads to another, stronger call for the healing of self-identity wounds and the restoration of individual and independent self-identity. These calls lead to a shift in the way we perceive our individual and collective resources, values, morals, and how we value each other as human beings now and moving forward.

Leo Ceres Retrograde opposite Aquarius Saturn Retrograde (20-21°) – Where and how are we stuck? Which values must we change and/or traditions must we release in order for us to become unstuck?

Aquarius White Moon Selene trine Cancer Pallas Athena (29-1°) – The Highest good of all is empowered when we recognize our emotional patterns, acknowledge which ones are holding us back, and allow ourselves to release them.

Leo Black Moon Lilith trine Aries Jupiter Retrograde (5°) – By stepping into your fullest self-expression, you allow yourself to grow outside your perceived box and into increased awareness and ownership of your unique and individual capabilities.

Virgo Venus quincunx Aries Jupiter Retrograde (5-6°) – If you’re too attached to your plans, you won’t be able to learn and/or grow through the experience(s) available to you now. Allow other individuals to help you detach from your routine so you can grow beyond it into greater opportunities.

Libra Mercury Retrograde opposite Aries Jupiter Retrograde (5-8°) – One aspect of communication that is often overlooked is listening. This transit is a call to listen to what the other person is saying, and to ask questions if you don’t understand. By listening to each other, this opens both of you up to grow and expand intellectually and experientially.

Libra Mercury Retrograde trine Gemini Mars (8-11°) – Brainstorming with a partner may prove very illuminating and informative. Two brains could be better than one.

Pisces Juno Retrograde square Gemini Mars (11-14°) – A commitment to a magical ideal may challenge intellect-driven action. What seems logical may be not be chosen or pursued, which may cause great frustration in both those you want to take logical action and those who want to act on the

Leo Ceres quincunx Pisces Neptune Retrograde (21-24°) – Valuing your unique self-expression will not align with the beliefs about selfless service others may be imposing upon you. Can you reconcile the ego and transcendence of the ego, or will others try to force you to choose between valuing yourself and serving others’ ideals?

The 2022 Pisces Full Moon will be felt from Wednesday 7th September through Tuesday 13th September 2022. The seas ahead may be rough, but they can lead us to safe harbor if we trust the guidance we’re being given from within ourselves and through the feedback we receive.

We are the sea change we want to see in the world.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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