The 2022 Libra New Moon reaches its maximum phase at 2:54p PDT on Sunday, 25th September 2022 (2.81°). Though this is the first New Moon phase of the Autumn season in the Earth’s Northern Hemisphere – a season known for harvesting what has grown into maturity since the spring, and shedding what has served its purpose and preparation for the winter ahead – the Autumnal Equinox and the New Moon are overlapping for 72 hours, bringing a powerful energy of new beginnings and fresh starts in the wake of significant endings and completions.

(NOTE: For all of you in the Southern Hemisphere, this is the first New Moon of the Spring season, and it really is new beginnings as things are taking seed, being birthed into life, and emerging from the shadows. This may be a time of great awakening and increased self-awareness of your individual and collective place in the world.)

Libra is a cardinal air sign, known for being the initiator and preserver of balance, beauty, and peace in one-on-one relationships of all kinds. This includes marriages, romantic partnerships, friendships, acquaintances, business partnerships, and even casual person-to-person interactions. Its goal is to establish or maintain a state of balance, beauty, and peace between both or all parties involved.

A master of diplomacy, Libra is often able to find and secure compromise between two extremes while also standing for equity or equality, fairness, and justice for all parties involved in the matters-at-hand. By applying its inherent elegance through its communications and its material-physical presentations, Libra can be an excellent energy under which to facilitate negotiations, agreements, truces, and resolutions. However, in today’s world, finding that balance and peace then maintaining it is often easier said than done.

The sign of Libra is also well-known for its preference for aesthetic beauty and peace, often making it perfectly okay with the appearance of situations or conditions being calm and collected, even if that’s not the case below the surface. This approach can lead to a lot of façade-building, pretentiousness, and possibly even blatant denial and/or deception in order to hide any discord that actually exists beneath the surface.

When we find ourselves trying to avoid or hide the chaos and discord within ourselves, our relationships, and the world around us, we must recognize that we’re operating from inauthenticity in some way. Some of us are able to face those points of discord and are willing to take some sort of action to resolve them for ourselves and/or others. Yet some of us are unable to handle discord in our lives or surroundings, and denying conflict or challenges can become a coping mechanism… until the conflict(s) can no longer be hidden or denied. Only when they come to light does the Libra influence encourage us to take some form of action – usually extreme action – in order to either bring the situation or relationship back into balance, or to end it altogether. The problem is that once that extreme action is taken, it often cannot be untaken. The choice has been made, the deed has been done, and the impact cannot be denied.

Though Libra is about relationships of all kinds, how we choose to relate to others is often a matter of how we feel about ourselves, and that is what this 2022 Libra New Moon calls upon us to recognize. Those of us currently in, originally from, or strongly influenced by the Southern Hemisphere are likely to experience this energy as the emergence of our true selves – knowing our value as humans and as contributors to our relationships with others, finally breaking through the shadows of the past and into the light of day to make our presence known in positive and self-empowering ways. However, for those of us currently in, originally from, or strongly influenced by regions in the Northern Hemisphere, we’re likely to experience this energy as a call to excavate our true selves as many of us are likely feeling as if we have to dig ourselves out from layers and layers of miseducation, misperception, and misinformation, which is some cases were self-inflicted. This excavation can only come through a willingness to have open conversations with an open mind and an open heart. It also needs to come with a willingness to face things that aren’t so pretty about ourselves.

This is the challenge for those with strongly influenced or affected by this 2022 Libra New Moon’s energy. You may find that you refer to conflict or discord as “drama” you don’t want to or shouldn’t have to deal with. You may blame others for bringing disruption to your life when you yourself may be the cause of the conflicts within and around you because you’ve been avoiding them because you don’t want to address the roots of them; or maybe even because the lack of harmony may be the result of your own efforts to play “neutral” or as result of your choice to remain undecided in a matter that needs a clear decision on your part. Insisting that others are to blame for bringing discord into your lives can be an obstruction to creating peace in your life, and it can be very difficult for some of us to admit we are the creators of the chaos in our lives. With the 2022 Libra New Moon, our emotions are running high, and feelings of frustration with and panic about having to face harshly discordant conditions (and our contributions to them) are rising.

This 2022 Libra New Moon in happening on a 22 Universal Day in what are considered the world’s “western” regions. Twenty-two is a number of community and collaboration – the ultimate networking experience. Communities and collaborations thrive on the quality of the connections within them, and those connections will be put to the test during this New Moon phase as it will become clear to both parties involved which relationships are balanced and which ones are not. In the face of imbalance, there is a possibility of those operating in fear or insecurity to “circle the wagons” in attempts to gain clarity about who can really be counted on as a partner or ally in matters of conflict.

For what are considered the “eastern” regions of the world, this 2022 Libra New Moon is occurring on a 5 Universal Day of change. Though major changes are occurring, there’s a likelihood that those of us in the eastern regions are better prepared for these changes or will more easily adopt to the new or different conditions that emerge from them.

The entire world is under the influence of a 6 Universal Month and a 6 Universal Year of healing, health, wellness, functionality, and pragmatic yet nurturing energy. Everything happening right now is happening in order to show us where and how much dysfunction and toxicity exists in our current circumstances. This, of course, creates frustration for those of us trying to keep up the appearance that “everything if fine” and there’s no need to address any of these matters.

Yet current events and circumstances not only reveal our dysfunctions – they also reveal our wounds from the past and to expose the root causes of them. There is a sense that if we earnestly choose to heal ourselves now, our choices can begin a ripple effect that could very well begin healing the challenges we face in our relationships, our communities, our nations, and throughout humanity and the world. This 2022 Libra New Moon really presents us with an opportunity to deal with and heal our relationships with ourselves first, and then with each other.

But we have to choose to face ourselves. We have to choose to heal. We have to choose to bring balance into our lives.

By making these choices, not only will we feel like we have some power in the matters of our lives, we also may begin to recognize the beauty that is already present in our lives more easily. We may take it for granted as we’re often trying to use it to shield us from the uglier parts of our lives and our worlds. Yet when we’re dealing with what’s not so pretty about ourselves and our lives, we come to appreciate what does have beauty that much more. This is the gift of this 2022 Libra New Moon – that by having the courage to face the ugly parts of our relationships with ourselves and others, we are better able to find peace and maybe even joy in the beauty of ourselves and others.

That said, here are the astrological transits within 3° orb at the time of the 2022 Libra New Moon’s max phase. These should give additional insights as to how we might go about bringing the balance, beauty, and peace into our lives during these few days.

(Libra Sun conjunct Moon) opposite Aries Jupiter Retrograde (2-3°) – There’s a call to action that is growing louder and louder, disturbing the peace each of us is trying to maintain to get through our current conditions and circumstances. Eventually, we’ll realize we can no longer avoid taking action – the external pressure will be too strong, and we’ll need to do something for our individual selves.

SEQUENCE: Aquarius Vesta Retrograde semi-sextile Pisces Neptune Retrograde semi-sextile Aries Eris Retrograde (23-24°) – As you recognize others’ dedication to their causes and communities, you begin to better understand the beliefs and perceptions behind their ideology, which leads to a better understanding of their desire to “right the ship” or correct the course of matters in alignment with their ideals. It doesn’t necessarily mean you have to agree with their ideologies, but once you understand where they’re coming from, you can figure out ways to communicate with them and possibly find common ground or negotiate compromise with them.

Virgo Mercury Retrograde conjunct Venus (25-27°) – It’s in the best interests of partners to truly listen to each other at this time. Any disagreement or discord can be worked out if you allow each other to talk and be heard. This may even be a second chance to talk out whatever is creating imbalance in your relationship. If so, don’t miss it this time.

Cancer Black Moon Lilith conjunct Pallas Athena (7-8°) – It can be difficult to break a pattern when both your ego and your emotions are invested in it. However, it’s better to break the pattern than to continue it, especially when it’s rooted in your past. It may be time to address this insecurity and heal this wound.

Aquarius Saturn Retrograde square Taurus Uranus Retrograde (18-19°) – If humanity seems to be held back in some way, it’s likely because all of our social, societal, and cultural norms are being challenged right now. As our values come into question, more of us – as individuals – are asking ourselves what we really value and stand for. Our personal stances will influence our social choices and connections. This may be a challenging time as either we may move onto new and different connections, or other people may move in new or different directions away from us.

Aquarius Saturn Retrograde trine Gemini Mars (18-19°) – What’s great about our norms being challenged is that is also empowers us to take action to find and learn more about other people’s positions and perspectives. By actively seeking and engaging in exchanges of ideas and information with others, we may find our minds and eyes being opened to new ways of thinking about and seeing the people and conditions around us – ways which make us more conscious of humanity as a whole.

Taurus Uranus Retrograde semi-sextile Gemini Mars (18°) – The fact our communities and lifestyles are changing so quickly only encourages us to ask questions and learn more about these changes so we can better navigate them.

Virgo Venus opposite Pisces Neptune Retrograde (23-25°) – Our one-on-one exchanges with others may bring us back to reality, especially when they share their perspective of what is happening in the world or their vision for what is possible in the world. It may also challenge us to stop talking and take real action in order to bring our dreams and visions inro reality.

The 2022 Libra New Moon phase will be felt Thursday 22nd/Friday 23rd September through Wednesday 28th/Thursday 29th September 2022, with the first three days through the New Moon’s maximum phase overlapping with the Equinox energy. Throughout this week, recognize what is ending in your life and let it go as there are new opportunities and experiences to allow into your life.

As you allow yourself to face the challenges, you also allow yourself to be set free of them. No longer in fear of your painful past, you are able to heal or at least begin healing, finding balance and genuine peace, and seeing the beauty and synchronistic perfection in the experiences that have gotten you to this point here and now – a reward for working out and improving your relationship with yourself.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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