The 2022 Aries Full Moon reaches its maximum phase at 1:55p PDT (16.55°). This will be a Full Moon phase with a lot of energy – energy that may energize some people into action while exhausting others who have difficulty keeping up with its accelerated and intensified pace. At a time in which many of us are being called to seek and find balance and sow seeds of peace in our lives, we may have quite a challenge embarking on that journey under this 2022 Aries Full Moon… but it’ll be a challenge worth going through as tilling the soil for these new versions of ourselves will reconnect us with the deepest yet most brilliant truths about ourselves.

Aries is cardinal fire energy – the ultimate initiator and action star of the Zodiac. It comes out fast and with its feet on fire! Often the first one to take action (and eagerly so), Aries is known to act first and think later (if ever). Action is in every fiber of its being, and when Aries is unable to take action, its energy can build up and become explosive or destructive. Aries doesn’t like being held back or trapped – it wants to act at its own will and on its own terms.

The Aries-Libra opposition forms the “Axis of Identity” with Aries representing self and Libra representing self as seen by another. Libra is cardinal air, so it often fuels Aries’ cardinal fire through one-on-one exchanges of ideas and information. Yet these exchanges can also calm Aries’ action by providing balance through Libra’s intellect. This means that Libra can help Aries think before it acts, which is ideal in the highly-combustible conditions we all find ourselves living through at this time.

However, one of Libra’s most difficult traits is its penchant for indecision. In trying to “keep the peace”, Libra can find itself unwilling or unable to make decisive choices in the situations it’s directly involved in, leaving Aries with no clearly-defined direction or focus for its active energy. Therefore, this 2022 Aries Full Moon may result in a lot of actions being taken impulsively with seemingly no rhyme or reason other than to say something was done. This inclination toward impulsiveness is not helped by the fact that Mars – Aries’ ruling planet – is moving through Gemini at this time. The influence of this Gemini Mars energy is the one to keep an eye on because it’ll only takes one rogue act to break matters out of the talk zone and into the action zone where even more impulsive actions are likely to ensue. These acts are also likely to include elements of duplicity or hypocrisy, making them not only impulsive but explosive.

But there’s more to the story of this 2022 Aries Full Moon than impulsive and incendiary actions.
There are deeper reasons why these impulsive and/or explosive actions are occurring.

During a Full Moon phase, the Moon reflects the light of the Sun. So, in this specific case of the 2022 Aries Full Moon, as the Aries Moon conjunct Chiron (the wounded healer) are in opposition to the Libra Sun and Venus (the partner archetype and ruling planet of Libra) to form this 2022 Aries Full Moon, we may experience some very uncomfortable truths about ourselves being revealed through our one-on-one relationships with others. The discomfort comes as result of our deepest self-identity wounds being revealed, exposed, and/or reopened in order for us to face them, feel them, and heal them.

Those of us who are too deeply invested in our self-identities as defined by our past conditioning may not recognize the opportunities for healing this 2022 Aries Full Moon is making available to us now. These open self-identity wounds and the uncomfortable truths behind them may generate deeply emotional reactions within us that are likely to influence our choices and actions at this time. This is where many of the impulsive actions will originate – from the desperation we may feel to keep our wounds hidden, to keep our truths in shadow, to keep the reality of ourselves from being seen. We may think these wounds are being brought to light to hurt us because they bring us so much emotional pain, but these truths are actually coming forward now in order to heal us. If we can come to a point of acceptance and admission of what is being revealed about us now, we might be able to recognize how these revelations are actually showing us our way to inner (and outer) peace.

An important detail to note in how these 2022 Aries Full Moon energies play out is that the retrograde party we’ve been in for the last few months is finally easing up! In fact, we’ve gone from a whopping nine celestial bodies in retrograde motion to six after Mercury, Vesta, and Pluto have all returned to direct motion this week prior to the Full Moon’s maximum phase. This means that there’s less feedback coming in for us to learn and grow from, but the feedback that’s still coming from the remaining six retrograde bodies is helping us see where we are being called into expansion and evolution yet simultaneously being held back by authority in the name of tradition or the status-quo, inhibited by values that are comfortable and familiar to us, disillusioned by harsh realities, and motivated by calls for the “righting of wrongs” committed long ago.

Some of us may even resort to projecting our self-identity wounds onto others, accusing them of having our own insecurities and fears – whether they actually have them or not; and accusing them of taking actions that we ourselves engage in – whether they are actually committing those acts or not. This allows us to project our guilt, shame, self-judgment and self-criticism onto them. This way, we either 1) accuse them so they cannot accuse us of the “bad and wrong” we “already know” about ourselves, or 2) avoid taking responsibility for and ownership of our own beliefs and actions. We may think we’re hiding our weaknesses or avoiding accountability for what we say and do, but this never ends up working because, eventually, our actions will betray our words.

The key to enabling our evolution and expansion – despite what is working to hold us back – is to take actions which help us heal our individual selves, but these actions are only effective when we’ve come to an intellectual acceptance of who we’ve chosen to be and how we’ve chosen to act in the world up to now. We must address our personal self-identity wounds, and we must address our relationships with ourselves as they indirectly affect our relationships with others. It’s time for us to allow ourselves to feel the pain of these wounds that we’ve feared feeling for so long. It really is the only way to start the healing process in earnest and get to a point where we can begin sowing seeds for a truly new and healthy experience of ourselves and our lives to emerge.

Numerologically, this 2022 Aries Full Moon occurs on a 7 Universal Day in the western global regions, and an 8 Universal Day in the eastern global regions. All of us are under the influence of a 7 Universal Month energy encouraging us to take our time and think things through in making choices and taking actions; and we’re all still in a 6 Universal Year focused on healing our individual and collective wounds of the past in order to restore functionality and wellness in our lives, in our communities, and in the world.

These numeric energies reveal that most eastern global peoples will be assessing and in some cases, accessing and exercising their actual global strength during the 2022 Aries Full Moon phase. What power and influence do they have amongst and upon others? Do they know and understand what gives them power and influence in their relationships? Are they building their power and influence by balancing the dynamics in their existing relationships, and are they establishing new relationships with others that are balanced and healthy from the start?

Most western global peoples would benefit from using the energies of this 2022 Aries Full Moon to reflect upon the events that have led to the current moment and to reassess their current positions in the matters-at-hand. If any actions are taken, they need to be carefully thought through with the short-term and long-term future in mind. Whether these thoughts and actions pertain to their individual and private lives, or to their place in larger collaborative efforts will depend on the individual person or collective entity. This Full Moon won’t be about power and influence for those in the west as much as it’ll be about strategy. However, “strategy” may be applicable to the acquisition or maintenance of power, and it’ll be especially important for people and entities in the western regions of the world to base their strategies on the current reality of their positions in their lives or in the world, not on ego-fueled emotions driving efforts to cling to a fading past. Choices need to be about fairness, balance, and peace in the present moment now…

…and they very well could be made with these positive intentions in mind. After all, the Libra Sun and Venus are shining brightly, bringing energies which encourage the qualities of healthy relationship building. But the pain the Aries Moon and Chiron Retrograde are bringing forward could prevent us from utilizing the positive Libra energies to their fullest.

To that point, the 2022 Aries Full Moon is asking us to see our individual selves, see how we are holding ourselves back, and asking us to get into our emotions so we can get out of our own ways to bring balance and peace to ourselves, our relationships, and to our world.

For more insights and for the origins of the energy dynamics previously discussed, here are the astrological transits within 3° orb at the time of the 2022 Aries Full Moon’s maximum phase:

T-SQUARE: (Libra Sun conjunct Venus) square Cancer Pallas Athena square (Aries Moon conjunct Chiron Retrograde) (13-16°) – Partnerships may find balance through emotional self-healing, but they’ll be challenged by old emotional patterns that may be activated by current situations and events. Clinging to the past is likely to do more harm than good. Making conscious choices and developing conscious strategies to assist you in breaking your old emotional patterns will help the healing process. This may result in you breaking up or breaking free of relationships – both one-on-one connections and affiliations with groups – that no longer serve you well. It could also find you forming relationships with new people and groups.

SEQUENCE: Capricorn Pluto semi-sextile Aquarius Vesta semi-sextile Pisces Neptune Retrograde semi-sextile Aries Eris Retrograde (23-26°) – The ongoing transformation of our societal structures leads to an increased dedication to collaborative efforts which may be rooted in some fantastic idealism regarding what the collaborations can actually accomplish. If the ideals are too high, reality could hit hard and the people involved could feel a strong sense of disillusionment and betrayal.

BLESSING TRIANGLE: Aquarius Vesta sextile Aries Eris Retrograde sextile Gemini Mars (22-24°) – That same dedication to collaboration may actually find itself rallying for collective action; but if driven by ego pride and vengeance rather than bringing people together, these actions may prove more incendiary and destructive than focused and productive. This transit is a strong indication that actions will be taken that are believed to be justified. The question is, will those actions be instigated and motivated by open minds who are willing to take responsibility for their role in matters, or closed ones in which only others are to blame?

Aquarius Saturn Retrograde square Taurus Uranus Retrograde (18°) – The evolution of our social and societal values is still challenged if not prevented by people resistant to and fearful of those changes. Much of this resistance is due to their lack of understanding or relatability to the changes occurring as they are intellectually and experientially unable to fathom or accept a world that excludes and/or is void of what they’ve believed would always be or exist in certain ways. This is a moment in which those attached to the past are being confronted with the fact that some things really can no longer exist the way they have before now, and that the future is no longer for them to create or direct.

Pisces White Moon Selene opposite Virgo Ceres (3-4°) – The spiritual is balanced and realized by the practical in the best possible ways under the influence of this transit. This will help most of us remember what our Highest values are as we do what needs to be done through our choices and actions. This will also be revealing of what we and others actually value in our lives, and whether we believe that we serve the world, that the world serves us, or if we serve each other in symbiotic Oneness.

Gemini Mars square Pisces Neptune Retrograde (22-23°) – Actions may not be what you thought or hoped they would be, and/or they may not have the effect or produce the results you expected or hoped for. In fact, what does come from these actions may prove more challenging than you intended, resulting in frustration or despair.

Virgo Mercury trine Capricorn Pluto (26-28°) – It’s time to put plans into motion. Even if you don’t think you’re ready, you may find yourself being called into action simply because your mind will empower you to start moving toward whatever you’re committed to creating or accomplishing. However, as you begin to step into what’s new and next, you may also find yourself needing to acknowledge that some of our societal institutions and structures may no longer be serving you well, if they ever did. This could be a point of transformation for you in how you see or understand work, service, and the concept of “earning a living.”

The energy of the 2022 Aries Full Moon will be felt from Thursday 6th October through Wednesday 12th October 2022. During this time, it’s most important for you to recognize how your emotions may be influencing your beliefs at this time, and how the choices you’re making and actions you’re taking are the result of those beliefs. There’s a chance that your emotions may be bypassing belief and thought altogether, and that could complicate matters significantly for you and others… but as we navigate through these challenging and changing times, this 2022 Aries Full Moon brings you the gifts of others who are showing you the way to your peace. In choosing to see what they are offering, you become able to take your steps forward, and the way they revealed to you becomes your way.

Then, and only then, as you begin the next chapter of your journey, will you be able to reap the harvest of the seeds you are sowing now.

May you allow yourself to make peace with yourself in order to sow seeds of peace under the 2022 Aries Full Moon that will benefit us all in the days, months, and years to come.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next time…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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