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The 2022 Taurus Full Moon reaches its maximum phase at 3:02a PST on Tuesday 8th November 2022 at 16.02°. The energy of this 2022 Taurus Full Moon phase will be felt from Saturday 5th November through 11th November 2022. Taurus is fixed earth energy, meaning this is some seriously determined, and some would say, stubborn energy. Earth signs are often oriented toward physical, material, and tangible experiences. They’re also very aware of how resources are being acquired and used. No sign is more conscious of their resources than Taurus because Taurus is the sign that focuses on our individual lifestyle resources, also known as our personal survival needs.

With the Moon in its full phase in Taurus, you can be certain there’s an awareness of our survival needs now, not only on a personal scale but on a global scale as well. This 2022 version brings a hyperawareness of these matters, awakening us to just how emotionally invested we may be in our ability to survive as individuals and as the whole of humanity.

For the first time in the 21st Century, people throughout the entire world – the global north, south, east and west – are experiencing sincere concerns about our quality of life and our ability to maintain not just our lifestyles but, in some cases, to sustain our fundamental survival. Access to homes or shelter, food, health care, fuel and electricity, and such are becoming harder to come by through availability and affordability. Conditions on the planet are rapidly changing and our ability to manage them is growing more tenuous by the day. During this 2022 Taurus Full Moon, we may find these concerns coming to a fever pitch. For almost everyone, this 2022 Taurus Full Moon brings up worries and fears about our ability to sustain ourselves and our planet.

In a Full Moon phase, the Moon’s earth-facing side is fully reflecting the light of the Sun. Therefore, the Taurus Moon reveals our emotional investment in our physical and material resources needs by reflecting the light of the opposing Scorpio Sun, which shines light upon our deepest emotional and spiritual intimacy needs. Taurus and Scorpio, as opposite Zodiac signs, represent the Axis of Survival, though this could also be considered the Axis of Value under this 2022 Taurus Full Moon because the physical and material don’t have genuine value to us if they don’t also have emotional or spiritual meaning to us. This 2022 Taurus Full Moon shows that we have a great deal of emotional and spiritual investment in the conditions of our lives and livelihoods right now. In fact, we have more investment than usual…

…because this 2022 Taurus Full Moon comes with an extra – a Total Lunar Eclipse, which reaches its maximum totality at 2:59a PST, only three minutes prior to the Full Moon’s maximum phase. In a Total Lunar Eclipse, the Earth moves between the Sun and the Moon, casting its shadow across the full face of the Moon and completely interrupting the Moon’s ability to reflect the Sun’s light. This eclipse is especially symbolic as our preoccupation if not obsession with practical and worldly matters is inhibiting the ability of many of us to dive deeper into our personal emotional and spiritual depths, keeping us “in the dark.” As result, we’re not only challenged in getting in touch with how we really feel about what’s happening around us; we’re also challenged in reacquainting ourselves with what we truly feel, what we truly value, and what we want to transform in ourselves and our lives. Instead of being fully aware of our own emotions and intuitions, and acting upon them, many of us are feeling and acting to relieve or succumb to the heaviness – the weight of our own worries and fears and the weight of the worries and fears of the collective whole as uncertainty about the stability of our physical and material resources and our access to them continues to build. We’re acting upon stress, tension, and fear, not on hope or trust.

Yet despite efforts by some to keep as many people as possible in darkness, uncertainty, and fear, the Light always finds a way to shine, even under the dark cover of the 2022 Taurus Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse. Scorpio’s energy doesn’t fear the darkness – it thrives in it! And the light of the Scorpio Sun is allowed to dig even deeper below the surfaces of matters in a more stealth fashion with the eclipse in effect.

There’s power in silence, secrecy, and mystery; and no energy captures this better than this 2022 Taurus Full Moon + Eclipse phase. The Light of the Scorpio Sun acts like a secret weapon, and when it finally gets its opportunity to shine, it will expose everything there is for us to see on the Taurus side of things. The revelations of our real values and the physical, material, and financial realities that have been hidden from us bring truths so profound, they’re likely to be emotionally and spiritually painful for those who have their self-identities invested in what they come to discover is not, and maybe never was actual, factual truth. It’s only the fact that the Moon is reflecting the light of the Sun – that we’re getting the Sun’s light indirectly – that protects us from being severely burned or permanently blinded by the light that brings so many long-held secrets to the surface as result of this 2022 Scorpio Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse.

The dynamics of this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse are only compounded by the numeric energies of the day. Numerologically, the 2022 Taurus Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse reach their maximums on a 7 Universal Day in an 8 Universal Month in a 6 Universal Year globally. Like the Scorpio New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse two weeks ago, this is a rare situation in which all time zones are experiencing the same numerological energies.

The 7 Universal Day indicates there’s plenty of information to process, and that it would be wise to allow yourself some time to think about where you are, how you got here, what you see and understand now, and your next steps. This assessment may include some intention-setting and planning for the next phase or chapter of your personal journey. The 8 Universal Month indicates a focus on how power is being wielded by you and others, how influence is being used in order to gain control over the matters of one’s life and livelihood, and possibly, to influence and control the lives of others. Yet to what end? That’s where the 6 Universal Year comes in. You have a choice to either use your plans and influence to help others and society heal and function in healthy and productive ways, or to use them to harm and manipulate people and/or society as a way to gain individual power and control.

There are also a few specific astrological details to address.

We still have a good deal of retrograde energy in play. Six bodies – Mars, Jupiter, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, and Eris – are still providing us with feedback and second chances to watch, listen, and learn. This is important as we’re being given insights and information as to how to recognize the duplicity in our thoughts and actions; how to grow beyond our current challenges in positive ways; how to recognize our self-identity wounds and begin healing them; how to recognize what we can individually contribute to a community or collaborative effort; how our ideals reveal the fine lines between visionary, fantastic, and fanatic; and how feelings of offense and/or betrayal can transcend time, still as strong and alive today as they did years, decades, centuries, and in some cases, millennia ago. Our goal is to receive all of this information so we can figure out how to overcome these challenges. Yet some of us would rather continue living with this pain than work through it to find and realize the peace of learning, forgiving, and healing. It’ll be interesting to see what happens for those of us determined to hold onto to the way we’ve always done things, as it will be to see what happens for those of us equally determined to shed the past.

Pluto, now direct in Capricorn, is the ruling body of Scorpio, and therefore, is very potent during this Taurus Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse. Pluto represents transformation… which is also the death of one way of being in order to allow a new way of being to emerge. Capricorn represents our societal institutions and structures and our standards of success and achievement as defined by those entities. Putting these two energies together, you may understand that in direct motion, Pluto is ready to clear out whatever is in the way of humanity’s evolution to new definitions of success and achievement, and what’s in the way are outdated and largely obsolete societal institutions and structures. Get ready for some major structural reset not only in your own life, but globally, as the calls for change have been coming for a long time, and conditions are ripe for actions to be taken.

You’ll probably this Pluto energy in your personal journey as being pushed into changes you’ve long procrastinated or resisted. Maybe you’ll feel like you have a terribly difficult choice to make; or maybe you’ll feel like you don’t have a choice at all. Either way, the death and rebirth you’ve avoided may final be here. Or you may experience Pluto’s energy as being supported in purging the past and breaking free to make the personal transformation you’ve been wanting to make for a long time.

That said, Saturn is also now direct, in the sign of Aquarius. Some see this energy as being oppressive and limiting, but in reality, it is empowering. Aquarius is an energy of collaboration, meaning that individuals must come together, bringing their unique abilities, talents, and skills to the table to contribute to something greater than themselves alone, while Saturn is the traditional father archetype and disciplinarian of the Zodiac. Saturn in Aquarius reminds us that focus and discipline upon common values and objectives is necessary if humanity is going to evolve beyond its current circumstances.

Saturn is the ruling body of Capricorn, and Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, which happens to be retrograde in Taurus currently (and is also experiencing an eclipse today as the Moon and Lunar Eclipse will block Uranus from Earth’s view as well). This combination of energies can be seen as a call for people to stand up for themselves in rebellion against those who may want to hold them back, but it could also be seen as a call for individuals and/or institutions to defend themselves in efforts to uphold their status quo through strict if not authoritarian policies and actions. Whichever end of that energy you’re on, it will require focus on your objective and discipline to stay true to your path.

In your personal life, you’ll likely see this call for focus and discipline in your group, team, and/or community interactions. You’ll either need to be the one who focuses and disciplines yourself to the benefit of the group, or you may need to get others focused, requiring you step into a disciplinarian or more authoritative role.

Regardless of where you are in the big picture of things, this 2022 Taurus Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse bring a moment of choice for each and all of us. We can choose to stand up for ourselves and what we need, or we can sit back and choose to allow others to determine our fate. The most organized, focused, and determined individuals and groups will “win.”

This 2022 Taurus Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse is a moment of truth for many of us. How much do we value certain aspects of our lives? How invested we are in both what we choose to believe and how we choose to act and behave based upon those beliefs? Many of us will need to come to terms with the fact that we may have some contradicting beliefs and values, and we may be called out for those duplicities and hypocrisies under this 2022 Taurus Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse. When called out, it’s an opportunity for us to choose what we really stand for rather than to become argumentative and/or defensive because we fear the truth about ourselves…

… but that also forces us to face the fact that we may be trying to have it both ways – that we’ve been pretending to be good people while we may not really want to be or may actually not be in one or more aspects of our lives. It really is okay if that’s the case… but if there’s one message that comes through this 2022 Taurus Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse, it’s this – own up to your darkness and all that’s hidden in it… because the Light is indeed coming into the darkness to shine and show you for who you really are.

For an even deeper dive into the energies of this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse, here are the astrological transits within 3° orb at the time of the 2022 Taurus Full Moon’s maximum phase:

T-SQUARE: (Scorpio South Node conjunct Mercury conjunct Sun) square Aquarius Saturn square (Taurus North Node conjunct Moon conjunct Uranus Retrograde) (15-18°) – With the Mercury in cazimi with the Sun, the Sun is burning through efforts to keep communications secret or hidden. Information is getting out whether you want it to be out or not. The more information that comes to light, the more people are beginning to realize what they’re dealing with and are taking stock of their lifestyle resources – questions like “Do I have enough” or What else do I need” or “What should I do with ___” are coming up all over, and often in panicked tones. The thing is, you may be looking to the people you consider authorities and leaders to give them reassurances… but they aren’t coming. This is a call for the people – individually and collectively – to focus and discipline and possibly even organize themselves in order to make sure everyone has what they need to feel safe, solid, and secure. Of course, those needs may vary depending on which circumstances or conditions you find yourself in. It will also depend in whether or not you see others as human. People people will be more inclined to seek out community or humanitarian solutions, while others may be inclined to make more private solutions. Others still may look out for number one, and diligently protect what belongs to them.

Virgo Ceres trine (Taurus North Node conjunct Moon conjunct Uranus Retrograde) (13-16°) – This transit indicates that a change of routine may be necessary in order to manage what comes into your life unexpectedly. However, your reactions to unexpected events are likely to be emotion-driven rather than logical or rational. It will be important to pause, take a deep breath, and get grounded and centered. You want to be making practical choices and taking actions that are productive and moving things forward rather than impulsive choices that bring chaos and destroy your progress, setting you back or keeping you stuck. This is the time to change course and move out of your comfort zone in order to create a healthier and happier future for yourself that is better aligned with practical reality.

Virgo Ceres sextile (Scorpio South Node conjunct Uranus Retrograde conjunct Scorpio 8 Sun) (13-16°) – To assist you in changing course, it may help you to dive deep and get to the root of any challenges or problems you’re facing. If you’ve avoided certain aspects of your life or been in denial about where you are at this stage of your journey, this will be the time to come to terms with all of that and to decide what you value most about yourself and your life. Taking time to get clear about your values will help you plan and/or take steps now to begin building a more emotionally and spiritually fulfilling future for yourself.

Scorpio Venus trine Pisces Neptune Retrograde (20-22°) – Your interactions and relationships with other people will get you below the surface and into you’re the depths of your being where you’re most emotionally and spiritually vulnerable. This may bring up some fear in you, but there’s nothing to be afraid of but your True self. Allowing yourself to go deep within and to share those depths with others may allow you to come to terms with and embrace the transformative changes you need to make in your life. You may go below the surface, but you’ll come back to the surface as a whole new you.

Capricorn Pluto sextile Pisces Jupiter Retrograde (26-29°) – There’s a concerted push to powerfully transform the way the world works, and to transform it in ways which encourage collective awareness and Oneness. All structures and institutions that don’t support a push toward Oneness and peace may find themselves gathering less support. People will be inclined to move toward individuals and organizations who are supporting changes which bring about peace and unity rather than division and destruction. Of course, some may see destruction as a means for a new beginning. Be careful that you’re not so attached to an ideal that you aren’t willing to give it up for a better way, even if that way seems drastic or excessive. Bigger isn’t always better, but in the case of clearing the slate, a big decision to make a big disruption to your life (and possibly the lives of others) may be exactly what is needed.

Aries Eris Retrograde sextile Gemini Mars Retrograde (24-25°) – A sense of betrayal or a feeling that you’ve been played may result in vengeful acts. Yet even those who act against you may be duplicitous in their intentions. Watch out for duplicitous communications and actions at this time as people may say one thing but do an entirely different thing.

Aries Eris Retrograde square Cancer Pallas Athena (23-24°) – However, these same acts of vengeance may challenge old emotional patterns, possibly to the point of breaking those old patterns, allowing for new beliefs and behaviors to be taken. These actions may seem out of the ordinary at first… because they will be! Yet as these new actions become your new normal, you may find yourself creating a new experience of yourself and your life. It’ll be challenging stepping into a new self-identity, but you may feel much better about this version of yourself than you did the old one. No regrets.

Cancer Pallas Athena trine Pisces Neptune Retrograde (22-23°) – You may find yourself longing for the past. But did the past you’re longing for ever really exist in the first place, or is it the version of the past you made up for yourself?

Again, the energy of this 2022 Taurus Full Moon phase will be felt from Saturday 5th November through 11th November 2022. This is a very powerful Full Moon and Eclipse window with transformative energy that should not be underestimated in any way. Some notable events will occur, some important choices will be made, and some powerful shifts will be made during, around, and as result of this phase – transformative shifts in our individual and collective life experiences that will be felt for a long time to come.

Whatever you’ve hidden – from yourself and/or others – will be coming to light soon, even in the darkness of the eclipse. Yet that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

Often during a total eclipse, the focus is on the darkness. Yet the darkness is necessary. Without it, there cannot be an awareness of Light. This 2022 Taurus Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse remind us that there is Light, and that even in the deepest of darkness, the Light will come. Whatever you’ve hidden – from yourself and/or others – will come to light. It may be painful in the short-term, but facing it now can bring a reconnection with our personal values, and profound healing and deep inner peace in the long-term – healing and peace that we can intend to become a global condition.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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