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The 2022 Capricorn New Moon reaches its maximum phase at on Friday 23rd December 2022 (1.55°). This is the last New Moon phase of the 2022 calendar year, but in a weird sort of way, 2022 saved the best for last.

Capricorn is cardinal earth energy, which means it’s initiative and can be assertive, but it’s also very much about making tangible progress and achieving tangible results. Caps rarely start anything without the end in mind, and this New Moon energy of new beginnings and fresh starts makes this especially the case. This is why Capricorn’s energy is the perfect energy by which to both end the current calendar year AND begin the new calendar year – Capricorn is goal-oriented by nature, giving many of us inspiration for starting new things or renewing our activity in things we may have pushed aside.

This 2022 Capricorn New Moon occurs within the Solstice window, and this combination gives Capricorn’s energy a more intense energy than usual. This New Moon is almost demanding that we each and all reassess our current circumstances, and realign with our ambitions, intentions, and goals. Yet with our personal and societal values, morals, and ethics continuing to evolve as our societal institutions are undergoing a profound yet necessary revelation and transformation, many of us aren’t sure what we’re striving for anymore. We aren’t sure how to define success or accomplishment. We aren’t sure how to define ourselves within our societies. All of this uncertainty has many of us feeling lost in how to approach this Capricorn New Moon’s call to action.

The answer can be found in a major theme of 2022 that, unfortunately, many people have denied, avoided, or ignored until now – responsibility.

We get to take responsibility for our individual selves and our individual journeys now. We individually get to determine the standards by which we live our individual lives. We get to individually define success and accomplishment for our individual selves.

If you’re feeling stagnant, trapped, uninspired, or worthless in your current life circumstances, it’s likely because you’ve been trying to conform to societal standards of success that don’t accept you for what you bring to the table, that don’t acknowledge your value to the greater whole, that don’t allow you to be who you truly are. Recognize that those standards of “success” are outdated and misguided – they no longer apply to the world in the way the world is changing now.

By letting go of the belief that you must meet others’ standards of success, this 2022 Capricorn New Moon helps you recognize, acknowledge, and embrace your inherent value – the value of your life, the value in honoring your intentions and goals, and the necessity of pursuing what brings you joy and fulfillment. What brings you joy and fulfillment – what you value most – may not be what brings others joy and fulfillment… and that’s okay. In fact, that’s the point!

The whole point of the chaos we’ve been subjected to over these last three years has been to recondition us – to re-teach us how to think and act upon our individual selves. It has been trying to recondition you, trying to re-teach you how to think and act for yourself upon your own individual intellect, wisdom of experience and observation, and intuition. This has been one huge lesson in how to reclaim and heal your self-identity – a lesson you may have resisted, avoided, or ignored… until now, as it has now become almost unavoidable.

Under this 2022 Capricorn New Moon, this reconditioning journey has now come to a very important juncture – an opportunity to choose your individual course from here forward. What are your genuine intentions for yourself and your life? What are your true ambitions? What are your real objectives and goals? By tuning into your own intuitive guidance system, by using it to reset your mental and emotional GPS, and by setting your (new) individual course, you’re on the cusp of starting a new chapter of your personal life journey.

But what if you’re someone who really doesn’t have an individual long-term goal you’re striving for?

Well, this 2022 Capricorn New Moon may challenge you to start asking whose goals you’ve been working toward and for what purpose. In some cases, you may share a common goal or purpose with another person or group of people, and this Solstice New Moon energy could be great to work with in collaboration with others if that’s the case. However, if you don’t share a common bond or sense of purpose with the people you’re spending the most time with – whether it’s on professional and/or personal terms – this New Moon phase and these last days of 2022 are likely to prove to be a frustrating time because you may be starting to recognize that choosing to go along with what others have told you is your place in society or in the world has pulled you out of alignment with your True self.

This 2022 Capricorn New Moon phase is about you claiming or reclaiming ownership of your life journey. It’s about believing in yourself and your ability to realize a sense of fulfillment and joy in who you are being in your life and in the world. The most important part of this claiming is overcoming any further temptation to suppress or surrender your True self, or to abandon your interests or goals in order to either allow others to define who you get to be in the world or to follow the paths of others who you perceive as more successful, accomplished, and/or somehow “better” than you in some way.

To that point, the energies that arise during this 2022 Capricorn New Moon may be calling upon you to focus and discipline yourself in regard to your social and professional associations and affiliations. That’s because in order to achieve the necessary clarity of purpose and direction and to garner the emotional support and encouragement you may need to reclaim your True purpose and ambition, you may need to clear away or step away from anything and anyone that you’ve been allowing to distract you or get in the way of you identifying, pursuing, and achieving your heartfelt goal(s).

This clearing process may also prevent you from trying to hold on to elements of your past that you’ve already worked through, forgiven, and healed. This 2022 Capricorn New Moon reminds you that you’ve completed that work and learned those lessons, and there’s no longer reason to continue reliving those chapters of your life. The time to move on from those conditions is now.

These changes and endings to acknowledge the healing you’ve done are supported by the numerology of this moment. At the time of the 2022 Capricorn New Moon’s maximum phase, all regions of the world will be experiencing a 5 Universal Day energy of change, variety, and a call to adapt to the new realities being brought forward by both expected and unexpected events. Adaptation is not agreement, but acknowledgment, and this 5 Universal Day energy will challenge you to acknowledge the emerging realities in front of you, whether or not you like them or want them. These conditions of change are occurring under the influence of a 9 Universal Month of fulfillments, completions, and endings; and together, the combination of the 5 and 9 energies encourages you to consider these realities from a different perspective so you can finally bring your old emotion-driven behavior patterns to an end. Remember which past issues have been healed, and remember that their healing and resolution means you no longer need to be who you needed to be and you no longer need to do what you needed to do to get through them anymore. That conditioning no longer serves you.

Your old emotion-driven behavior patterns are likely surfacing as result of the 6 Universal Year energy, addressing the functionality of yourself, your life, and the conditions, structures, and institutions in which you lived, in which you currently live, and how you want to live in the future.

And speaking of institutions, how functional are our societal institutions – are they healthy or are they failing? Are they doing more healing, or are they doing more harm? Are they stuck in the past, or are they, too, adapting to the present and/or preparing for the future? We’ve been fortunate to receive a lot of answers regarding these questions over the last twelve months. Some of these answers have been very life-affirming, while others may have us wondering if we’re really going to be able to survive what we’ve set in motion.

This is why our individual and collective standards for success, achievement, and societal status are undergoing a powerful transformation at this time. The goals so many of us once strived for are now subject to a critical eye and a profound questioning of what our values, ethics, and morals are rooted in. Moreso now than ever in recent history, we find ourselves asking if our goals and ambitions are being driven by a sense of community and generosity, or by fear, insecurity, and greed.

As our definitions of success are evolving, one emerging question is… by whose standards are we expected to align? Who gets to define what success is, what achievements are worthy of recognition, what status someone gets to have in our communities or societies or world? Who or what is determining the standards we’re living by now and/or the standards which we’ll be living by in the near future?

The answer is… you are, I am, each and all of us is.
We all have a say in the future we’re creating, and that creative process begins right now with this 2022 Capricorn New Moon.

Though it may not feel like it to many of us right now, now – in this very moment – we each and all have the power to create effective strategies and set ourselves on a path for healing our individual selves, each other, our communities, our societies, and possibly the world. This is because we still have choices to make now and in the near future regarding our alignment with these healing intentions.

Part of the challenge here is that this collective healing won’t be comfortable or easy for most of us. For some, emotional and material or physical losses may emerge in unexpected ways and in unexpected places for people who aren’t used to being uncomfortable in these ways and never expected they ever would be. Yet others used to not having much may find themselves experiencing gains and leveling up into conditions they never imagined they’d find themselves in, and this may be a time of adapting to having everything they’ve ever wanted when they never thought they’d actually realize it. Whether you’re experiencing the losses or the gains or maybe some of both, there will be new healing adventures to embark upon.

By whose standards?
By our standards.

For more specific details about the current energy dynamics, here are the astrological transits that are within 3° orb at the time of the 2022 Capricorn New Moon’s maximum phase:

T-SQUARE: Libra Venus square (Capricorn Sun conjunct Moon) square Aries Jupiter (1°) – Who do you want to be in the world? What makes you feel fulfilled? Notice which one-on-one relationships in your life are challenging you to pursue what fulfills you while also expanding your self-awareness. Also notice how your growing self-awareness may challenge you to adjust or altogether change your goals so they’re better aligned with what may truly fulfill you on a soul level.

T-SQUARE: Aries Eris Retrograde square Cancer Pallas Athena square Capricorn Mercury (21-23°) – Where are your compromising yourself and your truth in order to achieve your desired outcomes? When you allow your mind alone to guide you, there’s no feeling – only focus and achieving your goal by any means necessary. However, this transit configuration may help you recognize when and how you can allow your emotions to help you define your strategy rather than relying on your mind alone. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. By aligning your strategies with your emotions, you’ll be able to feel when you’re in or out of alignment with your inner truth.

SEQUENCE: Capricorn Mercury semi-sextile Aquarius Saturn semi-sextile (Pisces Juno conjunct Neptune) semi-sextile Aries Eris Retrograde (21-23°) – Goal-focused thinking leads to a need to focus and discipline yourself in regard to both your social and professional associations and affiliations which influence how committed you are to your own visions and ideals versus others’ visions and ideals. Will others get you to abandon your own vision for one that isn’t yours, and if so, at which point will you recognize your self-betrayal and make the effort to reclaim yourself from others? CAUTION: You may be very quick to blame others for what you choose to believe, playing victim to the influence you allowed them to have upon you… but that’s not really what’s happening here. This sequence is about owning up to your ability (or inability) to believe in yourself and your dreams, and/or to resist the temptation to abandon yourself and your vision in order to follow others.

SEQUENCE: Pisces White Moon Selene semi-sextile Aries Chiron semi-sextile (Taurus North Node conjunct Uranus Retrograde) (10-13°) – You’re being called to serve a Higher purpose and to gain more spiritual awareness of yourself and others. As your awareness increases and expands, you become more aware of your self-identity, which may find you questioning your personal values and morals and how they fit (or don’t fit) with the evolving local and global societies.

SEQUENCE: Pisces Vesta semi-sextile Aries Chiron semi-sextile Taurus North Node semi-sextile Gemini Mars Retrograde (10-12°) – There’s a renewed dedication to recognizing and acting upon the interconnection of everyone and everything, yet this collective consciousness leads to questions about one’s self-identity when it comes to personal values and how a one’s values may or may not align with the shifts in our collective values and morals. These shifts may be uncomfortable, and result in which find people acting upon information they’ve been given whether or not the information is factually true. As long as the information supports the sustenance of their emotional and physical comfort, they’ll believe it and promote it. The question for you is how you’ll choose to react or respond to their actions based upon their version of events and conditions.

Capricorn Venus opposite Cancer Black Moon Lilith (16-17°) – Partnerships of any or all kinds balance the emotions that may arise when your ego needs aren’t being met. However, this transit may challenge you to seek clarity about whether your relationships are rooted in emotion or in ambition. Are you using your emotional connections with others as strategy to achieve your goals, or do your relationships provide the emotional support you need to feel like you can pursue your goals with confidence?

Capricorn Venus trine Taurus Uranus Retrograde (15-16°) – As our collective values continue to evolve, they reveal how many of our collective and/or societal desires are driven by own striving for societal position for the purpose of having access to resource needs. The funny thing is… as our societal values evolve, the more it empowers you to be honest with yourself about the nature of your relationships of all kinds.

Taurus Uranus Retrograde sextile Cancer Black Moon Lilith (15-17°) – As societal values and morals continue to evolve, emotions may surface as your ego may feel safer and more supported by the shifts.

(Pisces Juno conjunct Neptune) trine Cancer Pallas Athena (21-23°) – When commitment to an idealistic or fantastical vision is empowered by emotion-driven strategy, get ready for a really intense emotional experience – one which will either shatter your soul or affirm it. Either way, old emotional patterns will be broken, which will ultimately prove empowering for you on an individual level.

Capricorn Mercury sextile (Pisces Juno conjunct Neptune) (21-22°) – Strategic thinking supports a commitment to visionary ideals, but are these ideals truly visionary, or are they more delusional than actually possible?

The energies of this 2022 Capricorn New Moon will be felt from Solstice Day on Tuesday 20th December through Boxing Day, Monday 26th December 2022. During this New Moon and Solstice week, give yourself the gifts of acknowledging what you’ve already accomplished and healed, letting go of beliefs that you need to do more to address what you’ve already worked through, and giving yourself permission to clear whatever you’re allowing to stand in the way of you identifying, pursuing, and achieving YOUR true and heartfelt goal(s).

Remember that the only standards you need to live by and achieve are the ones you know in your heart are best for your Highest and Greatest good. And trust that by aligning with those standards in setting your new course, through the interconnection of All-That-Is – through our inherent Oneness – you’re casting your individual vote for your society’s collective course and for humanity’s collective course from this moment forward as well.

And with all of that said, it’s time to begin.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Wishing you a wonderful holiday session and an inspiring and empowering 2023.

Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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