The 2023 Pisces New Moon reaches its maximum phase at 11:06p PST on Sunday 19th February 2023 at 1ᵒ22’. This New Moon phase is an unusual blend of energies, with calls for empathy, compassion, and inspiration in the midst of disillusionment and in some cases, despair. That may not sound like the most optimistic or promising of combinations, but this New Moon is remarkably realistic considering that it’s a Pisces Moon, encouraging all of us to come together to face, move through, and overcome any challenges we may be facing at this time.

Pisces is the 12th and final sign of the Zodiac – the culmination of the Sun’s journey through the Zodiac from the recognition of self through action (Aries) to the recognition of self as part of All-That-Is here in Pisces. It represents Oneness – the interconnection of everyone and everything everywhere throughout time and space. As a mutable water sign, Pisces is intuitive and empathic, empathetic and compassionate, visionary and fantastic. It symbolizes the fluidity and changeability of our individual and collective emotional experiences while encouraging us to not only go with the flow, but to trust the flow – to trust that the timing and placement of everything in our lives is perfect if not Divinely-orchestrated to align with our deepest and most earnest desires and beliefs. As Paulo Coelho so eloquently wrote in The Alchemist, “…when you want something, all the Universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”

To that point, much of the magic that Pisces embodies is found in our own beliefs about the world around us and how we perceive our role(s) in it. Some of us are deeply emotionally invested in compassion, empathy, and interconnection aspects of Pisces’ energy. We tend to seek the best in ourselves and others, eager to serve the Highest and greatest good in everyone and see the best and brightest in every situation. This service ethic can become a matter of selflessness and idealism as one strongly believes in its ability to contribute to something greater than themselves on a transcendental or spiritual level.

However, some of us will take this inclination toward service and turn it upon ourselves. Service becomes a fantastic or delusional ideal of being a savior of others, which in itself can become self-sacrificial. If and when the delusion is met with reality, it can become a vehicle for self-victimization in which one blames others for their own choice to put so much energy into their efforts to serve, or a reason to punish oneself for believing in something that wasn’t real or true. Spiritual service and/or spiritual beliefs may also become an escape from reality – an idealistic aspiration or a delusion of grandeur as they may not feel like they have much to offer the world other than their connection with Spirit/Source/The Universe. Some of us may also escape from reality through substance abuse if efforts to numb out emotional or spiritual pain.

Whatever the case may be for you, the main opportunity available through this 2023 Pisces New Moon is to recognize all that is getting in the way of us expressing our best and brightest selves in the world in ways which contribute to and benefit our collective Oneness. It may seem a transcendental aim, yet it’s more realistic than many might recognize as this New Moon energy may inspire individuals to rise above what might normally divide us to recognize and act upon what connects us, and in what we’re facing in these moments now, to recognize and act upon what may actually save us all.

Whatever doesn’t serve or contribute to the purpose of bringing us together in compassion and action will be called upon to be dismissed and/or cleared away. This is not an empty sentiment. This is an earnest intention to bring empathy, ethics, and emotional truth to the circumstances we are all facing now. Those of us who don’t, won’t, or can’t feel any empathy for others at this time won’t understand what is happening now, and they’ll stand out as against the collective’s changing tide. So will those who are consumed by the pain of their disillusionment – who won’t be able to move on from what they believed in so passionately turning out to be fraudulent or inauthentic. They’ll be left behind as well. This 2023 Pisces New Moon will reveal that our collective consciousness is not only intellectual now – it’s also becoming emotional and spiritual in that it’s beginning to transcend human-made constructs in order to bring up and forward what needs to be healed for all of us to move forward.

There will be some very difficult topics surfacing to be addressed at this time – race/ethnicity, gender, class status, etc. You’ll know who’s ready to “do the work” to heal the collective whole by 1) noticing who’s running toward those difficult topics, not away from them; 2) by who is willing to be held accountable and take responsibility for their place in the big picture; and 3) by those who allow themselves to be truly equal to and respectful of others simply based upon the fact that we’re all living beings on this planet. This does not mean not acknowledging or blatantly avoiding or ignoring differences out of fear – it does mean courageously acknowledging and working to truly understand those differences and the experiences that come with them so that common ground can be found upon which we can walk forward and upward together in peace, love, courage, and positive change. It also means working together to identify and transmute the real sources of our divisions, our pain, and our limitations through conscious and passionate collective action.

Numerologically, the 2023 Pisces New Moon occurs on a 1 Universal Day in western North America and all points west of if, yet it’s a 11 Universal Day in the entire rest of the world. These energies are occurring through the filter of a 9 Universal Month and a 7 Universal Year. This means that in the far-western 1 Universal Day regions, this New Moon is really encouraging new beginnings or fresh starts. Though those beginnings could be mundane like starting new projects or embarking on a new chapter of your life experience, this could also represent a transcendental experience – a new emotional or intuitive consciousness of your individual self in the context of the greater whole of the world’s peoples. This energy could bring full awareness of the fact that you’re not the only one experiencing what you’re experiencing, and that others may have it better, worse, or the same as you do.

This would also be the case in the rest of the world experiencing the 11 Universal Day energy, only for those individuals, you’ll be a bit further along in your awareness, possibly seeking out collaborators to join in a common purpose which embraces, protects, and empowers our Oneness. All of us are becoming fully aware of what is happening now – it’s all starting to come together – and we’re all beginning to understand what must now come to an end.

The 9 Universal Month energy present during this 2023 Pisces New Moon really does represent endings for the collective whole in that there may finally be enough people waking up to the reality we’re living in, concluding that they didn’t really (want to) see what is happening, and, as they’re beginning to think and speak for themselves, are now understanding what needs to be done to bring all of us back to a world that operates on empathy, compassion, and interconnection. For quite a few individuals, this could also bring the end of relationships, associations, and affiliations where they’ve felt or find themselves currently feeling victimized, exploited, that their health and well-being is being sacrificed in some way, and/or that their faith or trust is being betrayed or taken for granted. This New Moon phase marks the beginning of the last good emotional and spiritual purge opportunity before the 2023 Spring Equinox brings opportunities for new chapters of our lives to begin in earnest.

The 7 Universal Year energy is helping us assess our current conditions, regroup, and strategize how we are going to make the changes that need to be made in ourselves, our communities, our societies, and the world. However, the 7 year energy also indicates that we’ll be facing and hopefully dealing with these circumstances for at least another two years, which is why I see 2023 as the beginning of the end on a collective level. In truth, we’ll finally know what humanity and the planet are moving toward as we move into and through 2025. It also indicates that the major decisions we may need to make in 2025 will be determined by the steps we take (or don’t take) in 2023 and 2024 to change our collective course. This is our time to understand not only how so much of our past is present if not repeating today, but also how what is happening today is shaping our future; and despite how it may seem at this moment, we each have control over what our future will be individually and collectively, though we may also need to understand that our collective and individual futures are intertwined.

The most important elements of this 2023 Pisces New Moon, and really, the distinguishing qualities of this New Moon period will be discerning who and what is able to show empathy and compassion, understanding that some of us are experiencing certain things for the very first time, while others have been experiencing some of these things all our lives. We can learn from each other no matter which station of life we may think we are, or may realize we are or have become. This New Moon phase is a time to teach each other how we are different, yet to allow those differences to become a teaching/learning opportunity. If you’re experiencing a difficult emotional or spiritual reality for the first time, this is a time to allow those who have been there longer than you to lead the way, and for those of us who are experiencing have been here and done this much longer than others, this is a time to step up and share your wisdom of experience with others.

For deeper insights into the energy dynamics of this 2023 Pisces New Moon, here are the astrological transits occurring with 3ᵒ orb:

SEQUENCE: Capricorn Pluto semi-sextile Aquarius Saturn semi-sextile Pisces Sun conjunct Moon semi-sextile Pisces Juno (28-1ᵒ) – As our societal institutions and structures continue to collapse and transform, the profound changes lead to both more

T-SQUARE: Aquarius Mercury square Taurus Uranus square Leo Black Moon Lilith (12-15ᵒ) – Group think and ego-driven individual expression are both being challenged by the unexpected shifts in our collective social values. The ways we were conditioned to think about and see ourselves in the world are now evolving, and are actually becoming a matter of life and death. This is that epitome of “change or die” in that if you’re unwilling to change your view of the world, the world and/or the version of you that you insist on holding onto may actually cease to exist.

BOWL: Aquarius Mercury sextile Aries Chiron sextile Gemini Mars sextile Leo Black Moon Lilith (12-15ᵒ) – Unconventional ideas brought into collective consciousness support the healing of the self-identities of many individuals, which supports thoughtful actions which support ego pride-driven emotions. In other words, as it becomes clear that social norms have changed beyond recognition, it becomes okay for people to think and act outside of the boxes they’ve been conditioned to believe were the “right ways” to think and act.

SEQUENCE: Aries Chiron semi-sextile Taurus Uranus semi-sextile Gemini Mars (13-15ᵒ) – Healing one’s self-identity leads to a shift in how individuals see their values in the context of society, which leads to a belief in having to prove your worth

Aries Vesta opposite Libra Ceres Retrograde (5ᵒ) – There’s a determination to self-realization, even if your partners are trying to prove their value or worth through your relationships with them, or possibly, they are demanding that you prove your value or worth to them. Remember that it’s not your job to make them feel worthy and deserving. It’s your job to do that for yourself.

Aries Jupiter square Cancer Pallas Athena (9-10ᵒ) – Self-growth challenges conditioned emotional patterns, and may push people to face and acknowledge emotional needs which may be immature or regressive and hindering their progress.

(Pisces White Moon Selene conjunct Neptune) semi-sextile Aries Eris (22-24ᵒ) – Being exposed to the Highest of Truths may leave you with a sense of having been left out or betrayed. Why didn’t you know this before? Why weren’t you clued in to the magic? Consider you weren’t ready for it, or that it’s always been there but you weren’t ready to see it. Just because you feel late to the party doesn’t mean the invitation wasn’t always in your inbox waiting to be opened.

The energy of the 2023 Pisces New Moon will be felt from Thursday 16th February through Wednesday 22nd February 2023. Throughout this week-long moon phase, remember that you are connected to everyone and everything. If you want it to change the way the world is working, start by having empathy and compassion for yourself, then extend those qualities to other peoples, other beings, and the entire planet. We are One, and it’s time we begin acting like it.

All together now.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ LL&B, Grace




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