The 2024 Aquarius New Moon reaches its maximum phase at 2:59p PST on Friday 9th February/Saturday 10th February 2024 at 20°40’. The date the New Moon reaches its maximum phase in your part of the world will make a difference here. As I start this article looking at the numerology, the 2024 Aquarius New Moon will bring the energy of new beginnings and fresh starts to the world, but depending on where you are, that energy will present itself in different ways which will prove important in the days, weeks, months, and possibly years to come.

If you are in an area in which the New Moon occurs on the 9th, you’re in a 1 Universal Day region (should be most western hemisphere nations). For you, this 2024 Aquarius New Moon is the epitome of “new beginnings” energy. For many of us, as individuals, there’s a strong internal prompting to get something started as it finally feels like a time to start things rather than a time to bring things to an end.

If you are in an area in which the New Moon occurs on the 10th, you’re in an 11 Universal Day region (should be most eastern hemisphere nations), and for you, the Aquarius New Moon’s “new beginnings” energy isn’t only a matter of individual action – it’s a gateway to inspired collaboration. Individuals in these regions are more likely to recognize how they can uniquely contribute to a collective cause bigger than themselves under this Aquarius New Moon, and that “cause” is likely something related to the mass awakening of one or more groups of people to a higher level of consciousness.

Both day energies are occurring under the influence of a 1 Universal Month which only amplifies the desire to take action in ways which are similar to planting seeds for a future harvest. I call the energy of Aquarius 1 “The Eager Activist” – a passionate initiative energy that doesn’t hesitate to stand up for itself and others in order to awaken and evolve humanity to a better and brighter future. It is a truly humanitarian energy.

And with all of this occurring under the influence of an 8 Universal Year of power and influence, you can expect that there will be a number of individuals and communities making themselves and their intentions known through their actions. In fact, action will be the defining gesture in understanding where a group or individual stands in a social or societal matter. Whether a one-on-one relationship, practicing community values, or a globally-dynamic event; when it comes to anything that happens during this 2024 Aquarius New Moon, don’t underestimate its power as a seed that can grow into a formidable force that can not only transform itself, but could potentially change the world.

The sign of Aquarius represents fixed air energy, which sounds stagnant and stuffy… and it can be representative of stuck minds and resistance to new ideas or perspectives. Aquarius’ traditional ruling planet is Saturn, which lends it to maintaining the ebb and flow of the societal and social status quo. In Aquarius, Saturn’s influence brings a strong parental (likely patriarchal) energy to large groups of people and the structures that manage them such service corporations, service organizations, and other social institutions which serve the communities if not the whole of humanity. Saturn is also known for its authoritative and disciplinarian presence, which may lend itself to trying to control people who stray from or object to the status quo. Because air energy is intellectual and communicative, this results in trying to control the information and communications of it to the public-at-large.

However, in contemporary astrology, Uranus is the planetary ruler of Aquarius, and Uranus is associated with the unexpected and unconventional – all things outside the norm and status quo. This is where innovation and evolution take place. This is also where technology advances humanity, and humanity evolves not through technology, but rather, through the way technology can open and free minds.

Therefore, humanity’s evolution depends on the choices we make now regarding the purpose and goals of our societal institutions, our choices regarding the use of the technologies already available to us, and our choices regarding the technology being developed now. It is extremely important to understand – through our actions being taken now under this 2024 Aquarius New Moon – we are individually and collectively planting the seeds for our future now.

This 2024 Aquarius New Moon phase brings an opportunity for individuals to plant their seeds for the future by taking initiative actions aligned with healing their self-identities. This may be done most easily by breaking ground on new experiences of themselves and their life and lifestyles. There are opportunities to actively choose their present paths in ways which could create a very different outcomes than those who came before them, instead of yet another repetition of the past…

… and it’s important to make note of the karmically-destined feel to everything happening right now, as well as to everything that we get to choose at during this New Moon phase. Due to the Chiron-North Node conjunction in Aries in play during this moon phase, there’s a call to heal and (re)claim the self through action. It also helps that all of the major planetary influences are in direct motion at this time. This encourages forward motion as well as responsibility for oneself and one’s actions. This is a powerful time to act as what is begun now will increase in its strength as the year progresses.

It’s also important to note that in many Asian cultures, the 2024 Aquarius New Moon marks the Lunar New Year, and this year is a Green Wood Dragon year. The dragon is said to bring good fortune in matters of authority, prosperity, and power. The wood element is said to bring the energies of growth, evolution, and abundance. The color green represents the heart chakra (energy center), and is said to bring a Spring-like, life-affirming energy to everything that occurs in this year. These energies combine to bring the potential for a deeply transformative year for many if not all of us as old seeds come to harvest, revealing to us which seeds must be planted now… for what comes next.

All of these energies – the numerology, the astrology, the Lunar New Year – give us a clearer picture of what is happening right now. What we’re individually and collectively experiencing is the old ways are making their last push for relevance in both our individual lives and in a world that has advanced too much too fast to be held back by a status quo it has outgrown. It has become obvious that we can no longer thrive in the conditions we find ourselves in, yet the changes that must be made are too major for those who hold the power in our lives to allow them to occur… so in the face of inevitability, we find ourselves living through the old guard’s last push for power – a last attempt to keep us stuck in the past before we may find ourselves able to forge a way toward a freer, more evolutionary path to a truly new and different future.

It is critical that we each and all understand that this 2024 Aquarius New Moon is the early stage of a major transformation for all of us. There will be things that have to be let go of in order for us to receive what we’re asked for. As we move into a higher level of consciousness, we will begin to understand how we won’t be able to receive the harvest of the seeds we’re planting now if we refuse to let go of the old harvest that is now spoiling in our hands because we’ve held on too tightly for too long. The time has come for us to let go and allow ourselves to plant seeds, in this present moment, for the future we say we want, not the past we’re afraid to lose.

For more details about the energies in effect and shifts occurring at this time, here are the astrological transits for the 2024 Aquarius New Moon:

(Aquarius 1 Moon conjunct Sun) semi-sextile Capricorn Venus (20-21°) – Strategic partnerships lead to greater consciousness regarding the use of technology for mass communications and/or mass activism.

(Aquarius 1 Moon conjunct Sun) square Taurus Uranus (19-20°) – Technology is awakening the collective consciousness in ways which are challenging our existing social values and priorities and instigating a stubborn fight. Will the future be an effort to regress humanity back to its conflicted past, or an effort to progress humanity into a brilliant new and different future?

(Aquarius 1 Moon conjunct Sun) trine Gemini Vesta (20-21°) – Collaborative efforts empower individuals, awakening dedication and determination to ask questions, gather as much information and insight as possible, and exchange ideas and information with others to learn more about how they can uniquely contribute to the greater whole.

(Aquarius 1 Moon conjunct Sun) quincunx Virgo Juno (19-20°) – A commitment to health, wellness, and practical functionality doesn’t directly align with the energies of the New Moon phase, but the New Moon energies will find us taking a closer look at various aspects of our everyday lives and daily routines, and whether or not they’re still working to our benefit.

SEQUENCE: Sagittarius Pallas Athena semi-sextile Capricorn Ceres semi-sextile Aquarius Pluto (0-1°) – A call to break your pattens by opening & expanding your worldly experience leads to a reassessment of “traditional values” and how those values may be affecting (or affected by) the use of technology in social and societal institutions. How is the available technology being used, and probably more important, why is it being used in those ways?

Aries Chiron conjunct North Node (16-17°) – When we embrace our individual/personal healing journey, we are healing our relationship with ourselves which, in turn, heals our relationship with the world. The world heals one person at a time.

Aries Chiron semi-sextile Taurus Uranus (16-19°) – Self-healing leads to shifts in the collective consciousness – shifts which contribute to the evolution of humanity.

Gemini Vesta square Virgo Juno Retrograde (19-21°) – A dedication to learning makes it difficult to commit to any one thing, no matter how much others may want a commitment from you. Yet you could choose to commit to something, then take on the challenge of learning everything about that one thing. What makes sense for you right now?

Capricorn Venus trine Taurus Uranus (19-21°) –As our lifestyles evolve, so do our perceptions of what a “successful” partnership would be. Traditions may need to be modernized for the world as it is today.

Capricorn Venus quincunx Gemini Vesta (21°) – Strategic partnerships may be difficult to sustain and/or make successful if one or both parties involved aren’t willing to learn about each other.

Capricorn Venus square Aries Eris (21-24°- wide) – Purpose-driven partnerships are challenged by the belief that one is too different from the other to come together to reach a shared goal.

Gemini Vesta sextile Aries Eris (21-24°) – Affirming oneself as “other” supports inquiry about… others, which may result in learning how to be a more unique individual.

Aquarius Mercury semi-sextile Pisces Saturn (7°) – Innovative thinking may need some reality checks. An idea isn’t great unless it can be practiced or utilized in the “real world” in a societally-meaningful way.

Aquarius Mercury square Taurus Jupiter (7-8°) – Innovative thinking is challenged by a growing desire to maintain the familiar status quo. Yet as many lifestyles become increasingly difficult to maintain, it may become increasingly necessary to move away from the status quo.

Taurus Jupiter sextile Pisces Saturn (7-8°) – What if we could all live a positive and prosperous lifestyle? What if we focused our energy on making that visionary ideal a reality?

Pisces Neptune semi-sextile Aries Eris (24-26°) – Could it be possible for your “otherness” to be your gift to the world rather than the reason for your struggle and suffering? Let your difference be your strength.

Capricorn Mars sextile Pisces Neptune (26-27°) – The actions you take now really could make your dreams come true… if those actions are aligned with your intentions and goals.

Pisces Saturn opposite Virgo Black Moon Lilith (4-7°- wide) – The “shadow side” of how the world works are being revealed, and ego-driven illusions and delusions are starting to be reined in.

The 2024 Aquarius New Moon will be felt from Tuesday 6th February through Monday 12th February 2024. Throughout this time, and throughout the year ahead, it will be essential for you to trust and follow your heart, even if the results of your first steps seem slow in coming or weak or small in their revelation. Remember, you’re planting seeds – they aren’t full-grown plants harvesting fruit right away! That said, don’t underestimate the strength of what you planted, for with the proper nurturing and care, your seeds may grow into a force to be reckoned with.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until the next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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