The 2024 Gemini New Moon reaches its maximum phase at 5:37a PDT on Thursday 6th June 2024 (16°17’). This is an unusually emotional New Moon considering it is occurring within an intellectual-communicative sign, which may find us finally having to make some choices in our lives that we’ve been trying to avoid – choices about our personal relationships.

For those of you who remember the Harry Potter books and movies, there’s a point when the students first get to Hogwarts where they have to put on the Sorting Hat to find out which house they will part of throughout (and beyond) their time there. The 2024 Gemini New Moon is going to feel a lot like that process, only some of you will feel like the hat making the choices, while others of you will feel the hat is letting you know where you belong.

The reason I’m using the Sorting Hat analogy rather than a “picking teams” analogy is because picking teams is usually a logical process. You’re going to choose the partners and/or teammates who are going to help you achieve your goal. However, the Sorting Hat is going to feel where you belong, and that seems more appropriate for this 2024 Gemini New Moon. The hat analogy is also applicable because Gemini is the “student” or “child” energy of the Zodiac. It’s a mutable air sign, meaning adaptable intellect. Ruled by the planet Mercury in both traditional and contemporary astrology, Gemini has an innate curiosity, and can often be found asking questions, and listening and looking for the answers to them. The listening and looking is an important detail because Gemini is often (wrongly) accused of being chatty, when it’s really the exact opposite – Gemini only talks as much as it needs to in order to get the information it wants.

That said, the 2024 Gemini New Moon has the Gemini Moon asking questions to bring information and insights to light through the Gemini Sun. As result, this New Moon has us waking us up to how we really feel (emotionally and intuitively) about the answers we are receiving and the information we’re gathering.

However, there is an added component to this 2024 Gemini Moon-Sun conjunction – Venus, the ruling planet of Libra, also happens to be at 16° Gemini at the time of the New Moon’s maximum phase, bringing attention to the role of the relationships of all kinds in our lives, and how they may affect our ability to maintain balance, beauty, justice, and peace in our individual lives. Add the fact that this Gemini New Moon reaches its maximum phase on a numerological 2 Universal Day for 90+ percent of the world, and the emotional and intuitive energies of this intellectually curious Gemini New Moon are unusually high because it calls upon you to make choices about your relationships which are both logical and intuitive.

Continuing on the numerological influences, we’re now in June 2024, the world is now in a 5 Universal Month energy, and 2024 gives us all the 8 Universal Year energy. A 5 Universal Month brings changes, and within an 8 Universal Year, this is likely going to show up as shifts in the power dynamics of one’s life the more information we gather and knowledge we learn. And when factoring in the afore-mentioned 2 Day energy and 3 Universal Day energy in New Zealand, far east Asia, and all points east to the date line, these shifts are likely going to show up in your relationships with other individuals, groups, or communities you’re a part of because as you evolve and change, so will your personal power… and when your personal power changes, you’ll notice how that change creates a ripple effect that will shake up the power dynamics within your relationships not only to other individuals, but potentially, to every aspect or area of your life. This will also occur when we are on the receiving end of someone else’s personal power shift. In both cases, your signal that something is changing or has changed is often going to be an intuition or emotion before a logical explanation appears – something will simply “feel off” or “different” than before. That difference is how you know a change and/or a choice is either underway or needed.

These shifts in relational power dynamics could be especially difficult for the people who are in the 2 Universal Day zones as the focus in those regions will very much be focused on individual one’s role in one-on-one relationships of all kinds. Those in support roles may find the shift in power difficult, and those in the lead role may also find it difficult as it may be time for your support person to get their due and/or to emerge from the background. Those in partnerships may find the roles need to be changed or updated, or completed as the conditions no longer serve one or both parties involved. This is likely to be a much easier New Moon for those of you in the 3 regions, and you may find yourselves taking your necessary individual steps out of the shadow or background roles they’ve outgrown, and into being seen or known in new ways.

The 2024 Gemini New Moon is also occurring on 6th June 2024, which is also known as the 6:6 Portal day. I call this “The Healing Portal” because 6 energy is pragmatic and task-driven, but also nurturing, caring, and protective. This portal energy should be considered when assessing the relationships in your life because all of your relationships have something to teach you. Whether that lesson is about what is good for you or bad for you is for you to experience. However, through your relationships, you can learn what is healing and supportive for you, and what distracts or detriments you. You may also notice that any relationships starting or ending on this day may have special significance for you over the next 12 months.

There’s a saying that the people you learn from and interact with most frequently are often an indicator of your own growth and success. What you may find during this 2024 Gemini New Moon is that as you individually choose to make changes in your life in order to experience more joy and fulfillment, you’ll start being more discerning in who and what you’re choosing to be in relationship with, and which of your relationships support the changes you are making and the results you want to realize. The people in your life who are able to answer your questions, willing to explore those questions with you, and/or inspire you to ask new questions or seek new information – these are the people you may find are moving forward and upward with you, whether they’re challenging you to keep up with them or you’re walking alongside them. And since this is a New Moon, which represents new beginnings, fresh starts, and initiative actions, there’s also a lot of positive potential in making new connections with new people at this time.

Under the influence of this 2024 Gemini New Moon, you may also learn where and how you’re intellectually and emotionally stagnant. If you’re emotionally stagnant, chances are it’s because you’re emotionally invested in an erroneous belief or thought that is likely about yourself and what or how you are in the world, and you’re likely surrounded by people who reinforce those erroneous beliefs or thoughts you hold about yourself.

This is where it could get challenging.

Some of you may be staying in relationships and/or environments which are not supportive of your personal empowerment and growth because of your emotional investments in them. You may have to make some difficult choices during this 2024 Gemini New Moon as result, but to know the correct choice for you will require you to honor and trust your inner knowing – your intuitive truth – and that will require you to keep an open mind and an open heart, especially in situations and environments which may differ from the beliefs or thoughts you’ve held onto. You don’t have to change your beliefs – you simply get to open your perspective to learn and know without doubt they are true for you.

The most important thing here is to remember that you’re not a victim if or when a relationship isn’t chosen and/or comes to an end. Any changes at this time will be to the benefit of everyone involved, even if it may not feel like it at first.

For more specific details, here are the astrological transits for the 2024 Gemini New Moon:

Gemini Moon conjunct Sun conjunct Venus (16°) – Emotions and intuitions play a powerful role in identifying who we choose to be in relationship with.

  • square Pisces Saturn (18°) – Holding tightly to our dreams or visions may keep us trapped in situations we’re better off leaving behind. However, this could also provide the focus and discipline necessary to see them through. Either way, this Saturn position challenges us to see how our thoughts, beliefs, and the way we speak can be easily influenced by our dreams.
  • trine (Libra South Node conjunct Black Moon Lilith) (13-16°) – This is a powerful transit combination which may find you acknowledging that all relationships

(Aries Chiron conjunct (Eris) conjunct Mars) (22-28°) – You may notice how as you and other individuals heal your self-identities, you begin acting upon your/their freedom to be themselves and pursue their own individual interests.

  • square Cancer Vesta (24°) – This challenges their ability to be emotionally supported in their acts of individuality.

Libra South Node conjunct Black Moon Lilith (13-15°) – The shadows coming up right now are rooted in past relationships, and could remain in the past if you choose to leave them there. However, if you’re finding it difficult to leave them behind, you may find it harder to shed them later.

Taurus Uranus sextile Cancer Vesta (24°) – Both unexpected manifestations and unexpected dissolutions support emotional investments, even if It may not seem like it in the moment.

Taurus Uranus opposite Scorpio Pallas Athena (24°) – Unexpected manifestations balance efforts to dive deep into emotional depths. Do the shadow work, win ‘light’ prizes.

Cancer Vesta trine Scorpio Pallas Athena (24°) – Emotional investments are empowered when new practices are put in place to support them. Break old patterns to transform your circumstances.

(Gemini Sedna conjunct Jupiter) (1-2°) – There could be big victim energy from those who are resisting the new ideas that are emerging and growing in the collective consciousness.

  • sextile Pisces Neptune (29-2°) – If you are willing to release your long-held ideals or fantasies, this victimization can be overcome as it’s driven by perspective more than actual reality.
  • trine Aquarius Pluto Retrograde (1-2°) – Wherever or however you find yourself feeling victimized is a powerful access point for transforming how you see the ways you can contribute to your community and/or humanity-at-large.

The energy of the 2024 Gemini New Moon will be felt from Monday 3rd June through Sunday 7th June 2024. The most powerful thing you can do for yourself during this time is allow yourself to feel your thoughts and words. Your emotions will always be truthful, and therefore, they will always reveal which thoughts and communications are being authentically expressed.

Remember that your personal healing and the relationships in your life are always choices. Therefore, use your emotional and intuitive energies to “sort out” and choose your relationships – both the ones you have with others, and the one you have with yourself. Open your heart and mind to recognize which communications and information from others is not only helpful to you in your efforts to (re)claim your personal power, but also feel like they are the right choices for you.

Thank your for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Love and Blessings,





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