The 2024 Cancer New Moon reaches its maximum phase at 3:57p PDT on Friday 5th July 2024 at 14°23’. Cancer is a cardinal water sign. Its cardinal mode energy means it takes initiative, and its water element energy means that it’s usually spurred into action by emotional and/or intuitive energy. A very nurturing and protective sign, it will not hesitate to nurture, care for, and/or protect anyone or anything it is emotionally invested in.

Let me repeat that last part.

Cancer will not hesitate to protect anyone or anything it is emotionally invested in.

The issue here is that some of us tend to be emotionally invested in others more than we’re emotionally invested in ourselves, and right now – during a time in which we’re being encouraged to emotionally invest in ourselves so that we may better trust ourselves and trust the intuitive guidance that comes through us – being more emotionally invested in others than ourselves could make things far more difficult than they need to be right now.

Your level of emotional investment in yourself is something you must make yourself aware of during this 2024 Cancer New Moon phase. Though New Moons are typically times of new beginnings and fresh starts, this is a New Moon phase in which each of us individually and most of us collectively will be presented with opportunities to take steps in new directions which are aligned with our genuine, honest, and earnest emotional truths. Some of these steps will be shocking to those closest to us as they may be departures from our past pursuits. However, for those of us taking these steps, many of us will feel as if they’ve been a long time coming… and for many of us, they have been.

These are the actions you’ve wanted to take, but didn’t because you didn’t want to hurt your family members or others close to you. These are the words you haven’t said because you were too afraid of what those closest to us would think, say, or do. These are steps of courage and self-determination.

These are the steps you may finally be choosing to take in order to nurture, care for, and protect ourselves, and to honor the voices of your own heart by emotionally investing in and protecting yourself.

However, some of us may find ourselves still resistant to step away from the emotionally-familiar past – to move on from what we’ve always known, done, or been around. Cancer is also associated with home and family, and the ties to the past can be quite intense. Yet under this 2024 Cancer New Moon, some of us may finally begin to understand why we keep choosing the past instead of the future we say we want, while others of us will begin to understand the past choices we made which have landed us in situations we may see no way out of.

And of course, there will be those of us who finally see the open door or the appearance of the path to the lives we’ve wanted to live for oh so long… though it will still be up to us to actually take the step(s) over the threshold and onto that path forward.

It will be up to us to choose to nurture, care for, and protect ourselves.
it will be up to you to choose to nurture, care for, and protect yourself.

And your understanding of your past through feeling your emotions and intuitions may finally set you free.

You may find some much-needed assistance in taking these steps through the numerology of the day. This 2024 Cancer New Moon is occurring on an 11 Universal Day of collaboration and community amongst peers in the Caribbean, the Americas, and all points west of them… and on a 3 Universal Day of learning, growth, and expansion in the rest of the world. For those in the 11 UD regions, inspiration or assistance may come through communities, networks, and/or collaborative efforts with peers. For those in the 3 UD regions, encouragement or assistance may come through new educational opportunities or through new or different information sources.

In both regions, this 2024 Cancer New Moon is also occurring during a 6 Universal Month of healing and restoring functionality in our everyday lives; and an 8 Universal Year of power and influence in which we come to understand the power within each of us and how we may strengthen or weaken that power by how we choose to allow (or not allow) others to influence us.

The combined Universal Month and Year dynamics are especially important, as each and all of us may be learning and understanding just how easily we can be influenced (or manipulated) through our emotions. This is why it is so important for us to be able to learn how to 1) feel our emotions fully and honestly, and 2) to learn to distinguish our emotions from our intuitions/inner knowing/Higher knowing under this 2024 Cancer New Moon. We could also come to understand why setting boundaries and (re)focusing our emotional and intuitive energies is such a critical skill to develop now – as we will need to protect our healing (or newly-healed) self-identities from being wounded again through emotional manipulation and intuitive doubt.

Emotional discernment will be crucial in our choice(s) of which collaborative partners to choose and/or which communities to continue being part of (or not). Assessing which people are truly our peers and potential partners will make a profound difference in how we move forward toward our desired life changes and goals.

This distinguishing between emotion and intuition is also of paramount urgency because this 2024 Cancer New Moon version falls between two Capricorn Full Moons – the first having occurred on 21st June, and the second coming up on 21st July. With Capricorn being cardinal earth energy and the energy under which we assess whether or not our ambitions are being achieved and our goals are being met, and with the second Cap Full Moon occurring under its ruler, Saturn, in retrograde motion, we have an opportunity to receive tangible and/or experiential feedback – to get real-time results that will let us know whether or not our choices and actions are aligned with our heart’s and soul’s intentions, and to course-correct ourselves in unifying our hearts with our minds and our actions. This is a chance for us to get used to living fully and completely by our inner truths – to make feeling, trusting, and acting upon our individual inner truths our new normal.

The 2024 Cancer New Moon is, potentially, our gateway to the truth we’ve quietly felt for a long time, but are only now allowing ourselves to openly feel and honor. This is our call to step through that gate, and to begin honoring our emotional and intuitive truths, individually and collectively.

Even if you’ve been feeling this opportunity for emotional growth on the individual level, you may not have acknowledged it on the collective level, despite the fact that we’ve all been feeling something coming for a while now – something big and life-altering for many if not all of us. What actually comes may seem smaller than it actually is at first… but don’t let the lack of hype or drama fool you. There will be plenty of subtle (and a few bold) revelations provided to us to encourage us to continue seeing and feeling the shifts in our collective emotional awareness and intuitive consciousness, and we’ll each and all know what to do when those collective shifts reach the point of no return – when we’ve awakened so much feeling within us, that we can’t unsee or un-feel what we intuitively know to be True.

For deeper insights into the energies of this day, here are the astrological transits within 3° orb at the time of the 2024 Cancer New Moon’s maximum phase:

(Cancer Moon conjunct Cancer 6 Sun) opposite Capricorn Ceres Retrograde (14°) – Revelations of emotional truth bring forth even more emotions – the floodgates open, and we begin to feel (again) for our individual selves and the collective of humanity. This feeling will call our societal values into question yet again as the feedback we receive may not be pretty, but it’ll be honest and we’ll have to make some choices about what we’re really working to achieve and if our definitions of and investments in success and accomplishment are emotionally healthy and sound.

GOLDEN RECTANGLE: Taurus Mars trine Virgo Juno sextile Scorpio Pallas Athena trine Pisces Saturn Retrograde (19°) – When your actions are in pursuit of resources and/or physical/material/financial comfort or ease, you may feel more empowered when you’re able to follow-through on the practical steps to move forward…every little step is progress toward breaking through old patterns and recalibrating your focus in order to pursue your dreams… don’t avoid or try to escape from the feedback coming to you now – it’ll help you figure out where your focus gets to be now and next in order to bring positive experiences and growth into your life.

GRAND TRINE-KITE: Cancer Venus sextile Virgo Juno sextile Scorpio Pallas Athena trine Pisces Saturn Retrograde (19-22°) – Notice which 1-on-1 relationships are nurturing and supportive of your plans and efforts right now. Again, every little step helps you breakthrough and/or transform old patterns which may be holding you back from the fulfillment of your dreams and goals.

NODAL BOWL: Aries North Node sextile Gemini Jupiter sextile Leo Vesta sextile (Libra South Node conjunct Black Moon Lilith) (7-11°) – As we’re being called to step more boldly into our True self-identities, we find support in opening our minds to learn and experience new and/or different things in order to experience personal growth, which encourages us to more confidently step into our individual creativity and self-expression, which leads to new perspectives of the roles our 1-on-1 relationships of all kinds play in our lives.

Aries Chiron Retrograde square Cancer Venus (22-23°) – Healing your self-identity wounds can be challenging when you realize how some of the greatest wounds came from some of your closest relationships – family members and/or people you’ve known for many years if not since childhood. Are you ready to meet this/these challenge(s) head-on in order to reclaim your sense of self? Are you finally ready to heal and earnestly move one with your life?

The energy of this 2024 Cancer New Moon will be felt from Tuesday 2nd July through Monday 8th July 2024. Let yourself feel whatever is coming up for you now because as scary as it may be to do that, on the other side of the fear is the self-expressive liberation you’ve been waiting for.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Love and Blessings,





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