The second Capricorn Full Moon of 2024 reaches its maximum phase on Sunday 21st July 2024 at 3:17a PDT at 29°08’. The themes of this “Blue Moon” are very similar to those of the June Capricorn Full Moon, but this one comes with more… practical application.
What do I mean by that?
Well, I was going to write this earlier in the week, but kept getting an intuitive message to wait until Friday the 19th (the second day of this Full Moon phase window). So, I waited until Friday to start this article, and now I know why I got that message.
Yes, much like the June 2024, the July 2024 Capricorn Moon is reflecting the light of the Cancer Sun. This means that the focus is on our emotions, but this July version also brings attention to how the “real world” is reflecting our emotions back to us. In other words, this time around, we get to experience the consequences of acting (or not acting) upon the emotions we don’t easily allow ourselves to express openly or that we may not be willing to admit we feel. These are often the result of emotional patterns established in the past in order to manage our emotions for the sake of pursuing our goals and ambitions, OR the ways we succeeded (or failed) to emotionally nurture ourselves in support of our goals and ambitions.
Now, these consequences are catching many of us off-guard as we truly believed we were “doing the right thing” then.
But were we really doing the right thing?
That’s what we get to ask ourselves as these events occur and reveal the consequences of our past emotion-driven choices and actions.
The Mercury in Leo squaring Uranus in Taurus transit kicked in on Friday. Even though it’s not exact until approximately 12 hours after the Full Moon’s max phase, it’s already proving to be a big deal on a number of levels. When we take into consideration that Mercury is about quick-moving ideas and information, Leo is about individual creative self-expression, Taurus is about maintaining a comfortable status quo but Uranus is about the evolution of humanity-at-large through communications and technology; oh, and that square transits are about tension and challenges… everything that happened with the global CrowdStrike software debacle, the landmark ICJ/ICC rulings, Biden dropping out of the United States’ presidential race, and other intense reality-facing events in these last three days make much more sense.
These events are rapidly awakening more and more people to how much is changing in the world and to just how quickly those changes are happening, sparking questions about how more changes may affect our ability to intellectually and creatively express and connect with ourselves and each other in the world. This transit also highlights now both individual self-expression and collective consciousness can challenge the social and societal status quo and the moral and ethical values various vested parties claim to represent.
The other transit that’s significantly impacting things at this moment is Pluto in Aquarius is sextile Neptune in Pluto – an out-of-element yet helpful transit involving outer planets, which normally wouldn’t get more than a passing glance. Yet this transit is contributing a much-needed removal of the rose-colored glasses in regard to the ongoing transformation and evolution of our communities, societies, humanity, and our planet. Add the fact that both Neptune and Pluto are currently in retrograde motion, and we may understand that all of these events are providing us with important feedback on the choices we’ve made and the actions we’ve taken (and changes we have or haven’t made) to this point – an opportunity for us to get a taste of the world we could be creating for the future before we fully commit to irreversibly setting ourselves on that path. Again, recent and current events make more sense when we realize this transit’s energy is actively present.
All of this brings us back to the importance of this July 2024 Capricorn Full Moon and the fact that it happens at 29° Capricorn. Yes, this Full Moon is a culmination of the emotional energies that have been building over the last 30 days since the first 2024 Capricorn Full Moon on 21st June. However, this July Capricorn Full Moon will also serve as a precursor and preparation for things to come.
Sunday 1st September is when Pluto will re-enter Capricorn in retrograde motion, turning direct at 29°38’ Capricorn on 10th/11th October, then will exit Capricorn on 19th November 2024, not returning to the sign again until the year 2267. Capricorn represents our societal institutions and structures, and Pluto is a force for power and transformation. Within Capricorn, Pluto will either empower or destroy the institutions and structures which have defined what accomplishment, achievement, and success are in our societies for the last 243 years. Because all of these events are occurring in early Aquarius or at 29° Capricorn, understand that these institutions and structures are being empowered or phased out in order to facilitate humanity’s evolution.
With that noted, this July 2024 Capricorn Full Moon is giving each and all of us an experiential taste of how strong or fragile our physical and material infrastructures and our information networks are, and we’re now trying to figure out how to secure and stabilize things before we find ourselves all-in with the future. Through the events of the last few days, we’re quickly learning that we’ll need to better communicate not only what we’re already facing, but also openly and honestly discuss what we may be about to face. We’re also finding that some things may need to be scrapped altogether – yes, destroyed in order to make way for new structures and institutions to emerge in our collective next chapter.
That, and most importantly, this July 2024 Capricorn Full Moon is getting us in touch with how we feel about all of those possibilities.
The emotional impact of these events and emerging realities cannot be understated as many of us will feel like our “tried-and-true” systems and institutions are being corrupted and compromised, possibly to a point of eminent collapse. When weakness in societal structures is revealed, it brings question to our own individual stability and security, and many of us may find ourselves questioning our personal goals and ambitions. We may wonder if we are pursuing what we are passionate about, or if we’re pursuing what society tells us we should pursue in order to be “successful”. And even then, will we still feel “successful” if the goalposts move and we find that the societal benchmarks for accomplishment or success have moved?
This second 2024 Capricorn Full Moon reinforces the themes of the first June 2024 Capricorn Full Moon, bringing to our attention that our goals and what success means to us can no longer be defined by the outside world. We no longer need to look to our society or our personal or collective past to define whether or not we are successful. In fact, we may be realizing that we never did need society for that. Instead, we allowed society to tell us, and in the process, we lost ourselves. This is a loud and clear call for us to set and pursue goals which are true to us and what we (emotionally) value most. We must refocus our emotional energy to our present and future.
The numerology of this July 2024 Capricorn Full Moon is interesting because it affirms a turning point is irreversibly in progress. Occurring on a 9 Universal Day in the vast majority of this world, this Full Moon marks the completion of a chapter, and possibly the completion of an era. In a 6 Universal Month, these endings and completions are meant to heal and restore functionality to our systems and processes, but most of all, to our individual and collective lives. And in an 8 Universal Year of power and influence, these completions are sure to create shifts in power and influence which are intended to facilitate the healing that is needed at this time.
Here’s more about the specific astrological transits within 3° orb at the time of the July 2024 Capricorn Full Moon’s maximum phase:
- Cancer 6 Sun opposite (Capricorn Moon conjunct Aquarius Pluto Retrograde) (29-0°) – We’re looking to fulfill our goal of emotional healing by allowing ourselves to actually feel our feelings. This is a major shift in approach, and one which will have a lot of people waking up to what is at stake for themselves and humanity.
- Cancer 6 Sun trine Pisces Neptune Retrograde (29°) – This transit empowers us to give ourselves the emotional nurturing we need at this time rather than seeking that support from others. The only challenge here is in giving ourselves the emotional and spiritual support and service we would give anyone and everyone else.
- (Capricorn Moon conjunct Aquarius Pluto Retrograde) sextile Pisces Neptune Retrograde (29-0°) –
- YOD: Gemini Jupiter quincunx Capricorn Ceres Retrograde quincunx (Leo Venus conjunct Vesta) (11-13°) – There’s a growing call to reassess our personal and societal values. The more we truly consider the information being presented to us, the more we may recognize how ego-invested we may be in certain ways of expressing ourselves within our societies, and this combination of energies calls to question what we value most in our lives.
- NODAL T-SQUARE: Aries North Node square Capricorn Ceres Retrograde square Libra South Node (9-11°) – The societal values question comes up again in this transit configuration. Is what we value based upon what we think others want us to value, or is it based upon what we – as individuals – actually value? Do you value it because you value it, or do you value it because society tells you to?
- Leo Mercury square Taurus Uranus (26°) – It’s likely disruptions to the status quo will occur in regard to communications and/or exchanges of information and insights. Though these events may surprise some, others may have expected them for a while – they’re the result of a long-delayed evolution of our personal and collective values. These may especially affect matters involving our physical, material, and/or financial resources.
- Leo Mercury quincunx (Capricorn Moon conjunct Aquarius Pluto Retrograde) (26-0°) – The more you seek to share your creative and unique individuality with others, the more you may realize just how outdated and obstructive our social institutions and structures may actually be.
- Leo Mercury trine Aries Eris (25-26°) – It’s time to let your freak flag fly so the other freaks can find you! This transit almost demands that you make your voice heard and make your unique and individual self known to the world.
- Aries Chiron quincunx Virgo Juno (23°) – The more you take action to heal your self-identity wounds, the harder it will become to remain committed to the systems and processes that likely wounded you in the first place. You’ll need to make peace through forgiveness, but you may still find it necessary to walk away.
- Gemini Jupiter square Virgo Black Moon Lilith (12-13°) – The more you learn, the more you know. The more you know, the more you grow… but in this case, the more you grow, the more difficult it may be for you to hide your self-critic and your judgements of yourself and/or others.
- (Leo Venus conjunct Vesta) sextile Gemini Jupiter (11-13°) – How invested are you in making yourself known to others? Are you willing to learn how to do that? And most important, are you willing to learn how to do that in ways that are uniquely creative and authentic to you and you alone? (in other words, can you do it without a template or without copying anyone else?)
- Gemini Mars trine Aquarius Pluto Retrograde (0°) – Idea-driven actions empower evolutionary ideas, but are those “innovations” truly evolutionary, or are they simply ideas from the past being recycled or repackaged in yet more attempts to realize ideals that don’t and won’t ever really serve the whole of humanity? In other words, be wary of the hype, especially hype featuring shiny technological presentations on outdated social ideals.
The energy of the July 2024 Capricorn Full Moon – the second Capricorn Full Moon of the calendar year – will be felt from Thursday 18th July through Wednesday 24th July 2024. Of course, these “once in a blue moon” recent events may make it feel like the world is ending, and in some cases, the answer is yes – the world as we’ve known it is coming to an end.
This “end of the world” sentiment will be stronger for some more than others. However, it will be important to assess whether or not your world is really ending, and again – in the context of how you define goals, achievements, and success – what’s really shifting in your personal experience? Are you feeling lost because you don’t know what you want for yourself and your life as result of these recent and ongoing events, or are you more clear than ever about what you want as result of and/or despite them?
In either case, consider the possibility that your world isn’t ending, but your perspective and experience of it may feel very different now than it did before…
… and that’s the point.
It’s the end of allowing the world to define who you are.
It’s time to make your own way through this changing world, and to form your own identity within it.
Listen to and trust your heart, and you’ll be fine.
Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next time…
~ Love and Blessings,