The 2024 Libra New Moon reaches its maximum phase at 11:49a PDT on Wednesday, 2nd October 2024 at 10°03’ Libra. This is an eventful New Moon phase not only because of the transits, but because this New Moon is also an Annular or “Ring of Fire” Solar Eclipse in which the Moon passes precisely between the Sun and the Earth, but does not completely obscure it, leaving a ring of light around the edges. This powerful event is best visible in the South Pacific Ocean and South America, yet energetically, the magnitude of this 2024 Libra New Moon cannot be understated, and may prove to be more life-altering and world-altering than many of us may be prepared for.

One of the most common challenges in Libra energy is making choices or decisions. Notoriously indecisive, Libra energy can remain in limbo ad nauseum, often due to the fact that they don’t want to cause discord or upset. “Keeping the peace” is something Libra energy tends to encourage by any means necessary, and this unfortunately finds people strongly influenced by Libra placements in their natal charts enduring bad situations for far too long. This may seem surprising considering Libra is cardinal air energy, representing initiative intellect and communication – you might assume they’d be more objective and detached. After all, this is a sign which actually shares its thoughts and ideas with other individuals for the purpose of finding common ground and establishing conditions of balance, fairness, justice, equality and/or equity, and peace. Libra’s the diplomat of the Zodiac, and so it may seem odd that Libra would be so… inconclusive.

However, Libra does tend to overthink things trying to find a resolution that will make everyone involved happy or at least give everyone involved a sense of peace and ease. What’s often difficult for Libras to understand is that 1) you can’t make everyone happy all of the time; and 2) sometimes the step you fear may be the most painful is often the step that actually releases you from the pain.

To that point, Libra’s indecision and overthinking tendencies are more easily overcome during this 2024 Libra New Moon phase because, numerologically, we’re now in a 9 Universal Month, and the 9 energy of completions, fulfillments, and endings is very decisive, sometimes harshly so. This numeric energy gives Libra the push it needs to finally take pivotal steps It would otherwise avoid taking, and that detail is what makes this 2024 Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse a fascinating event.

If you haven’t already noticed, many of us are living in states of unprecedented conflict and imbalance. Yes, this is across the board, not just in your nation, community, and/or personal life. Things feel “off” in both our individual and collective experiences, and this is for good reason – we are at odds with ourselves within ourselves in community, with each other in our relationships, within ourselves as a collective humanity, and within our relationship with our planet.  On a number of levels, we are out of balance. This is apparent in how people say they’re committed to and/or value something, but don’t those beliefs and values through their actions which may demonstrate the exact opposite of what they say. How people describe themselves isn’t how they are presenting themselves. Our actions may not be aligned with what we’re feeling emotionally and/or intuitively, and many of us may be finding ourselves in “situationships” rather than truly connecting with and relating to our partners or others we have one-on-one relationships or interactions with.

However, these dualities and duplicities are being forced out of the shadows and into the light in spectacular fashion under this 2024 Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse in order to be addressed and dealt with. Even though New Moons are often associated with new beginnings and fresh starts, this particular event is making it explicitly clear – you don’t get to move forward until you make it clear where you stand. Your new beginning only comes at a price – you’ve got to reveal your truth.

Revealing your truth is a risky move for many of us. Making it clear where you really stand and what you really believe in and/or value may end up creating rifts in your relationships of any and all kinds. You may find yourself being alienated from your communities or circles. You may even find yourself at odds with partners, family, friends, or other important associates in your life.

However, what revealing your truth won’t do is make things complicated.

In fact, revealing your truth will simplify matters. Your revelations will likely create a contagion effect because others will respond or react to your revelation in some way, revealing their truths. Some will embrace you. Some will try to reason with you. Some will argue with you. Some will cut you off or out. The main things is… you’ll know where they stand as soon as you speak your truth… and in almost all cases, their responses will let you know where they stand. Whether you’re the one making the change or they are, the dynamics in your relationships and interactions with others are likely to shift.

The thing is… your conditions will be shifting for the better, even if it doesn’t feel great in the moment.

You may be surprised by some of the responses or reactions you receive. You may not expect things to happen the way they happen after your revelation. You may find others aren’t making a big deal of it after you thought it would be a big deal, or that it’s a much bigger deal to others than you thought it would be. Nevertheless, whatever comes out of you standing up for yourself and your beliefs and values will assist you in aligning perfectly with your present and future steps because you’re clear about who you are, what you believe and value, and you’ve made your truths known. Now there’s nothing for you to hide and nothing and no one for you to hide from.

I already noted that this 2024 Libra New Moon Eclipse is occurring under the influence of a 9 Universal Month of completions, fulfillments, and endings. It’s also occurring on an 11 Universal Day of inspiration and collaboration in most of the world (a 3 Universal Day of learning, growth, and expansion in the “Stans”/Middle Asia and all points east of them), and under the influence of an 8 Universal Year of power, influence, and control. The 3 UD regions will be gaining a clearer understanding of how the 11 UD regions are actually operating through observation more than participation, while some crazy powerful energy is in motion in those 11 UD parts of the world. Eleven is a number representing the collaboration of inspiring individuals – the power of unique individuals coming together to create something together that is greater than any one of them could have created alone. The individuality is of paramount importance, representing another aspect of what is fighting to be expressed and known during this 2024 Libra New Moon phase.

In situations in which one or both partners feel lost or oppressed in their relationships, energies may feel increasingly tense if not hostile. Fissures are becoming obvious. Conflicts can no longer be hidden. Controlling and coercive or manipulative behaviors are all being exposed. All of this imbalance and discord is surfacing so it can be brought to an end under the energy of the 9 Universal Month. These endings may come through conversations or negotiations – through efforts to maintain yet work through and heal any damage in the relationship. Yet these endings could also be the actual endings or completions of relationships, partnerships, or situations which are no longer healthy or balanced… if they ever were in the first place.

However, the way these matters are resolved in key because it requires all parties involved to express their individual truths openly and completely. They must release their identity as part of a couple or group to reclaim and give voice to their individual and independent selves. Each person must make their thoughts and emotions known. There’s no more hiding behind others, or having others take responsibility for your role in the relationship/community/team/collaboration. You must stand alone…

… but it’s in standing alone that you learn where you truly belong. Your individuality helps you find out which connections and affiliations really are healthy and supportive of who you are and who you want to or are meant to be. You may have to disturb the peace now in order to find your peace in the long run.

For more detailed insights into the energies of this 2024 Libra New Moon and Annular Solar Eclipse, here are the astrological transits within 3° orb at the time of the New Moon’s maximum phase:

STELLIUM: Libra Moon conjunct Libra 9 Sun conjunct Libra Black Moon Lilith conjunct Libra Mercury (10-11°) – Emotions make the decisions right now, and those decisions will reveal the actions that have been hidden in the shadows. Even the Moon passing through won’t be able to prevent the light from getting through – the truth will be revealed around the edges. In fact, the Moon will likely make any displays of emotion even more pronounced.

  • PHOENIX TRIANGLE: Libra Stellium sesiquadrate Taurus Uranus Retrograde sesiquadrate Capricorn Ceres (10-11° to 26°) – I usually don’t cover sesiquadrate transits in these articles, but this configuration was too intense to ignore. Unexpected manifestations may occur as result of the revelations happening now – revelations which reveal and possibly confirm what is actually being valued and pursued. The clarity that emerges from the current challenges is likely to alter the way we view our personal and collective resources as well as our societal goals and objectives.
  • Libra Stellium square Capricorn Ceres (10-11°) – The bridge of the afore-mentioned Phoenix Triangle, the challenges occur when personal or societal values and goals are at odds with the stated relational or diplomatic intentions. This could indicate impasse or conflict if one or both parties involved are not willing to seek common ground, compromise, or concede to the other’s will, and is the source of the “ashes” giving rise to an unexpected progression or outcome.
  • Libra Stellium semi-sextile Scorpio Venus (10-11°) – The revelations of (im)balance may lead to relationship/partnership decisions which may seem extreme, but are more likely long overdue.
  • BLESSING TRIANGLE: Capricorn Pluto Retrograde sextile Pisces Neptune Retrograde sextile Taurus Uranus Retrograde (26-29°) – Feedback is resulting in a major transformation of our societal institutions and infrastructures, which encourages a reassessment of our visions and aspirations for the future – a future that may be far more different than anyone expected.

Aries Chiron Retrograde opposite Libra Juno (18-21°) – Healing comes through balancing one’s commitments. This is especially the case for relationship commitments. If a connection takes you or keeps you off-balance or unable to maintain your sense of individual self-identity, you may want to recalibrate or complete its role in your life.

Virgo Vesta semi-sextile Libra Juno (18°) – Your dedication to making something work is likely extending into one or more of your relationships or partnerships. Be careful that you’re not trying to “fix” or force the healing of a connection that no longer serves a healthy purpose in your life. However, if your tendency is to abandon ship at the slightest hint of challenge, this may not be the

Cancer Mars sextile Virgo Vesta (15-18°) – Your emotional investment in someone or something may be behind your dedicated efforts to making something work. Just confirm that you’re trying to make it work in emotionally and physically healthy ways.

Cancer Mars square Libra Juno (15-18°) – You may be emotionally inspired to take action for a relationship, but be mindful of how your action may be perceived as your action be seen as an act of commitment to a partnership you may not (yet or ever) want to commit to taking part in.

Cancer Mars trine Pisces Saturn Retrograde (14-15°) – Being emotionally inspired to take action may also find you either disregarding your emotional and energetic boundaries or recognizing a need to establish or uphold some. It’s likely the latter right now, which is why you may feel empowered to say “no” if/when others try to play your emotions to get you to do things. However, if you tend to be someone who plays others’ emotions, don’t be surprised if you’re met with some no’s as people discover their boundaries.

Capricorn Ceres sextile Pisces Saturn Retrograde (11-14°) – Remembering what you value most helps you understand where your emotional and energetic boundaries need to be set. Once you’ve established those boundaries, standing firm in your values helps you honor your boundaries and helps you hold others accountable to them.

The energy of this 2024 Libra New Moon will be felt from Sunday 29th September through Saturday 5th October 2024. and the energies of this 2024 Libra Annular Solar Eclipse will be felt over the next six months (through April 2025), though the events occurring during the next six months may have enduring and evolving effects on our collective future well beyond April.

Remember this one thing from the 2024 Libra New Moon Eclipse:
Sometimes, you must disturb the peace to find your peace.

Know your truth and speak your truth, and you will be at peace with and within your life.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light and Blessings,




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