Mars moves into Leo later today at 6:51p PDT, bringing a spotlight to the passions that drive our actions.  Mars usually makes things very interesting as actions always speak louder than words.  The only thing is with Mars in Leo, our actions will not only speak loudly, they will bring attention to the motives behind them.

With the Leo and Mars combination, our actions are apt to be driven by our pleasure principles – what brings the most happiness and joy to our lives.  Our passion for pleasure is the motive behind our actions.

With the Sun in Virgo for another 5 days, this Mars in Leo energy is likely to be reflected in the actions we take to have the mundane activities in our everyday lives bring us joy and pleasure.  Questions you may find yourself asking are:

  • I am doing this everyday, but do I enjoy doing it?
  • Is what I am doing bringing joy and pleasure into my life?
  • Is what I am doing really and truly moving me toward a goal that brings me joy?

However, once the Sun moves into Libra on Friday, the focus of our actions shifts from our everyday lives to our partnerships in all areas of our lives.

Libra is about balance, justice, and equality, and therefore tends to focus on our relationships of all kinds with people and things in our life.  You may find that matters of fairness, balance and equality hold increased importance for you as you examine the one-on-one relationships in your life.  The questions you may find yourself asking after Friday for a few weeks are:

  • I am in this relationship-partnership, but does it bring me joy?
  • Is who I am being in this relationship bring joy and pleasure into my life – do I like myself in this partnership?
  • Is who the other person in this partnership being someone who brings joy and pleasure to my life?  If not, why?
  • Is this partnership-relationship worth the challenges to reach a goal that brings me joy?

However, in some cases, our actions may be driven by what brings us the most attention.

Leo, after all, is the sign of the spotlight. It loves and needs to shine.  Therefore, the actions we may take to ‘adjust’ our course are not likely to be small or minor.  With Leo’s influence, it is probable these changes will be major.  Leo rarely does anything small, so whatever you or others choose to do to align with joy, it will probably be big, bold, and garner a lot of attention, for better and/or worse.

Some of you may find that you make some big choices that are a leap of faith in a positive way.  You may say ‘yes’ to the high-paying or high-profile job of your dreams, or say ‘yes’ to the marriage proposal.  You may choose to make the move to a new town or to a new home, or make a major purchase that has you feel good about your everyday life and your relationships.

Sadly, many of us rarely make major life changes from a positive place – they usually come forth out of severe discomfort or disillusionment.  Mars in Leo is apt to be a time of people making major overhauls in order to fix what they believe is wrong or to balance what they think is unfair.  You may find that you take a bold action to counteract someone else’s bold action because you want the attention or power that they are getting.  You may fully withdraw from a situation or fully engage in a matter because you feel you need to make it right or make it equal or fair.  You may suddenly quit a job to make a point that you feel neglected or disrespected.  You may suddenly end a relationship or start an affair to get back at someone who hurt you or to protect yourself from being hurt or alone.  All of these behaviors are rooted in a desire for joy and pleasure, yet they are coming from a foundation of pain and suffering first.  The passionate actions are more about relieving the pain than choosing the pleasure.

Whatever the case may be for you, be careful in how you choose to act when coming from a place of “making it right” – you may take an action you won’t be able to take back.  Ask yourself if you are acting from your own self-created perception(s) or if you are acting from Truth. Perception and Truth are not always the same.  Sometimes, with a little communication and some additional facts presented, you may find that the reality of the matter is far different from your perception.

In other words, before you get defensive, get informed.  Without sufficient consideration of both sides of a matter, you may find that your passionate actions may garner a type of attention you can do without – negative or reputation-damaging attention. Your passion may not bring the pleasure you hoped for.

Bring positive attention to yourself and your life through your actions rooted in passion. Weigh the pros and cons of the matters and activities of your everyday life.  Look at both sides of the story (the partnership-relationship) before making major decisions about it – weigh the pros and cons there, too.  Then make the choices that align you with your life’s passions in a effective, healthy, balanced, and positive way.

Joy comes from care and balance.  Honor both in your life this week, and have your passions bring forth true joy and pleasure for you.

Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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