Adding to an already busy week astrology-speaking, we now have Mercury Retrograde beginning its contact with its cohorts in the sign of Pisces.

Up first – the planet of initiation and action, MarsMars is associated with the traditional male archetype – assertive if not aggressive, competitive, leads through action, and strives to be the first one to do pretty much anything it decides it wants to do.  Mars can be impulsive and reactive, but also powerful and strong.  It is the ruling planet of the sign of Aries.

As Mercury Retrograde conjuncted Mars much earlier this morning at 1:09a PST, it opened up an energy of personal revelation by awakening us to aspects of our inner delusions that may be on display through our own actions in our everyday lives.

As humans, we never do anything that is not in our self-interest to some degree.  In metaphysics and spirituality, we often idealize the denial or demise of the ego.  We idolize those who are constantly in selfless service to others and who practice unconditional love, and celebrate those who put others before themselves, and we make ourselves feel bad or guilty when we don’t live up to everyone else’s expectations or up to our own ideals of Love or service.

Yet it is the ego that makes us human.  Without it, there is no reason for us to exist in human form.  It is our ego that helps us learn the lessons we need to learn for our souls to evolve and adapt a consistent practice of the ideals we hold about loving service.

Unconditional love and selfless service are not in alignment with human nature, which is why this transit of Mercury Retrograde conjunct Mars in Pisces is so fabulous.  It helps us remember the humanity of our efforts to be “perfect”.

Our actions always reveal our deepest inner truth.  Always.  There is never a time when our actions don’t reveal what we are really thinking or feeling deep inside.  That said, we reveal ourselves to others through our actions or our lack thereof.

That said, every one of us is one of “those people” in some way:

  • The person who is “happily married” , yet gets caught acting on their addiction to sex and pornography.
  • The person who speaks in terms of unconditional love and selfless service, yet uses their gifts, skills, and abilities to manipulate others for their personal gain
  • The person who says they want to lose weight, yet is found binge eating in their car in an empty parking lot so no one will see them sabotaging themselves.
  • The person who says they are building their empire, while they spend all the money they don’t have getting involved in yet another “get-rich-quick” scheme trying to get what they want without having to work for it.
  • And many, many more…

Judgment of others is an exercise in futility not because there’s too much to judge, but because it would be hypocrisy at its finest.  Each of us has our own denial or delusion hiding in our closet.  Mercury Retrograde conjunct Mars in Pisces can help us see how we may be exposing it to everyone we think we’re hiding it from.


I’d like to share a bit about my own spiritual journey in the hopes of bringing this dynamic to Light.

I have been invited to many events over the last few weeks, many of them last-minute invites, and some of them on days where more than one thing is already on the books.  It’s been tempting for me to try and do everything, and I’m excited that the “conscious community” I was committed to creating and being part of is coming to fruition in my life and eager to include me…and I am also a bit overwhelmed by the flood of new people and new energies coming into my life.

That said, it was upon waking this morning that I noticed how dishonest I’ve been being in my life recently.  As I go around spouting my mission of truth, honesty, and openness, I realized that am lying to others and myself about living that mission in all areas and aspects of my life.

It was a very rude awakening, to say the least.

Instead of speaking my truth fully in order to honor my well-being by telling others that I need time alone or that I want to do other things in order to process the recent steps of my journey, I find that I’m saying “yes” – telling people that I’ll be participating or being in attendance for their events only to find myself not doing what I need to do to follow through for them.  As result, I’m leaving others feeling and believing that I cannot be counted on.  And to those who are able to read energy consciously and clearly, I am also exposing my inner conflict and revealing my fear of being manipulated or taken advantage of by others, even by those with genuine and honest love for me who have no other intention but to share their Love and Light with me.

So, this is what I now know I get to work on and clean up in my own life – the dialogue between my heart, my mind, and my connection with Source to practice what I preach about living by truth, honesty, and openness…and this revelation was brought to me today by the influence of Mercury Retrograde conjunct Mars in Pisces.


What is your revelation of this day?  What have you been exposing yourself for, and how does becoming conscious of that exposure help you evolve?  Post your comments below, or on the Life By Soul Facebook or G+ pages.  I’d love to hear how this day’s transit made a difference for you.

Thank you for reading and sharing,  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,






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