Roughly 36 hours after Mercury conjuncted Jupiter in Gemini, Venus follows suit , exact at 12:29p PDT today. During this conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in Gemini, there is a wonderful opportunity to be in communication with people you are in relationships or partnerships with. Today, and for the next 2-3 days, you may find that you are able to bring much-needed clarity to aspects of your partnership that have been unclear or in a state of limbo. You may also find that information is revealed and/or exchanged that helps clarify the intention of a relationship and determines the direction a partnership needs to move into – either closer together or further apart.
The wonderful thing about this Venus-Jupiter conjunction is that no matter what happens, both parties involved can experience positive energy and great optimism after these discussions have taken place. The air gets cleared and everyone involved is better for it.
This is due in great part to the fact that Venus – the ruler of the air sign of Libra – is known for bringing abundance and positive energy to relationships and partnerships because of its objectivity – it doesn’t (despite popular belief) have an emotional stake in the outcome. In fact, Venus does its best to keep emotional drama out of the matters at hand, keeping its eyes focused on the prizes of balance, fairness, justice, equality, and diplomacy.
In Gemini, Venus is happy traveling through a fellow air sign. There is no emotional theater to negotiate or manage. It’s all ideas, thoughts, and information – easy components to work with in the intention of creating open and clear lines of communication between two parties. As long as the parties involved keep their emotional agendas out of the mix, things can get done smoothly and easily.
Jupiter is also known for bringing positive and optimistic energy into any matter, and is known for bringing growth and expansion to matters as well. With Jupiter in Gemini, this is a wonderful element to have present at this time. It almost ensures that any communications and information exchanged will be for the better…even if it doesn’t seem that way at first. It also ensures that the positive effects of clear communication will grow and expand throughout everything that the two parties do from this point forward – it is very likely that there will be lasting positive effects from the ideas, insights, and information exchanged now.
My big warning message for this transit: Venus conjunct Jupiter in Gemini can be a very light and playful energy, so the temptation to play games is strong. Yet it will serve everyone involved best to keep the games out of the mix, and to keep the information and communication direct, clear, and open. The masterful playing of mind games is one of Gemini’s strong suits, yet it is not wise to play any games at this time. You could, but you are likely to find that they 1) may grow bigger than you intended much more quickly than you intended, becoming more of a hassle for you to juggle than you intended, or 2) help bring clarity to the parties involved – clarity that helps them realize that they no longer want to be played with, and therefore, no longer want to interact with you.
Too little communication can lead to assumptions, misunderstandings, and/or outright lies, especially if there is emotional attachment by either party to the outcome of the communications. And too much information can actually have a similar effect, creating confusion or lack of clarity where there was none before. Creative liberties taken in order to make clarity out of a “TMI” (too much information) situation could prove devastating to a partnership.
The keys to success during this conjunction are clarity and balance (Venus), and allowing what has clarity and balance to grow and expand (Jupiter). Make sure both parties have their fair and/or equal opportunity to speak their minds and share their ideas and insights – growing those qualities in your partnerships is paramount now. Under the influence of Gemini – the perpetual student of the Zodiac – there are lessons to be learned here about clear and open communication, and they are lessons that can bring wisdom and positive personal growth for all involved.
Use the power of this powerful Venus-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini wisely. Reap the benefits available to you and your relationships of all kinds. If you must play any game, challenge yourself to be as direct and open as possible and encourage others to do the same. May your life be better as result of your exchanges in the next few days.
As always, thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…
~ Light, Love, and Blessings.