Saturn has been traveling in the sign of Pluto’s rulership, Scorpio, since October 2012.  It will continue moving through this sign into September of 2015.

Pluto has been traveling in the sign of Saturn’s rulership, Capricorn, since January 2008 and will continue moving through this sign into March of 2023.

This Saturn in Scorpio-Pluto in Capricorn sextile, which was exact last night, September 21st, 2013 at 10:45p PDT, is the last of three exact sextile transits between these two bodies while they are within each other’s signs for the first time in 237 years.  This third sextile also marks the zenith point of this profound mutual reception energy as both planets are in direct motion as of last Friday, September 20th.  What is so profound about this mutual reception transit is that it is really and truly a driving force of intense and profound world transformation.

I’d say that Pluto in Capricorn is actually directing the energy that comes from this pairing, as it is literally and figuratively destroying and reshaping institutions and organizations that have been “the authorities” for years, decades, centuries, and even millennia to date.  In a matter of 15 years, Pluto in Capricorn is determined to clear away all of the old institutions and their old, outdated ways that no longer serve us well now.  It is also asking us to transform the way we perceive power and influence, and to change how we perceive success and status on both the personal and collective levels.

Saturn in Scorpio complements Pluto’s clearing work by challenging us to see if the rules and structures that we’ve been living by still serve us well personally and/or collectively.  Questions that are arising to challenge us are:

  • Do the definitions of success and status we’ve been living by still motivate us?
  • Do the institutional rules and laws we’ve been living by still guide us?
  • Do the societal, governmental, and religious institutions we have been looking to for our focus, discipline, and guidance align with the inner Truth that is awakening within our deepest emotional-spiritual selves?
  • Does the structure and stability those institutions have provided us still empower us to take responsibility for ourselves and our lives, or have we become dependent on them (or worse, co-dependent with them)?

I admit – I don’t watch, read, or listen to the news too often these days – network, cable, or otherwise.  However, I have found it is important to check in with it to see and understand how this mutual reception energy is on display in what is happening in the world right now.

Though I could easily get into the mundane details, I’d prefer to summarize my observation and interpretation of current world events by saying that as people are individually choosing to honor their unique expressions of their deepest inner Truths, they are becoming more confident in themselves.  As they develop this confidence an learn to love themselves, they are becoming more accepting of and loving toward each other.  And as they learn to trust and love each other, they are collaborating with each other and supporting each other with loving and healing intent.

The old, outdated institutions – many of them are (or have become) fear-based, and they are trying to maintain their authority, influence, and control by doing everything they can to continue making people afraid of what is different, what is new, what is not “the old ways”. They try to convince us that they best know the changes we need, that they are protecting us, and that we cannot sustain ourselves without them.  Yet there are operating out of fear for their own livelihood and projecting their fear onto us.  This is how the ego-driven world has worked for so long, and it no longer serves humanity well.

Love and trust are becoming the world’s authorities now and where there is love, there is trust and there is no fear.

As technology brings the citizens of the world closer together, it has those of us with access to it feeling that we can connect with each other in deep, real, intimate ways.  This desire for deep and meaningful, if not intimate, connection and Love is at the core of the uprising of humanity’s collective Oneness and Truth.  The unconditional love and Light that is emerging from within challenges each and all of us to transform who we are being in the world, as result, it challenges these institutions that have been in place to adapt to the deep depths of emotional-spiritual Truth we the people are being called into.  These institutions – governments, religions, corporations – their very existences are being challenged by one single statement.

Adapt or die.

Saturn in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn is forcing these powers that have been “running the show” on the world’s stage to define their stances in matters of this profound collective transformation.  These long-standing institutions are being asked to focus their messages, define themselves, and make themselves transparent and vulnerable.  They are being asked to reveal their deepest secrets and their darkest behaviors to earn or maintain the trust of the people.  If not done willingly, they are being forced to disclose their deepest, darkest truths in unprecedented ways or experiencing unprecedented backlash as result.

This disclosure and trust process is actually the premise of the energy of Scorpio – the principle that if your darkest darkness can be known and revealed, if your hand can be tipped to reveal your “worst case scenario”, then and only then you can be trusted.  Once there is trust, there is nothing Scorpio won’t give you in the way of loyalty, generosity, affection, and/or resource.  Its love knows no bounds once trust has been established.

Yet under this Saturn in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn dynamic, if you’re a person or institution in a position of power and influence that can’t be trusted or if you lose the trust of people (or collectively, “the people”), you probably won’t get it back.  Pluto will cut you off and cut you down, turn its back, and walk away.  It will do this much more kindly if you’ve simply grown outdated and irrelevant.  But if you’ve betrayed trust and refuse to concede or admit your “error” in judgment, your demise likely won’t be pretty or kind.

I look forward to seeing how this Saturn in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn energy continues to influence change in the world, especially since the last time this mutual reception took place, we got the American Revolutionary War in 1776.   The effects of this sextile transit will be strongly present through October 20th, 2013.  However, Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn will still have work to do for quite a while longer.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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