Early tomorrow morning, November 19th, 2013, at 5:07a PST, Chiron returns to direct motion in the sign of Pisces. This is wonderful news as it allows for all of the healing work we may have been doing within ourselves over these last five months gets to begin revealing itself on the outside.
Since mid-June 2013, Chiron Retrograde gave us many chances to see ourselves clearly in our own emotional-spiritual wounds, and plenty of opportunities to choose to begin (or finish) healing those wounds. For some of us, it’s been a challenging journey. Maybe we were so upset by the wounds that were brought up for us to address and deal with that we deftly and diligently ignored or avoided facing or dealing with them. Maybe we ignored or avoided the call by avoiding or deflecting personal responsibility for our behaviors rooted in these wounds. Maybe we defended our interests with vigor, needing desperately to be right about the stance we’ve taken that continues to do damage to our lives. Or maybe we acted in dramatic desperation, seeking attention, power, influence, and/or control outside of ourselves to make up for a lack of those qualities within us. In doing any or all of these behaviors, we may have chosen to continue living in pain, possibly missing the opportunities given to us by the Universe to heal.
However, for others, we recognized the call to healing that Chiron Retrograde provided, and we’ve made the most of the opening of doors that have led us to the process of healing long-open and emotionally painful wounds. We faced our monsters, and overcame them (or at least we’ve developed practices that are helping us overcome them). It’s hasn’t been easy to do, yet the progress and/or results have begun making our lives easier. We began taking responsibility for our part in perpetuating our wounds, and simply let go of responsibility of what is not ours to be responsible for. We stopped blaming others for our failures and avoidances, and chose instead to learn the lessons and receive the insights that have always been available to us. We chose to no longer be victims to others and our circumstances, and have begun practices that allow us to heal our wounds and shift the direction of our lives for the better.
With Chiron in Pisces now back in direct motion, you may notice that the choices you made during the retrograde period begin to show themselves out into the world. Those around you may see you differently; they may start to behave differently with or around you. They may realize that you are changing, and they may not know how to deal with what they are witnessing. This is especially true if they haven’t embraced their own healing process.
As you continue your healing journey in Chiron Direct in Pisces, you may find that you have little to no tolerance for others’ unwillingness to face the sources of their emotional-spiritual wounds and their tendencies to take their pain out on you. As result, you may start weeding people out of the day-to-day your life. For these people in your life who have resisted their own healing, your choice may be very frustrating for them. While you may be able to move on with love and compassion, yet they may not be so compassionate themselves. They may balk at your new direction and the idea you are willing to go on in your life without them, and blame your absence for their problems and pain…and that’s okay.
Sometimes the most loving thing you can do for yourself and someone else is to walk away to give you both a chance to take responsibility/ ownership of your lives. Others may get angry with you, but it’s only because you may be leaving them to deal with what they don’t want to face or be responsible for. It’s important for you to keep in mind that it’s not the confronting or the walking away that is causing the pain; it’s the confronting or walking away that is revealing the real source(s) of their wounds and pain to them.
The people you are leaving behind may not recognize the loving act you are taking, but it’s also not up to you to make sure they do – it is your job to move on. This may not be easy for you with Pisces being the sign of selfless service, spiritual service, and philanthropy. In any area of our lives under the influence of Pisces, we tend to believe that we aren’t being loving or spiritual or ‘good’ toward others and/or that we aren’t being of service to them if we say ‘no’ to them or don’t give them what they want or “help” them with what they ask for. Yet, those are exactly the things you may need to do in order to reclaim your soul. The thing is that they can be done with love and compassion.
The people around you who have also chosen to heal their wounds will understand what is happening with you. Whether or not you choose to continue your relationships with each other, you can respect each other’s processes knowing that the life and lifestyle that you are moving into will be pain-free for each of you, even if your interests and activities are diverging. And if you choose to go separate ways, you can do so peacefully and amicably with compassion and unconditional love – in true Pisces fashion.
Chiron Direct in Pisces will be a very interesting journey, and a long one as Pisces will continue to be in the sign until early 2019. But take a deep breath and carry on, because healing isn’t painless. However, it may only be a little painful now to clean out your life and heal your long-open wounds. It will be much more painful and difficult for you to carry the burden any further. Let go and let yourself feel the short-term pain that heals you for the long run. Set yourself free to live the life you’ve dreamed!
Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…
~Light, Love, and Blessings,
Hello Grace,
Happy Thanksgivng. I know you are soaring. Thank you for the important work you do.
My friend wants to know how to get your ezine. Could you send me the infor andI can froward it to her please?
Thank You
Love you,
Nancy Grundy