Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces was exact at 2:46p PDT yesterday, October 1st. There is an element of this Mercury-Neptune trine that is a little too good to be true. On the other, a little fantasy may be just what is needed to encourage dreams to be moved into reality.
Mercury in Scorpio is about extremes in thoughts, ideas, and communications. Things happen quickly and decisively – there is no in-between. It’s all-or-nothing thinking and speaking, and it wants to make a powerful difference in the lives of everyone involved with its words.
Neptune is in its sign of rulership in Pisces. It is very comfortable being in the energy of imagination and artistry. This is where inspiration happens, where intuition reigns. It is also where our ideals can get the better of us, and though they may inspire us, they may also deceive us into believing that reality doesn’t exist.
With the components of this trine duly noted, when you’re tempted to think or speak in extremes while you are dreaming about your Utopian ideals, be aware that your thoughts and words could lead you to make some very important decisions that cannot be taken back. But that isn’t the biggest caution of this Mercury-Neptune trine.
I’d say that the biggest caution of this Mercury-Neptune trine comes in that Neptune is in retrograde motion, meaning its energy is being focused within. That indicates that the visionary ideals that you are eager to present are probably your own and may be yours alone. They may be born of your own emotional and spiritual beliefs or truths, yet you may still need to do some soul-searching to clarify them for yourself before you communicate them to others.
This is not to say that your vision isn’t valid or possible. It is to say that you need to make sure you know what you are saying that you are aware of its possible effects on others, and that you can stand by it all completely before you share it with others. Otherwise, in true Scorpio fashion, your lack of clarity and your failure to consider the bigger picture of humanity and All-That-Is may destroy any possibility of what you want coming into the reality of your experience.
Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces can also be a classic case of putting icing and sprinkles on a pile of poop and trying to convince yourself and others that it’s a cupcake. The circumstances that you are in could be awful, and what is being communicated to you about them could be awful as well. Yet for some reason, the plethora of red flags being put up through the words being communicated to you are somehow not getting through to you. This may be because you’ve made up your mind on an emotional-intellectual level and you’re standing firm in your position, ignoring the truth in favor of the hope that your “rose-colored glasses” ideal of everything magically working out the way you want may be more delusional than you care to admit to yourself or others.
However, Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces could just as well become a case of exchanging deep communications with others that bring forth those “aha” moments of intimacy and vulnerability. When the parties involved communicate honestly and openly from their respective emotional-spiritual truths, this Mercury-Neptune trine gives a higher than usual probability of compromise or consensus being found. In an environment of genuine receptivity and openness, the emotional and intellectual chemistry may be too strong to be ignored. Despite logical and objective Libra 7 energy in the air, this could be a case of that logic and objectivity being considered and matched by the emotional-spiritual bliss of the Mercury-Neptune trine.
Your experience of Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces will depend on the experience you allow for yourself and others. Questions to assist you through this journey are:
- Are you allowing yourself to get in touch with your own emotions, feelings, and visions for what is possible in your life or in the world? Are you clear about your perspective and position within yourself?
- Are you willing to be vulnerable in sharing your position openly and honestly with others?
- Are you willing to stand firm in the face of others’ opposition? And it is wise for you to do that now?
Though Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces was exact at 2:46p PDT yesterday, October 1st, its effects will be felt late Saturday, September 28th through Friday October 4th. Reflect on the last few days, and consider the upcoming few under this influence.
Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…
~Light, Love, and Blessings