The 2018 Aries New Moon reaches its maximum phase at 6:57p PDT on Sunday, 15th April 2018 (26.03°). Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac – the initiator, the beginning phase, the instigator, the bearer of the Spring Equinox – bringing cardinal fire energy to the fore. Aries assists us in getting things started & forging paths to new activities and creations. This New Moon is a quintessential beacon for new beginnings, fresh starts, and new courses of action. We could consider the Aries New Moon to be the “starting line” for many new chapters of and endeavors in our lives.

However, this 2018 Aries 6 Sun and the Aries Moon do not come together without some baggage. In fact, this 2018 Aries New Moon may prove to be more of a turning point than a starting line as what is being initiated right now is not necessarily popular and not entirely expected.

Aries in its own right is a rather impulsive and combustible energy. It tends to be very self-absorbed and ego-driven – very focused on “me, me, me”. It often acts without forethought and tends to forge ahead not caring if anyone else is following it or not. Its leadership style is more leadership by default than leadership by consciousness, with Aries often acting because it simply chooses to act. Instead of waiting, Aries chooses to do something – it chooses to be pro-active.

The good news is that Aries energy makes this a wonderful time to take initiative for yourself in your own life. What are you ready to begin? What are you ready to take action to move forward in your life? This cardinal fire energy is the perfect energy for taking initiative actions in alignment with your intentions to make progress toward your goals. The fire is inspirational and enlightening. It is acting as fuel for progress.

The challenge here is that Aries can also be aggressive, and its aggression is often driven by anger. This is where Aries’ fire can be used for destructive purposes. This is Aries acting from ego, burning down everything Aries perceives is in its way or denying its autonomy and individuality. Yet this path of destruction is often impulsive and not well thought-through, resulting in damage that did not need to occur.

We are having both the good and challenging experiences right now.

The question for you under the energy of this 2018 Aries New Moon is… as we all approach the starting line, are you starting on a path of creation or a destruction?

The likely answer for many of us will be… both. In fact, many of us will be realizing that in order to create new in our lives, we will need to “destroy” the past which no longer serves.

Let’s look more closely at how this 2018 Aries New Moon energy is playing out as we approach the New Moon’s maximum phase. To explain these dynamics, we should probably start with the other transits which are active today.

We’ll start with the largest collection of energy, which is found in Scorpio Jupiter Retrograde sextile Capricorn Pluto sextile Pisces Juno (21-24°), which also makes Scorpio Jupiter Rx and Pisces Juno trine to each other in the process to form a “power triangle” configuration. This wedge indicates that many matters which have been kept in the dark are now growing too large to remain hidden any longer. As they come to light, they reveal a need for our societal structures to change if not be completely transformed. These calls for change are rattling our societal institutions, exposing how out of touch if not delusional these establishments are about their roles and behaviors and how they’re no longer serving the Highest good of ALL, but have somehow deluded themselves into believing they are. The expanse of the delusion and the powers-that-be’ commitment to upholding is probably the biggest revelation right now.

We can see this energy playing out in our own individual lives as well. Where are we awakening to just how much our old constructs and roles are actually keeping us in positions and have us pursuing aspirations which are no longer serving us, yet we’re still trying to uphold our connections to those societal structures and standards, allowing them to continue having power over us because we’ve been conditioned to believe “that’s how the world works”. We’re also feeling the burden of our “tribes” by allowing our family members and friends and colleagues who are still very ‘system-bound’ to pressure us into staying with “the way things are”, even though so much within and around us is telling us that the world is changing and it’s time to move on to new and different things.

We’d be wise to recognize that much of our tribe’s lack of support or encouragement for our dreams is rooted in their own fears of change and/or their fears about leaving the system behind. Some of them may be angry because we are doing what they do not have the courage to do, but know that anger is being projected onto us – they are most likely angry with themselves for not choosing their own way. To that point, many of us are feeling called from within to move in new directions, and this Aries New Moon would be the time to make that move… yet we also have to be willing to let go of our outdated beliefs and routines to make it, and many of us are not so eager to release our familiar routines or surroundings.

To make that letting go process more challenging, Scorpio Jupiter Retrograde is also opposite Taurus Venus (19-21°), revealing that people’s values and/or value systems and resource motives are coming to light along with these emerging matters. And Capricorn Pluto is also trine Taurus Venus (19-21°) indicates that the partnerships and alliances which are now forming are being formed with the intention of empowering the shared value and resource systems and motives and/or destroying those value and resource systems not shared. On a personal level, we see this playing out as more and more of us are seeking out people who share our lifestyle values and resource levels, or who have the values and resources levels we aspire to have. Yet we are now also realizing that if we are to “level up” our values and resource levels, there is a mindset which also must be adopted, Our old beliefs and behaviors cannot continue to be held if we truly want to manifest a different lifestyle… and this is where things get tense.

Especially because Capricorn Mars conjunct Black Moon Lilith (16-17°) is also active at the time of the New Moon’s maximum phase. This is the warning flag transit because Mars is Aries’ ruling planet and when combined with Lilith, it’s an indication that many confrontational and combative actions being taken right now are in favor of darker, ego-driven objectives intended to bring others (who we perceive ourselves to be in competition or conflict with) down. This brings divisive motives rather than unifying ones, and since Capricorn favors institutions and establishments, this indicates certain establishments are seeking to divide and/or destroy whatever they perceive threatens their power. This Mars + Lilith conjunction is also sextile Pisces Neptune (15-17°), which is not helping matters much as it encourages the delusional perspectives being encouraged by the afore-mentioned Jupiter Rx–Pluto–Juno configuration. The people doing the dividing and destroying are looking at their behaviors through rose-colored yet very outdated views of the way the world is, genuinely believing they are doing what is right and good by rushing into actions which are anything but the way the world actually is right now…

… and this is causing people to question those running the institutions of power. It is causing people to question people in power. It is causing people to question everyone and everything that they have used to justify their values and beliefs and behaviors.

It is causing the greater whole of humanity to wake up, and as the masses awaken, those in power are waking up in turn.

And this is where the good news is.

The Aries 6 Sun and Aries Moon are not alone in their conjunction – they are joined in conjunction orb by Uranus in Aries (28.33°) at the time of maximum phase, which represents the greater whole of humanity I just mentioned. Yes, more and more people are starting to realize that all these institutional events are having an effect on their everyday lives, and they now want their individual voices to be heard and their thoughts and views to be known and understood.

In other words, “the people” are starting to know better, and that is why Uranus’ presence with the Sun and Moon for this 2018 Aries New Moon is so profound – this starting line could also be a turning point.

The more people speak out individually, the more they become aware of how ‘not alone’ they are. In fact, they are finding that they share the same views and values as far more people than they ever could have imagined. They may already belong to new communities more aligned with what they truly feel and believe, and thanks to the transits active right now, they’re coming to those realizations and growing into them now.

Cancer White Moon Selene is also trine Pisces Neptune (12-15°) and brings more energy of hope to this mass awakening. This means its visionary, transcendental, compassionate intention has the potential to take priority over the ego-driven combative intentions of Lilith. and when combined with the visionary energy of Neptune, this is where those of us who can see the positives which could either overcome the challenges, or at least assist us in seeing the positives which could come out of these destructive episodes.

Our pathway above and beyond this institutional chaos, division, and destruction is to seek out opportunities to create caring, compassion, and collective support for one another as humanity. It is paramount that those of us who are being called to grow beyond the tactics of division and destruction actually speak to and share our vision for Oneness and understanding that each of our lives and voices matter, despite what our societal institutions may want us to believe.

In other words, it is now us to each of us to take initiative action based upon our own personal intentions – upon our individual values, our individual beliefs, our individual desires, our individual intuitions… it’s up to us to create our lives and in turn, create the world we want to live in.

The 2018 Aries New Moon is occurring on a numerological 3 universal day in the Americas (15th April 2018), meaning the effects of the actions initiated through this New Moon dynamic will continue to grow and expand. This New Moon occurs on a 22 universal day in the rest of the world (16th April 2018), indicating the effects of this New Moon dynamic have resulted and will continue to result in the strengthening of emotional connections and reinforcement of solid community support for future events.

What that means for each and all of us is that this 2018 Aries New Moon is a turning point, and it’s up to each and all of us how we choose to use the energy of this New Moon as our own personal starting line from our present into our individual and collective futures. What kind of world are we wanting to live in? And are we ready to stand up for not only ourselves but for that vision of the world we want to have manifest?

The effects of this 2018 Aries New Moon have been in play for the last 3 days (since Thursday 12th April), and will be in play for another 3 days to come (now through Wednesday 18th April).

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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