The Capricorn New Moon is at its maximum phase at 5:28p PST (15.42°). In this goal-oriented, results-driven energy, the fresh starts which are often encouraged under a New Moon have more of a completion energy than a beginning energy this time around. It’s as if everything old is trying to make itself new again… but it’s having some problems getting everyone to go along with the revival plans.

The world has changed, and it’s changed a bit too much for what worked before to work again. In fact, most of the old ways and the structures and institutions that supported them have been damaged or destroyed beyond repair. That, and there’s enough people who are more comfortable with new ideas and new approaches to the matters-at-hand where those who are clinging to the old ways are beginning to find themselves outnumbered.

I want to be optimistic, but it’s really difficult to be cheerful about what is happening right now. I’m not going to blow fairy dust on all of this, so let’s keep it real about what this New Moon energy is about to initiate.

This is the official beginning of the end of the old and outdated societal institutions and structures in our world. This is (almost) the moment we’ve been waiting for.

That last statement may seem rather dramatic and maybe even a bit over the top… but it is what it is. The next 34 hours are going to bring the start to quite the adventure.

An adventure into uncharted territory.

Capricorn ‘s energy encourages focus, discipline, and determination, and there’s more than plenty of that energy present. With Mercury entering Cap less than 24 hours ago, it joins Saturn, the Moon, the Sun, Pluto, and the South Node in the sign, and that’s a whole lot of focus and determination to be experiencing right now. Mercury is the mind and exchanges of information; Saturn is in its home sign, intensifying its penchant for authority and disciplinarian rule; the Moon brings clear intention to emotional energies in play; the Sun reveals the reality behind the plans and goals; Pluto is the great transformer, destroying what no longer serves while empowering what does; and the South Node reminds us of where we’ve been and asks us if we’ve learned the lessons of the past so we don’t repeat them… or maybe reminds us that we’re doomed to repeat those lessons because we haven’t learned them.

Capricorn, being cardinal earth energy, also likes to complete things almost as much as it likes to initiate things. Yes, setting the goals is fun, but getting the results of your efforts is even more fun!

Yet when change is afoot, people often use the distraction of trying to predict the results and outcomes before new goals and intentions can even be set. This is how the old ways keep being repeated, and how the new ways continue to get shelved…

… only this time around, if the old-timers want to maintain their positions of power and authority, they’re going to have to let the new ways gain a little ground.

This brings all sorts of emotion-driven drama to the table, even though you may not see it at first glance. This is where the Partial Solar Eclipse plays its part – it keeps a few things under wraps under the Moon’s cover. Capricorn’s mantra is “never let ‘em see you sweat”, and in the case of current events, you can be sure that those in positions of status, power, and/or influence are trying to keep a few aces up their sleeves. The eclipse indicates that, sadly, not everything will come to light – some things will still try to hide in the cover of darkness. Yet it is a partial eclipse, and with the numerological 3 universal year energy at play, there’s a strong likelihood that those hidden truths will grow too big for their hiding places soon enough.

Definitely sooner than later.

These old timers think they’re outsmarting the new folks…

…but these new folks are smarter and savvier than the old folks give them credit for.

A LOT smarter and savvier.

So as we experience this 2019 Capricorn New Moon + Partial Solar Eclipse, it would be wise to remember that for the first time in… well, possibly ever, everything old is not new again – it’s just old, outdated, and nearing time for its replacement.

It’s time to apply the lessons of the past, not to repeat the past; and those who insist on trying to repeat it may have a rude awakening ahead.

That was then, and this is now.

Let’s look at the transits in effect now – at the time this 2019 Capricorn New Moon phase reaches its maximum – so we may better understand what is happening now.

There are quite a few large geometric configurations of note during this New Moon + Eclipse event:

  • A Sequence of Sagittarius Jupiter semi-sextile the Capricorn Sun + Moon conjunction semi-sextile the Aquarius Black Moon Lilith + Vesta conjunction semi-sextile Pisces Neptune (12-16°) – This series indicates that the continuing emergence and expansion of factual truth leads to revelations of how the societal institutions and structures are enabling the corruption and are in need of overhaul leading to ego-driven outrage and determination to preserve one’s self-interest despite the awareness of the greater whole leading to disillusionment of the masses and their growing discontent as they realize that they can no longer deny the emerging facts – they’ve been deceived, and there’s a great deal of anger emerging as they realized they believed the lies they were told.
  • A Water-dominant Grand Trine-Kite involving Scorpio Venus trine Pisces Chiron trine Cancer North Node opposite Capricorn South Node, making the South Node the driving energy of the configuration (26-28°) – This is what happens when it becomes crystal clear that compassion and empathy are no longer present in our old and now-outdated societal institutions and processes. This is a call for that empathy and compassion to be restored to institutional structures. Of course, those in the positions of power in our societal institutions will be put on the spot – will they earnestly honor the wishes of the greater whole, or will they do what they believe will keep them in power?
  • A Cardinal Nodal T-Square involving Aries Uranus Retrograde square the Cancer North Node/Capricorn South Node axis (26-28°). This reveals even more tension is building involving the Nodal Axis as the growing awareness/awakening of the public pushes those in power to expose themselves as either sensitive to the concerns of the people or caring about preserving the ways of the corrupted institutions.

Then there are the solo transits:

  • Saturn is at 11° Capricorn, which is outside the 3° orb I prefer for interpreting transits. In fact, the way I’d interpret this is the New Moon conjunction passing through the gates of Saturn’s disciplinary wrath before they close. There is something that either manages to escape the efforts to hold people accountable or responsible for their behaviors and choices OR that gets brought in through the doors of the proverbial penitentiary just under the wire to be held account. That’s because Saturn, in its home sign of Capricorn, is a formidable presence during this 2019 Capricorn New Moon + Partial Eclipse phase. Still in semi-sextile aspect to Jupiter (11-12°), Saturn is laying down the law with more authority and disciplinary swagger than usual. This is likely due to the fact that factual truth is coming to light faster than anyone could have imagined, and the sudden rush to lock things down procedurally and legally is a concerted and obvious effort by the institutional powers-that-be to stop the bleeding. Jupiter brings more truth forward, and Saturn is using it to crack down on those who are being exposed by it. Yet in some cases, those being exposed are those running the institutions which would normally hold the criminals accountable for their deeds. Don’t be surprised to see those who are breaking the rules trying to use, or rather, abuse the rules in order to squash any opposition to their corruption.
  • Mercury entered Capricorn yesterday, and makes trine aspect to Aries Uranus Retrograde at the time of the New Moon + Eclipse (28-1°). This reveals the ‘tough talk’ tactics being employed to test out public opinion, yet with Uranus Retrograde, the masses are still assessing rather than responding to the talk. If those looking for affirmation are looking for actions rather than words, they won’t get it… yet. People will still be observing, waiting for those who are talking a big game to make their big play and take action. Only then will people respond in kind.
  • Mercury also makes square transit to Mars in Aries at the time of the New Moon + Eclipse (1-3°). This is a fascinating transit because it challenges those who are ‘tough-talking’ and/or talking about their big plans to “put up or shut up”. The actions will affirm those words or prove them hollow. This will be a defining moment for those in the midst of ideological battles or trying to establish themselves in a position of authority or influence. That said, the actions being taken may not be welcome nor popular, but that’s not the point. The point through this transit is that they back up the words they communicated. Of course, those words will be held account… so close won’t be good enough. Details and facts will be examined, and those responsible for both the words and the actions (or lack thereof) will be held to scrutiny. In other words, doing something just to do it and get close enough won’t suffice. If you’re going to do it, get it done right; and if you’re not going to do it, you’re better admitting defeat and moving on.
  • Pisces Chiron is semi-sextile Aries Uranus Retrograde (28°), indicating that delusional, pride-driven behavior is creating community and/or societal outrage, yet there is still likely to be no one who will act to address the horrors that ensue… that is, not until Uranus in Aries officially returns to direct motion about 19 hours after the New Moon + Eclipse. Only then might we finally see signs of life and actions coming to fruition from the outrage that has been building. Only after that shift of energy will people (or at least someone) have finally had enough, taking matters into their own hands. Yet with the self-sacrifice qualities present through Pisces, be prepared for anyone who tries to initiate a charge to unseat power to be considered a martyr to the cause. Those who rise to the occasion after 12:30p PST on the 6th will find more public support and have an easier time making their case than those who may dare try even a few hours earlier.
  • Libra Pallas Athena semi-sextiles Scorpio Ceres (22°), a transit which is exact only a few hours after the New Moon reaches max phase, brings attention to the patterns of justice in these matters. What is unique about this aspect happening in this moment is that the usual pretenses of “justice” won’t work – this time, people want the real deal, and they’re paying attention to see if those who say they are going to hold people accountable will really hold people accountable. This is not just a justice statement – this is a value statement. Those in power will be asked to show what they stand for, and their stances will not be ignored nor forgotten.
  • And Capricorn Pluto trine Taurus Juno (20-21°) rounds out the major transits of the 2019 Capricorn New Moon + Partial Eclipse event. This reveals the transformation of our societal institutions and structures is presenting an ever-increasing demand on all of us to pick our sides in the matters-at-hand. What do we stand for? What are our intentions and/or goals? What are we willing to align with in order to have our intentions and goals fulfilled? This may not seem significant to you now, but as our institutions and structures become more compromised and unstable, you may find yourself unable to straddle the fence much longer.

Capricorn calls upon all of us to be more focused and disciplined. It’s not simply about having that focus and discipline forced upon us from the outside in – those who reap benefits from this period are those who are able to focus and discipline themselves. With Mercury, Saturn, Sun, Moon, Pluto, and the South Node all currently in the sign, there is a great deal of energy guiding us to get serious and focused about exactly what we intend to pursue and accomplish. Those of us who are clear about our intentions and goals and understand how the institutional structures operate, will find ourselves navigating this New Moon + Eclipse rather easily.

However, those who do not understand the virtues of patience and clarity – we may find ourselves recklessly and impatiently doubling-down on our impulsive mistakes, tying ourselves in knots trying to outsmart those who actually know more than we think we do. For us impulsive, unclear types, this is not exactly the best time to double down on our goals. Mars in Aries is the energy pushing us to act on impulse, and those of us who are quick to act may find ourselves becoming martyrs to the causes we’re trying to champion. If we can wait only a few hours – until Uranus turns direct in Aries on the 6th – we may find ourselves better supported by the masses in our efforts to initiate our goal-driven courses.

It may seem that I’m only talking about larger institutions – governments, unions, organizations, corporations, etc… but these forces are also very much at work in our individual personal lives, our families, our social circles, and our local communities. The government circuses are easy to focus on, but if we really want to be honest, we’ll apply these same observations and energy dynamics to our own personal and professional lives and see how these dynamics are playing out in our immediate circles. Who are the powers-that-be in our lives that we are allowing to influence and/or make decisions for us? Who is throwing a tantrum in order to get their way in a stalemate? Who is holding back their anger and resentment, trying not to act impulsively or prematurely? Who is spinning their wheels without taking action to move things forward?

Is it someone you know? Is it you?

Make the most of this 2019 Capricorn New Moon + Partial Solar Eclipse energy by using the next 34 hours to get clear about who you want to be, what you want to accomplish, and the values you want to embody as you take your steps.

Remember, everything old is not new again – it’s just old.
It’s time to create something truly, honestly, and earnestly new.

Take the lessons you’ve learned from the past and apply them to something new. It may get you closer to the fulfillment of your goals than you ever imagined.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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