The 2021 Gemini New Moon reaches its maximum phase at 3:52a PDT on Thursday 10th June 2021 (19.79). Yet this New Moon is paired with an Annular “Ring of Fire” Solar Eclipse which begins at 2:06a PDT, reaches its optimal “Ring of Fire” stage at 3:30a PDT, and completes around 4:13a PDT. Gemini brings a focus upon our thoughts, ideas, and communications. A New Moon in this sign highlights the fact that the words we choose to utilize in our communications really do have meaning and power.

Yet now more than ever, words are evoking deeply emotional responses, especially when the words we’re hearing and/or reading aren’t aligned with our own conditioned beliefs or thoughts. The conditioning part is important – it speaks to how we have allowed ourselves to be conditioned to believe what others around us believe, or how we’ve conditioned ourselves to challenge or oppose what others around us believe. Either way, it’s easy to allow our emotions to get in the way of our ability to think and communicate clearly. We can become flustered when we aren’t able to separate our emotions from our beliefs, even if those beliefs aren’t aligned with factual truth. This 2021 Gemini New Moon highlights that struggle to discern whether or not our emotions are driving our communications at this time.

Gemini also brings forth a “student” or “child”-like energy. I often use the phrase “The more I know, the more I grow” to describe how Gemini approaches most aspects of its life journey. In an almost constant state of inquiry, “why” is not an uncommon word in the mind or communications of Gemini, and you can be sure you’ll hear it quite often as you engage with Gemini-influenced individuals or as we move through this Gemini Sun period, and especially this 2021 Gemini New Moon.

Yet Gemini energy can be tricky. Often known for being duplicitous, Gemini energy often presents one face or another, but rarely are both faces visible at the same time. However, we get a very special treat through this 2021 Gemini New Moon – the Annular “Ring of Fire” Solar Eclipse gives us the opportunity to see and hear both the shadow and light sides simultaneously. Technically, the Moon doesn’t completely cover the Sun, leaving a ring of light around the Moon. This dual revelation is fascinating because it enables us to realize how and why information has been kept from the majority of us. We may also notice there’s no longer much if any effort to hide the beliefs and behaviors which have been hidden in the shadows. Our corruptions, our compromises, our pretenses, our deceptions… they’re all in plain view, and in some cases, they’re now being expanded in plain view. This plain view approach is largely because the truth can no longer be hidden without people seeing the efforts to hide it. There’s complete transparency, too much for some.

This eclipse also means that despite our feelings about the factual truths emerging, and despite any efforts to act out through emotional displays (intended to both garner sympathy and distract from the factual truths we fear), factual truths still – and will always – make themselves known. There is no more hiding the light in the shadows. There’s also no more hiding the shadows or the light. The light and shadow of everything and everyone is being brought forth through this event, and in some cases, it may be very surprising what reveals itself under its influence.

There’s no place to hide anymore. It’s all coming out into the open.

This push into the openness isn’t necessarily a negative, and it’s also not only a community or collective humanity thing. You’ll also see this in your individual experience, in your personal life, and possibly in your professional life as well. You may find yourself being gently nudged into stepping into your own communicative power, being encouraged to embrace the individuality and uniqueness of your own thoughts, ideas, and words. It may not be easy to acknowledge your intellectual and communicative power and uniqueness, yet if ever a time to do make it known to others, now’s the time. Yet it’s important to be clear about how you’re putting yourself out into the world when you do it.

That said, this 2021 Gemini New Moon Solar Eclipse comes with a few important guidance messages.

The first guidance message of this 2021 Gemini New Moon Solar Eclipse is to truly pay attention to the information coming to light, both around you and within you. There is greater consciousness emerging as result of the communications happening now. As more people talk with each other to exchange ideas and information, they find themselves opening their minds – by both will and by force – to new ways of seeing the world around them, even and especially in their own personal lives. For some, these new ways will be threatening to their self-identities – they may not know how to respond with anything other than emotion as they’re being forced to see themselves in a very different light. Even if the light reveals a more flattering image than they see themselves in, this could be a jarring experience which may need time to process. Yet it’s important to for you to know that knee-jerk reactions are likely driven by emotions, not intellect.

To that point, the second guidance message of this 2021 Gemini New Moon Solar Eclipse is to remember there are quite a few people in intense denial about what’s coming to light now, and as events and exchanges continue to reveal that the information coming to light is indeed factual, there’s likely to be increasing frustration and fear (and in some cases, anger) that the information now in the open for everyone to see cannot be hidden again – the genie cannot be put back into the bottle; that the shadows are no longer sufficient cover for what has been and still continues to happen. Recognize this denial and fear as the motivations for maintaining the status quo in many different ways. The denial and fear are the dawning realizations of their individual ownership, responsibility, and accountability for their participation in and promotion of the collective corruptions, deceptions, and hypocrisies – responsibilities and accountabilities that can no longer be avoided. Again, strong reactions to these revelations are likely driven by emotions, not intellect.

The third guidance message of this 2021 Gemini New Moon Solar Eclipse is to notice there will also be people who are happy if not celebratory about what’s coming to light, and as events and exchanges continue to reveal that the information coming to light is indeed factual, they will be inspired and feel encouraged to push for change – to accelerate the evolution of humanity and its societal systems and structures. Yet these people will have to make a choice – to make efforts to change parts of the current systems and processes, or to clear the entire slate and start anew with entirely new systems and processes. They’ll need to assess whether or not our current societal systems and processes are worth saving as they’ll be the ones to initiate and facilitate the changes ahead.

Throughout the choices made during this 2021 Gemini New Moon Solar Eclipse and the events which follow it, it’s of paramount importance that people do not abandon their individualities for a common goal. This may sound counter-intuitive, yet each person’s uniqueness is necessary in order for the collective whole to be most effective. Every person brings something unique and valuable to the table. To seek a community where everyone thinks the exact same way and believes the exact same beliefs defeats the purpose of what is happening right now. Yes, this is a time of collaboration and unification, yet it’s also a time where people must think and speak for themselves in and through that process. Yes, it’s a time to listen and learn, yet the more individuals recognize how their expression/communication of their own individual and independent ideas, beliefs, and thoughts are aligned with those of other individuals, they begin to understand that is how they find the people they can work with to make progress toward their common goals. The fourth guidance message of this 2021 Gemini New Moon Solar Eclipse is to think alike but not the same.

The 2021 Gemini New Moon Solar Eclipse occurs on a 3 Universal Day for nearly the entire planet. The funny thing about this is that 3 is the child/student energy of the numeric system, making this even more of a Gemini energy day. The “why” factor is especially strong under this 2021 Gemini New Moon Solar Eclipse. Expect questions. Expect some answers and some non-answers. Expect the answers and non-answers to evoke more questions. This is occurring under the influence of an 11 Universal Month of the illuminating power of collaborative efforts. This energy affirms this sense that individuals are recognizing each other as potential allies, and are coming together in pursuit of common goals. All of this is happening under the umbrella of a 5 Universal Year of change and adaptation, especially in the face or wake of unexpected actions or events. The world is changing in many ways quickly, and we must each and all make choices about how we will navigate these changes and how we will make (or refuse to make) the necessary adjustments to evolve and grow through them.

For more specific insights into the energy dynamics of this 2021 Gemini New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse, here are the astrological transits within 3° of exactness at the time of the 2021 Gemini New Moon’s maximum phase:

Gemini Moon conjunct Gemini 11 Sun conjunct Mercury Retrograde (19-20°) – Words have meaning and evoke feeling, especially when the words we’re hearing and/or reading are not aligned with our individually chosen beliefs, ideas, and/or thoughts. It’s easy to allow your emotions to get in the way of your communications, becoming flustered because you aren’t able to separate your emotions from your thinking. If you find yourself lost in heightened emotions, step back rather than trying to speak. Listen. Learn. Take pause to really understand what others are trying to say, then think about what you’ve actually heard. Once you’ve processed all the information you have, communicate whatever you feel about it all when you’re truly clear about what you want to say and when you’re truly ready to say it.

Taurus Ceres conjunct Uranus (12°) – Lifestyle values are evolving – updating and modernizing – both on a collective level and on an individual level. That’s the thing. The events and changes occurring aren’t only about asking you to reassess your values. They’re asking you to recognize that everyone is being asked to reassess their values. It may feel like only you because it may be affecting your ability to live the lifestyle you want to live, but it’s not just you. Once you begin to understand that it’s happening to everyone in similar and different ways, you may be able to take the changes in better stride.

SEQUENCE: (Pisces Neptune conjunct Pallas Athena) semi-sextile Aries Eris semi-sextile Taurus Black Moon Lilith (23-25°) – There’s a pattern of idealism which is being challenged now, resulting in anger from those whose ideals are being challenged. They aren’t willing to “compromise” their values in any way, determined to be correct about their positions, despite having no real evidence whatsoever other than a need to defend their self-identities and/or defend what they’ve been led to believe is True, whether or not it’s actually, factually True.

BLESSING TRIANGLE: Capricorn Pluto Retrograde sextile (Pisces Neptune conjunct Pallas Athena) sextile Taurus Black Moon Lilith (24-26°) – Our societal structures are being transformed. Whether by evolution or by force, a new collective ideal is being envisioned and created now. New lifestyle values are being established; new patterns are being formed. Elements are being revealed and connected. The question is – will our egos allow us to embrace these transformations, or do we have too much pride invested in trying to maintain the status quo?

SEQUENCE: Aries Chiron semi-sextile (Taurus Ceres conjunct Uranus) semi-sextile Gemini North Node semi-sextile Cancer Mars (9-12°) – As your values are being forced to evolve and adapt, you’re not only being asked to make an intellectual acknowledgement of the (new) information coming forth – you’re also being asked to take action in alignment with your emotional response to the ideas and information you’re now. For some, these changes will affirm your self-identity. For others, these changes will challenge your self-identity.

BOWL: Sagittarius South Node sextile Aquarius Saturn Retrograde sextile Aries Chiron sextile Gemini North Node (10-13°) – Even as those trying to uphold “the old ways” continue to fight to maintain the status quo, even the structures they’re trying to uphold are being pressured to evolve with increasing numbers of people demanding a new social and societal structure – one which heals their individual self -identity and empowers then to embrace their uniqueness, yet encourages them to do so in ways which allow them to share their information, insights, and ideas with others. Think ‘collaborative community of individuals’ rather than ‘group think’.

Sagittarius White Moon Selene square (Pisces Neptune conjunct Pallas Athena) (23-24°) – The more you experience the world for yourself, venturing into new and/or different environments than you usually move in, the more compassion you develop for others… which may challenge your idealism about what other people are actually experiencing. You may find that what you believed you knew wasn’t all is seemed, and the things you

Aries Chiron square Cancer Venus (9-12°) – Events occur in such a way where it becomes clear – no one else can heal you. Healing your self-identity is an inside job. This is why self-love is a challenge for so many – it requires us to abandon our conditioning which tells us we need external validation to be “loved”. Only when we find love for ourselves can we truly recognize and receive the love of others for us.

Virgo Vesta square Sagittarius Juno Retrograde (15°) – A challenge presents itself when the dedication to a process tries to co-exist with a commitment to truth. How important is experiential and/or factual truth to your process? The events at this time reveal whether or not truth matters in your chosen process or if the process matters more than truth. It also brings a question: Can persistent progress and enduring growth come through a process which doesn’t value truth? Does the absence of truth hinder or help one’s growth in the process, and if it helps, is that a process you really want to be engaged in?

(Taurus Ceres conjunct Uranus) trine Virgo Vesta (12-15°) – Personal values are being encouraged if not forced to update, and updates to work processes and personal everyday routines are also being updated as result. Things simply cannot remain the same. Change is truly the only constant, and this transit proves that evolution cannot be stopped.

Capricorn Pluto Retrograde trine Taurus Black Moon Lilith (25-26°) – Societal transformation doesn’t come easily. Transformation is the process of death or the end of one way of existing in order to allow a new way of existing to emerge – think caterpillar to butterfly. In order for our societies to transform, they must first die. We are witnessing and living through the death of one form in order for new forms to emerge, and we’re learning just how ego-invested many of us are in the existence that is dying, afraid of the new existence ready and trying to emerge.

Aquarius Saturn Retrograde square (Taurus Ceres conjunct Uranus) (12-13°) – Our personal lifestyle values are evolving, and our societal standards are having a difficult time adjusting to the changes. As each individual is having experiences which challenge their traditional comfort zones and encourage them to seek new ways of valuing themselves and their lives, many of us are still trying to measure people’s value and worth through their money, material possessions, and societal or ”professional” achievements. As more people have personal experiences which challenge the outdated societal norms, they are now pushing our societal standards of success to evolve as well.

The energy of this 2021 Gemini New Moon will be felt most intensely from Monday 7th June through Sunday 13th June. However, the energy of the 2021 Gemini Annular Solar Eclipse will be felt for at least the next six months, with the events which occur in these next six months making their mark upon the world for the foreseeable future.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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