The first Full Moon of 2022 reaches its maximum phase at 3:48p PST on Monday 17the January 2022 (27.84°) in the sign of Cancer, opposite the Capricorn Sun. This is a powerful Full Moon for a number of reasons, but let’s start with the basics.

Cancer is the fourth sign in the natural Zodiac order. A cardinal water sign, it puts emotional energy first, and is inclined to express its emotions assertively, initiating expressions of emotional energy toward others. Cancer will emotionally nurture, care for, encourage, and support the heck out of anyone and anything it cares about, and will be extremely protective if not defensive of whomever and whatever it’s emotionally invested in. This sign has a very strong maternal energy, and is often referred to as the “mommy” energy of the Zodiac, opposite Capricorn’s paternal/”daddy” energy, which is why Cancer is also associated with home and family. Where Cancer is found in your personal chart is where you’ll likely find a sense of home, family, emotional comfort, and emotional safety… even if it’s not with your actual family.

The Cancer Moon is opposite the Capricorn Sun, which is part of a stellium with White Moon Selene and Pluto as this 2022 Cancer Full Moon reaches its maximum phase. This is an extremely powerful combination, as the three energies represent information coming to Light that assures us that the transformations currently in-progress are meant to serve the Highest good of All-That-Is. It won’t necessarily feel that way to those who are deeply emotionally invested in the ways things have always been, but for those who are emotionally exhausted from the status quo, this stellium brings a message and feeling of hope for a different if not altogether new future.

The emotional investment detail is key during this 2022 Cancer Full Moon. As things really begin to noticeably and tangibly change in your personal life as well as in the world around you through the Capricorn end of things, you’ll begin to learn how various individuals – including yourself – really feel about all that’s been going on. As social, societal, and global transformations intensify, emotions are running high as both personal and large-scale changes begin to directly affect our lives. Power dynamics are shifting in our personal, professional, and social relationships, affecting our lives, our identities in the various circles and communities in our lives, and our identities in the world-at-large. This 2022 Cancer Full Moon will find you and others eagerly if not desperately protecting and defending the people and things you’ve been emotionally invested in for a while if not for your entire life up to this point.

In some cases, you may find yourself protecting societal beliefs and/or ideals you’ve believed in and invested in all of your life. You may think you’re shielding your family, home, career, friends, public reputation, or intimate relationships from damage or harm at all costs. Yet what may be really happening is that you may be discovering your home, family, and/or sense of safety is being compromised or never really was what you believed it to be. You may also be shielding yourself from feeling the pain and disappointment of having emotionally invested in something or someone not in alignment with the person you are or that you’re becoming. Ultimately, you’re likely shielding yourself from your emotional disappointment in having to make choices and take actions which may be very heart-wrenching for you to follow-through on.

This protective defense response will be fairly obvious in most societal or collective matters, but less obvious in deeply personal matters. When discussing our societal institutions, systems, and structures, and our public and professional personas within them, you’ll notice how you or others may be quick to come to the defense of or protection of certain elements of these things we’ve often taken for granted in our lives. But as people privately or publicly lose their homes, jobs, money/income, belongings, relationships, and/or identities in cultures which pride themselves on those things as a matter of social status and position, this 2022 Cancer Full Moon could be a very difficult Full Moon phase to move through as people are beginning to openly mourn and grieve the loss of the past, expressing all of the anger, betrayal, disappointment, and frustration that comes with the losses and changes they never imagined experiencing, or at least not so soon or suddenly.

Numerologically, this 2022 Cancer Full Moon is occurring on a 6 Universal Day in Western Nations, and a 7 Universal Day in the Middle East and Eastern nations. The 6 Universal Day regions will be encouraged if not forced to look at how functional their individual lives and lifestyle are, and if they aren’t productive or moving you forward, you’ll need to ask yourself why that’s the case. You may need to look at the functionality of your societal institutions and structures at this time to see what’s actually working in the world around you, and how it is or isn’t affecting your life. You may also need to look at who and what is actually being nurtured, cared for, and protected in and around your life. The observation process is how is how you’ll learn what the emotional priorities are for yourself and others around you. Once they allow yourself to see what you really value on an emotional level through their priorities and actions, you may find yourself seeing them in a different light, choosing a different direction for yourself and your life, or trying to stay the course.

For those in the 7 Universal Day regions, you may be in deep analysis and thought about the way the world has been changing. There’s a strategic quality to the energy in your regions, as it’s less about how it feels to be going through it and more about figuring out how to get yourself and everyone else through! The eastern regions will be focused on thinking things through and making plans for the future… or possibly to make plans to maintain the status quo or bring the past back in one or more ways. But it’s more likely eastern regions are looking forward, not back.

The ultimate questions this 2022 Cancer Full Moon bring forth are these:

  • How important is it for you to hold onto your traditions, legacies, and the way things have always been done in order to maintain your identity, or do you know how to develop an identity for yourself beyond those social and societal constraints?
  • Do you realize how much trying to maintain those things may be holding you and possibly all of us back from the peace and joy the majority of us in humanity claim to be seeking and working to achieve?

Most people are becoming scared and emotionally exhausted because they don’t know who they are beyond these outdated structural definitions. They’ve always done whatever they’ve needed to do in order to fit in and/or be successful in the eyes of society. Now, as the goalposts are moving, they’re feeling lost, confused, and very emotionally upset.

This 2022 Cancer Full Moon is a time to release the emotions that have been building up within us. It’s only through release that we can truly begin healing. Yet this Full Moon phase also challenges us to begin redefining ourselves not based on structures which are not withstanding our human evolution, but instead, based on the collectively-beneficial values and ethics that are emerging as we move through what is uncharted territory for many of us. The COVID pandemic has opened our eyes to both the ways of the old world and the possibility of a new world, making it clear to us we will never be able to go back to what was – we’ve collectively seen and learned too much now. Yet are we really willing to embrace an unknown future – a future that depends on us to create what comes next? And how willing are we to put to use what we have learned in order to create a future that is unlike anything we’re ever experienced before?

Because we aren’t going back. We can’t go back.

This 2022 Cancer Full Moon is a clarion call to create a new future based on nurturing and supporting each and all of us to become the best versions of ourselves, individually and collectively. It’s time for us to nurture a future that cares about ourselves and each other.

Here are the astrological transits within 3 orb at the time of the 2022 Cancer Full Moon’s max phase for more details about how the energies are flowing now.

NODAL GOLDEN RECTANGLE: Cancer Moon trine Sagittarius South Node sextile (STELLIUM: Capricorn White Moon Selene conjunct Pluto conjunct Sun) trine Gemini North Node (26-0°) – The transformations underway will ultimately be for the better, but it may be a while before we can see the silver lining in the clouds. There are still quite a few of us emotionally invested in the past, and even with everything that’s happened, it hasn’t been enough to shift us into a focus on the future… yet. It may take bigger events to create bigger shifts toward creating a new future. But time is running out to make the big shift from backward to forward without serious damage to each other and our collective home. We can change course and save ourselves before this becomes a “phoenix rising from the ashes” story for humanity, but we have to be willing to grow beyond what we think we know into what we know we don’t know but are ready to learn.

Sagittarius Mars semi-sextile (STELLIUM: Capricorn White Moon Selene conjunct Pluto conjunct Sun) (25-27°) – Actions being taken to explore all possible options may end up intensifying the transformation process already in-progress. There are some new outcomes which may seem like the beginning for some people, but for many, this is a ramping-up of desire for personal and societal change.

Aries Eris Retrograde square (STELLIUM: Capricorn White Moon Selene conjunct Pluto conjunct Sun) (23-27°) – The more individuals experience a feeling of betrayal for the way things are happening in society and the world, the more challenging it is to prevent transformation of those societies and the world. The tension is building, but will it inspire transformative action, and is there a clear purpose and definitive objective for that action?

Capricorn Venus Retrograde trine Taurus Uranus Retrograde (10-13°) – Past relationships may be coming forth, reminding us of our old comforts and values. Yet have we evolved so much that those values aren’t so comfortable anymore? These re-connections could be exactly the encouragement and empowerment you’ve needed in order to recognize how much you’ve changed, how much your values and focus have changed, and your will to continue forward on the path you’re on.

Capricorn Venus Retrograde semi-sextile Aquarius Saturn (13°) – These past relationships resurfacing may also lead you to set both new boundaries and new goals in and for your professional and social interactions. This is a time to be more discerning about who you include in your circles.

Capricorn Vesta sextile Pisces Jupiter (3-4°) – You’re determined to reach your goals, no matter how much you may need to open your mind and expand your vision to achieve them. This calling is bigger and greater than you alone. Don’t forget that as you continue pushing forward.

Aquarius Mercury Retrograde sextile Aries Chiron (8-9°) – The more you allow yourself to pause, look, and listen to what is actually being said through the various mass communication sources and technologies around you, the more you may gain clearer insights and awaken to how your self-identity wounds occurred, and what (and/or who) can help you heal them for you to reclaim your unique individual self-expression and have the courage to contribute your uniqueness to a collaborative and/or community effort.

Aquarius Mercury Retrograde square Taurus Uranus Retrograde (9-10°) – What you’re hearing, seeing, and learning through the various mass communication sources and technologies around you may also find you challenged in examining your own personal values and lifestyle priorities. Are you tuned in to the evolution of humanity, or are you tuned out because you don’t want to give up what is familiar to you? Regardless of where you may stand, be ready to face some evolutionary changes anyway. They’re coming.

Aquarius Saturn square Taurus Uranus Retrograde (10-13°) – As authorities and disciplinarians in various different relationships and institutions begin to realize their long-used methods are no longer being well-received in their communities or in the collective whole, they’re finding themselves challenged in realigning their practices and value systems with an evolving, modernizing human race. What was once perceived as rigid and enduring is now, finally, showing very small signs of change.

Pisces Neptune conjunct Pallas Athena (21°) – Visions and dreams are paired with strategies for their manifestation, but are the plans a bit too idealistic or fantastic? Be careful that you’re not so emotionally invested in the outcome that you override your intuition trying to get you to pay attention to the yellow caution lights ahead. Just because you can figure out a plan doesn’t make the plan a good one. Make sure your emotions and your intuition are aligned before moving forward, and if they’re not, trust your intuition.

Pisces Neptune square Gemini Black Moon Lilith (20-21°) – That idealism may challenge you when it comes to your intellect. How well will you be able to listen, learn, and exchange ideas and information if your emotions are distracting you from, or possibly worse, directing your mind?

The ultimate questions this 2022 Cancer Full Moon bring forth are these:

  • How important is it for you to hold onto your traditions, legacies, and the way things have always been done in order to maintain your identity, or do you know how to develop an identity for yourself beyond those social and societal constraints?
  • Do you realize how much trying to maintain those things may be holding you and possibly all of us back from the peace and joy the majority of us in humanity claim to be seeking and working to achieve?

Most people are feeling some combination of scared and emotionally drained, largely because they don’t know who they are beyond these structural definitions. They’ve always done whatever they’ve needed to do in order to fit in and/or be deemed “successful” in society. But now, as the social goalposts are moving, they’re feeling lost and confused.

This 2022 Cancer Full Moon is a challenge to redefine ourselves not based on structures which are not withstanding our human evolution, but based on the values and ethics emerging as we move through what is uncharted territory for many of us. The COVID pandemic has opened our eyes to a new world, and made it clear to us we will never be able to go back to the old world – we collectively have seen and know too much now. Yet how willing are we to embrace the unknown future – a future that depends on us to create it? And how willing are we to learn what is truly needed now so we can create a future that is unlike anything we’re ever experienced before?

Because we aren’t going back. We can’t go back.

The 2022 Cancer Full Moon is a call to create a new future based on nurturing and supporting each and all of us to become the best versions of ourselves, individually and collectively. It’s time for us to stop keeping the past on life support; to let go of beliefs and practices which no longer care for us, and for use to begin believing in and caring about ourselves enough to nurture our future – a future that cares about and loves ourselves, each other, and all others.

We’ll be feeling the effects of this 2022 Cancer Full Moon phase from 14th January through 20th January 2022. Prior to the max phase, use the time to express your gratitude for all that has come into your life in the last two weeks since the Capricorn New Moon. After the max phase, use the time to express gratitude for all that has served its purpose in your life, and ask for all that no longer serves you to be released in preparation for the Aquarius New Moon/Lunar New Year reaching its max phase on 31st January/1st February 2022.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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