The 2022 Virgo Full Moon reaches its maximum phase at 12:17a PDT on 18th March 2022 (27.67°).

Virgo is a mutable earth energy. Think mud – it’s not without substance, yet it is mutable or flexible. It can be molded into a shape if there isn’t much too hydration in it; but with an abundance of hydration, it still has enough substance to slow things down a bit and make things a bit more difficult to move or see through.

The Moon brings emotion, and emotion is considered a quality of water. Therefore, having this Full Moon phase in Virgo means this is going to be mud with a good deal of hydration. Especially with the light of the Pisces Sun reflecting (mutable water = moving water), this Full Moon is going to give us an interesting ride.

Muddy water is a sign that water is eroding earth, meaning emotions are changing things. Things can move and change quickly, and many of us have noticed events in our personal lives and in the world seem to be happening at an accelerated pace, yet the fact the water isn’t clear can slow down our understanding of what is happening. It’s hard to understand what we’re feeling right now, and as result, our ability to trouble-shoot and solve problems may be hindered. There may be a slower-than-usual process, or access to essential information or connections may be delayed or denied. There’s a lot of emotional frustration right now as things aren’t going as smoothly and/or as quickly as planned, or in accordance to the visions or ideals those plans were created upon. The frustration is making many of us feel like we’re being overtaken by a flood rather than caught in a powerful flow of water.

This is why this 2022 Virgo Full Moon encourages us to trust the flow. It’s time for us to stop trying to control the flow of things, and instead, to slow down, let go, and pay attention to how things are flowing. Instead of fighting the currents, we get to allow ourselves to be carried by them, to see where they are taking us, and to allow the reasons why they’re moving the way they’re moving to come to the surface. Only then will we know what we truly need to change in order to redirect the course of events in our lives and in the world around us for the betterment of all of humanity and the planet.

The thing with Virgo energy is that though it prides itself in efficiency and effectiveness, it isn’t always fast and it’s very detail-oriented. Ruled by Mercury traditionally and Chiron contemporarily, Virgo is attention to detail and making sure processes and systems run smoothly. It is very focused on making things first work better then faster. Because it wants to make sure things are done effectively or “the correct way,” Virgo is willing to take as much time as necessary in order to work out any problems so things can then be done as efficiently and effectively as possible for as long as possible.

Because of its focus on functionality, Virgo is also associated with health and wellness. Healing is a big focus for this sign, and getting to the root of issues is something that Virgo loves to do. Sometimes, in the absence of problems, Virgo may create or exacerbate existing problems in order to continue having a purpose to serve, but more often than not, Virgo wants to solve problems, find ways to make things or processes work better, and heal people and systems. Practical functionality is the motivating factor for Virgo…

…which is why this 2022 Virgo Full Moon may be so frustrating for some people. With the Pisces Sun shining across the face of the Virgo Moon, this flow of emotions is carrying us all through our dysfunctionality, brokenness, and delusion – everything that isn’t working for us is being brought to light. This may be an especially difficult Full Moon phase for those who have gotten used to using their sleight of hand or pretty words to get them though difficult situations as others may finally pull back the curtain and hold these “deceivers” accountable for what they find.

As result, what comes to the surface is what needs emotional and/or physical healing in our lives – both personally and societally/collectively. These are the wounds we’ve tried to hide, the pain we’ve tried to deny, the delusions we’ve lived in denial of. This 2022 Virgo Full Moon brings all that’s no longer working for us to the surface for repair. This Full Moon phase may be wonderful for those who are ready to release old baggage and begin their healing journeys in earnest. With the Spring Equinox happening this coming Sunday 20th March – the last full day of this Full Moon phase – this Virgo Full Moon may even feel like a call for Spring Cleaning being shouted from the rooftops! Whatever old emotional or practical baggage you’ve been dragging around, this is the time to begin letting it go in order to free up your hands to receive the blessings which can help you bring about the fulfillment of your dreams.

That said, here’s where things get a bit tricky.

Just because you have a dream doesn’t mean the dream is simply going to show up. One of my favorite analogies with clients is that if you want your dream opportunity or partner to come into your life, it’s not only up to them to find you. You have to want to be found, and that requires you putting forth some effort to make yourself open and seen. You’ve got to be out in the world doing your work, and that includes your emotional healing work. Sometimes, this looks like people trying to get someone else to do their healing work for them. They want to be given a magic spell or a cure-all pill or something to help them get what they want. They may even pay/bribe others to “fix it” for them or to do the heavy lifting, expecting those people to hand them the hard-earned key for them to walk on through to their desired futures.

But this kind of work can’t be brought or bought through anyone else – it can only be done by you.
Passage to your emotional freedom and joy can only be earned by you.

Yes, that means you’ve got to do your own work…
…and you’ll probably need to have some sort of strategy or plan to get it done.

It’s true that the realization of dreams doesn’t always have a plan. Sometimes, you need to be willing to go along for the ride. As I mentioned before, sometimes some of us are too stuck on our plans attached to our dreams manifesting in very specific ways, or we’re stuck on things happening a certain way or at a particular time. When you can’t see it happening any other way, you may miss opportunities to move them along or make your dreams your reality. Our rigidity can make it difficult for the Universe to work with us and connect us to the people and circumstances which bring us closer to our desired goals.

Yet sometimes, we may be too open or loose. As humans, we often forget we’re in co-creative partnership with the Universe, and not having any clear objectives or directives can also make it difficult for the Universe to work with us and connect us to the people and circumstances which bring us closer to a solid place in our lives. If you have no destination, the Universe doesn’t really know where to take you, and you may find yourself lost in the flow, possibly becoming overwhelmed and drowning in the emotions of constant uncertainty.

So, if you’re feeling slowed down or delayed, chances are you need to look more closely at the details of what you’re trying to push through or make progress on. There may be something crucial you’re missing – some information you need to wait for. You could be trying too hard to force matters to show up or happen in a certain way. You may be slowed down because you’re not organized or clear about what your objectives are, having two or more conflicting agendas. You could also be trying to avoid or escape a detail you don’t want to face and deal with or work out.

And if you’re feeling lost or overwhelmed, you may be needing to make a choice about what you want to manifest or at least where you want to go. This way, the Universe can provide you something to grab onto, or at least give you someplace to land and gain some footing.

All of this is where your healing work comes into play. Either way, this 2022 Virgo Full Moon is a call to pause and get clear about what you’re really aiming to accomplish. This is your chance to clear the water that moves through you and carries you. Of course, this also means your emotional clarity may also become known to others – your true agendas may come to the surface and to the fore.

For many of us, this is the greatest fear we have – allowing others to see our weakness, to know our emotional truths, to discover what we really believe and feel behind our daily façades. Yet under this 2022 Virgo Full Moon, our emotional wounds are being brought to light, and this reveals our ability and willingness to finally choose our healing, or it may reveal our inability or unwillingness to choose our healing. Choosing healing requires identifying what is causing the wound, and identifying it is too painful for many…

…but this Full Moon isn’t meant to be only about the pain. It’s also meant to be an opportunity for those of us who have done our healing work to reap the rewards of that work – to experience the joy and emotional freedom that can come when we allow ourselves to let go and be carried by the muddy water, uncertain of where we may end up, but trusting it will be the perfect place for us to take our next steps forward and upward in our lives. It’s also an opportunity to inspire others to embark on their healing journeys. After all, freedom and joy are contagious, and your courage to heal may encourage others who might never have taken their steps without your example.

The maximum phase of this 2022 Virgo Full Moon brings us one of the rare times that the entire world will be experiencing the same numerological energy – a 9 Universal Day energy, in a 9 Universal Month energy, in a 6 Universal Year energy.

Nine is an energy of fulfillment, completion, and endings. Because it’s goal-oriented and results-driven, it can also be extremely focused on getting things done, sometimes to a point of exhibiting a strong paternal or authoritarian archetype. With both the day and the month carrying this energy, this 2022 Virgo Full Moon has a powerful “get it done” or “this needs to be over” vibe – one which isn’t likely to be patient with anything in process.

Six is the “mother” energy of the number system, but it’s also very similar to Virgo in that it, too, represents healing, health, wellness, and functionality. This 9-9-6 combination is encouraging us to take notice of what needs to be completed and/or released in order to facilitate healing and restore functionality and wellness to individuals, our systems and processes, our environment(s), and our world.

The numerological energies tie in well with the astrology of this 2022 Virgo Full Moon phase – helping us recognize what is no longer working, functioning, or serving us well; and bringing us into full realization of the consequences of continuing on our current path(s), inspiring and encouraging us to choose a healing path.

There aren’t many aspects in transit during this 2022 Virgo Full Moon phase, which helps make its messages very clear. Here are the astrological transits within 3° orb at the time of maximum phase:

  • T-SQUARE: Virgo Moon square Gemini Black Moon Lilith square Pisces 9 Sun (26-27°) – Black Moon Lilith in Gemini brings an energy that is duplicitous in order to protect one’s ego from being discovered or from having to make a decisive choice. Gemini likes to keep its mind and its options open. With this energy at the pivot of a T-Square, this means its choices will be made depending on whether it’s being driven by emotional progress or frustration, or by idealistic (or possibly delusional) ambition.
  • Virgo Moon trine Capricorn Pluto (27-28°) – This transit brings structural transformation through extreme action in order to achieve decisive results. These extremes often surface when emotions intensify due to things not proceeding according to plan. Heightened emotions can empower and encourage one’s inclination to take extreme action in order to achieve one’s goal. The question is… will these actions lead to solutions to problems, or cause more problems because of short-sightedness, narrow-mindedness, or impatience?
  • Pisces Sun sextile Capricorn Pluto (27-28°) – The light of Oneness and reminders of interconnectedness may soften the impulsive extremes of Capricorn Pluto, encouraging it to consider the whole picture before it makes its decision to act.
  • SEQUENCE: Aquarius Venus semi-sextile Pisces Mercury semi-sextile (Aries Chiron conjunct Pallas Athena) semi-sextile Taurus Uranus (11-13°) – Evolutionary and/or innovative partnerships and collaborations lead to idealistic thinking and communications (possibly deceptive communications in order to sustain an ideal), which leads to strategies rooted in either a genuine and pro-active desire to solve the problems-at-hand and bring healing to them, or to enact strategies which are rooted in unhealed wounds. These strategies lead to an evolution or devolution in personal and public values.
  • The Aries Chiron-Pallas conjunction bring an important message: Healing your self-identity wounds in others is still only healing your wounds in others. In order for your strategies to be effective, you must heal yourself. You need to be willing to choose and act in alignment withyour own healing. Otherwise, your efforts may seem hypocritical or inauthentic, and your strategies may also unwittingly expose your own weaknesses and shortcomings, leaving you vulnerable to others who can target and reopen your wounds.
  • Aquarius Mars conjunct Venus (9-11°) – Acting in partnership and/or collaboration to advance a collective agenda; a coordinated effort is either being initiated or is actively in-progress and now becoming publicly known. It’s important to remember that there are two (or more) sides to every story, Things are more effective when there are more people working together with common purpose.
    • trine Gemini Ceres (8-11°) – These collaborations are empowered by common purpose, but it would be wise to make sure the purpose is still common. With Ceres in Gemini, values may be duplicitous or conflicting. Make sure your partners/collaborators aren’t playing by two sets of rules, and also make sure you’re not playing by two sets of rules. Just as you’d expect of others, expect it from yourself – now more than ever.
  • Aquarius Vesta conjunct White Moon Selene (3-4°) – A (renewed) dedication to an evolutionary agenda; ready to move humanity forward and upward. A collective intellectual awakening is in progress, one that may be difficult if not impossible to stop.
  • Aquarius Juno semi-sextile Pisces Jupiter (17-18°) – Commitment to humanity’s evolution leads to a growing awareness of how much we are interconnected not only with each other, but with everything around us. It also brings us into greater awareness of how much we depend on our environment and each other.

In the spirit of the 2022 Virgo Full Moon, we must come to terms with the practical reality that the way things have always been done is, in many cases, no longer serving us well individually or collectively. This Full Moon provides us with a prime opportunity to change the way we go about doing things. If we don’t move beyond our long-held, ego-driven agendas to choose differently than we have before, we must understand that our refusal to choose is also a choice, and events may occur in such a way that generate forces which grow beyond our human abilities to choose them.

This Full Moon phase is also a call to those who have great visions and big dreams – you’ve got to do the work, outside of you and within you. No one else can make bring your dreams into reality but you. This means you need to be the one to finish the project, study and/or prepare for the test, take the steps, put yourself in the right place at the right time – it’s up to you! No one else is going to hand it to you, and no one else is going to allow you to take credit for their work peacefully or quietly. It’s also a reality check for those of you who have maintained façades or pretenses of holding certain beliefs or positions on matters-at-hand. This isn’t to say that you can’t or won’t receive help – it is to say that you have to put yourself into the best position possible to receive any help that could come your way.

This 2022 Virgo Full Moon may also create situations which demand you to “walk your talk” – to do what you said you would do, or act in alignment with what you say you believe. As duplicity and contradiction are being increasingly exposed, it would be wise for you to get clear with yourself about what you truly believe in. Coming to terms with your true beliefs could be an emotionally devastating moment for you, especially if you learn that others have seen your pretense(s) and hypocrisies for a while now. You may be the last one to know, only because you’ve hidden the truth about yourself from yourself for too long. But the good news in this is that you’ll be in position to take the first earnest steps of your healing journey – steps toward emotional freedom and true joy for living.

It’s only up from here… if you choose to embark on the healing journey being revealed to you now.

And for those who have already begun your healing journey, enjoy any fruits of your labors which may come at this time. You’ve earned them!

The energy of this 2022 Virgo Full Moon will be felt from 15th through 21st March 2022.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next time…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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