The 2022 Scorpio Full Moon reaches its maximum phase at 9:14p PDT on Sunday 15th May 2022 (25.30°), only three minutes after a Total Lunar Eclipse reaches its maximum totality at 9:11p PDT. Like the Partial Solar Eclipse New Moon in Taurus two weeks ago, this will be a profound event. However, unlike the Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse, this Scorpio Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse will be far more intense than any of us may be able to fully comprehend.

Full Moon phases tend to be interesting times because they represent the reflection of our consciousness – everything we see and understand clearly (by the light of the Sun) being received and reflected fully through our emotion and intuitions (the Moon). However, during a Lunar Eclipse, that reflection and emotional connection to what we see is interrupted or obstructed by our earthly matters (the Earth’s shadow). Though this is a temporary obstruction, it will be important for us to recognize that our emotional awareness and expression of what we are seeing and learning may be compromised, and with a Taurus Sun-Scorpio Moon opposition, these are some deep and intense emotions that will be temporarily blocked.

Now you may think that this is a good thing to have these intense emotions obstructed… but it’s not. Scorpio is fixed water energy, which may seem like an oxymoron until you remember the old saying “Still waters run deep.” The eclipse only delays the inevitable surfacing of intense emotions brewing that everyone can feel coming, but no one knows exactly when or how they’ll come up. It also allows these emotions to build up before their release. Once they release, these emotions will come up, and they’ll keep coming up and keep coming up… until they’re all out in the open.

The Taurus New Moon energy a couple weeks ago was all about planting seeds to grow/build comfort and develop familiarity in some or all aspects of our lives. Taurus encourages us to seek our happy place in the gray zone somewhere between the extremes, and once we find it, encourages us to (stubbornly) stay there and build the structures and routines of our lives around it. What was seeded or initiated during the Taurus New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse either begins to take root or comes to fruition during this Scorpio Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse.

However, this 2022 Scorpio Full Moon seeks to eliminate any gray area. It seeks out and pushes for the decisive extremes – black or white, all or nothing, good or bad. There’s no middle ground for Scorpio, and it’ll force anything and anyone trying to stay in the middle to choose a side. Where we were being encouraged to start moving toward where and what we want to be, this Full Moon energy is not only pushing us to take a decisive stand for what we truly value; it’s also encouraging us to push out anyone or anything that no longer aligns with our reality in order to clear the path to our desired manifestation.

It may seem a bit weird to talk about planting seeds and things taking root during a Full Moon phase. Usually, Full Moon phases are times when we’re focused on what’s coming or has already come to fruition in our lives, what we’re completing, and what we’re ready to purge from our lives. Yet in the case of this 2022 Scorpio Full Moon (also known as the “Flower Moon”), we’re now much clearer about what we want to see blossom in our lives and the world, which of course, makes what we need to clear out of the way that much more obvious to us. Scorpio adds an emotional intensity to our already passionate desire to make room for what we want to bring in. This pushing out isn’t just a purge; it’s a catalyst for transformation.

But Scorpio’s biggest claim to fame is its association with death (and rebirth), i.e. – the caterpillar-to-butterfly process. The caterpillar creates a chrysalis, climbs in, turns into goo, that goo reconstructs into another physical form, and eventually bursts out of its chrysalis as a butterfly, wings and all.

This is the process we are all going through right now. From caterpillar to goo to butterfly.

It’s not pretty. It’s actually rather gruesome. Yet that “death” of the caterpillar is required for the butterfly to be “born.” Yet you can see it in everything we’re going through right now.

Scorpio challenges us to allow the remnants of our old, unevolved survival connections and structures to dissolve away. This will have many of us feeling deeply vulnerable, fearful, and in some cases, angry because we thought those relationships and social constructs would be with us forever. However, these connections and structures must be cleared in order for what we say we value and want to build our lives and communities upon to have the space to come in. The transformation process means there will be a brief moment in time in which there won’t be anything solid or stable in place – we’ll be in the thick of the goo phase. This is the time in which we’ll have to trust the process and trust our cells – as individuals and as human kind – to know how to come together to bring us and our societies into their new form(s).

Where this gets a bit dicey is in determining which values to build upon. In true Scorpio fashion, there seem to be two clear sets of values emerging in the world during this Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. Yes, there are variations within those two extremes, but ultimately, there are two. Current and emerging events seem to be pushing us to these extremes. This is a problem for those of us who have wanted to remain “neutral” – who have wanted to either not take sides or play both sides when convenient to them. Yet the sides are becoming so divided, the gray area is quickly eroding.

This is largely due to the fact that the long-held values many people claim to stand by are becoming harder to stand by, especially when they discover they hold values which contradict one another. People are having their duplicity exposed now, having a first-hand experience of the old saying “You can’t have it both ways.” Though people may try to justify or reconcile some of these divergent values, they’re quickly coming to the realization they can’t, and that they need to choose what they want to stand for. They now must take a side.

Taking sides in conflict with others, or even within yourself, is difficult because no one wants to see themselves of or have others see them as a bad person, nor does anyone want to be on “the wrong side” of the past or future in the long run. Yet that’s where many of us are getting tripped up, and where the emotional intensity of this Scorpio Full Moon will emerge – in the vulnerability and betrayal some of us will feel as we realize what we really value and when we realize what others are choosing to value may not align with our choices. Many people who are close or long-time friends or associates, many activities that have long been staples of our lives, many systems and processes that have been “the way we’ve always done it” will need to be released at this time. We’ll see and feel the polarity, the duplicity, and the hypocrisy all too clearly to continue any further.

On an individual scale, this 2022 Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is all about realigning with our values not only in a material or physical sense, but now in an emotional and spiritual sense. This is about feeling our reconnection with our true values. For many of us, this will be a catalyst for personal transformation and rebirth and correcting the course of lives.

On a collective scale, this Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is the call for the transformation and rebirth of human civilization if not the human race and the planet Earth. There will be profound transformative actions taking place as well as the seeds for future transformational events being planted at this time, all in order to facilitate the death of what no longer serves us as a collective whole of humanity, clearing the way for the emergence of a future that serves us all well.

One other important thing to know about Scorpioenergy is that it is intense, powerful, destructive, vengeful, and patient. Scorpio can be sneaky that way. It won’t act on its emotions immediately – it tends to hold it back, waiting for the opportune time to express its intense feelings, or to exact its revenge.

But what does Scorpio have to get revenge for?

Well…it’s more about what Scorpio feels it needs to get revenge for. Because water signs activate and encourage emotional and intuitive expression, this is likely something through which Scorpio feels emotionally betrayed or hurt, and it may even be something that happened a long time ago – it doesn’t even have to be recent! Don’t be surprised if during this Scorpio Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse, some people feel that the call for the evolution of humanity is a betrayal to them as individuals or to their communities or societies. Also, don’t be surprised by people acting upon feelings of betrayal, fear, or resentment of the rapid changes happening now. There may be astonishing acts of dehumanization and violence by those who are committed to maintaining the societal status quo during this Full Moon phase window, and the eclipse will carry the ripple effects of these events far into the foreseeable future.

These acts of emotional vengeance are part of the Scorpionic death-to-rebirth cycle. There will always be people who refuse the concept of death as part of the life cycle, resisting it in any form, even as symbolism. It’s also common for people to mistake symbolic death for literal death, engaging in acts that are atrociously violent and in no way conducive to the wellbeing of all people or our planet. We don’t have to live with these destructive acts, and we should do all we can to stop them. Yet we can also understand where they’re coming from, not to empathize with them, but to seek strategies and solutions for clearing pathways to peace… if peace is possible. Remember, with Scorpio, complete destruction is a viable possibility.

As if the Full Moon and the Lunar Eclipse weren’t enough, the Sun-Moon opposition isn’t alone in its dance with Earth’s shadow. The Scorpio Moon is within conjunction of the Moon’s South Node, and the Taurus Sun is within conjunction of the Moon’s North Node. This is a big deal as these conjunctions tie the eclipse energies to the karmic path of the Earth as a whole, and adds a whole other level of power to this Scorpio Full Moon Total Solar Eclipse. It reveals that our collective karmic future is in establishing new values for humanity, likely restoring the value of human life in all forms and stages or assessing it in new collaborative ways; while the past is in dealing in destructive polarities and the idea that the devaluation and ending of human lives is preferable to a collective coexistence, or in other words, if it can’t be controlled, it must be destroyed.

Numerologically, this 2022 Scorpio Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse is occurring on an 8 Universal Day for almost all of North America and all points west of it. This indicates these regions may still be fighting for power and influence in ways which may no longer serve them well. The harder they try to control, the more they may find themselves losing control. However, the rest of the world will be experiencing this Full Moon Eclipse event on a 9 Universal Day of fulfillments, completions, and endings. They’ll be letting go of what no longer aligns with their values to make space for new experiences and connections which do align with their values to begin. The world as a whole will be experiencing these energies under an 11 Universal Month energy, which means each person/community/organization/nation/society will be determined to make their unique contributions to a greater whole. The question under the 6 Universal Year energy is whether or not the whole they are contributing to genuinely cares about the wellness of the whole of humanity and the planet.

Here are the astrological transits during the 2022 Scorpio Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse at max shadow and max phase:

T-SQUARE: (Scorpio South Node conjunct Moon) square Aquarius Saturn square (Taurus North Node conjunct Sun) (22-25°) – There are social and societal institutions and traditions which are being challenged to evolve. What is really valued by those in positions of authority is now being exposed, and it’s becoming clear what is at stake for our collective future. The question comes to us, individually and collectively as human kind – what do we want for our future? This needs to be expressed in a tangible, possible way as there is a lot of emotional attachment to and emotional investment in getting revenge for the past – setting perceived wrongs of the past right is a priority, but is it a priority that serves the greater whole, or is it a priority that’s actually holding back the evolution of human kind?

SEQUENCE: Aquarius Saturn semi-sextile (Pisces Mars conjunct Neptune) semi-sextile Aries Eris semi-sextile (Taurus North Node conjunct Taurus 11 Sun) (23-25°) – As institutions evolve, more visionary ideas come to the surface to be acted upon to the betterment of not only humanity, but the planet and all of its beings – to right the wrongs, to correct the course. The events which occur and initiate during this time will define the values which will shape the future of humanity and the planet, and people will align and ally themselves with others who share their values.

Capricorn Pluto Retrograde semi-sextile Aquarius Vesta (27-28°) – The transformation of our societal structures that is currently underway is leading to a greater awareness of human beings as investments, but are humans to invest in each other to develop community/interpersonal organizations, or are our social institutions to be invested in to direct humanity to build structural/systemic organizations?

Aquarius Vesta square Taurus 11 Sun (25-27°) – What does it mean to invest in or be dedicated to structural organizations? And what happens when your personal values are out of alignment with said organizations? That is the challenge before you and many of us right now.

Aquarius Vesta sextile Aries Eris (25-27°) – Taking action to right the wrongs – real or perceived – is supported at this time. Stand for whatever you’re dedicated to aligning with as a matter of your individual self-identity.

Aries Jupiter square Cancer Ceres (0-1°) – Your personal growth – the development of your self-identity – may be challenged by emotional investment. You can overcome the challenge by valuing yourself rather than seeking the validation of others to determine your value.

Aries Jupiter square Cancer Black Moon Lilith (1-3°) – Your personal growth and development may also be challenged by your own ego. If you’re emotionally invested in the past, understand that there’s a new chapter emerging for everyone and it’s time to let go. Don’t invest in the past – invest in the future. But only invest in a future you want or can see for yourself. If you don’t want it or can’t see it, let it go.

Aries Jupiter sextile Gemini Mercury Retrograde (1-3°) – However, it’s often when you let go that it comes back to you… if it’s meant to. That said, your personal growth and development may also be supported by second chances to connect with the past in order to propel you toward your future. Missed connections, communications, and/or opportunities for action may come around again.

Aquarius White Moon Selene sextile Aries Chiron (12-14°) – Be sure that the people you surround yourself with support and welcome your unique self-identity and your healing journey around expressing it.

Aquarius White Moon Selene square Taurus Uranus (12-15°) – Also be sure that the people you surround yourself with share your values and your vision for what is possible for humanity.

(Aries Chiron conjunct Venus) semi-sextile Taurus Uranus (14-15°) – Your partners in action are your partners in healing, and they help you come to a point of acceptance around changing social values. The question for you is whether or not you choose to align with the evolution of humanity or resist it.

Pisces Juno sextile Taurus Pallas Athena (6-8°) – Commitment to Oneness and the interconnection of All-That-Is is supported by behavior patterns now being revealed. The more things repeat, the easier it becomes to see how seemingly unrelated things all tie together. Any big-picture strategies, and the investments any participating parties have in those strategies, are now starting to become clear.

Gemini Mercury Retrograde semi-sextile Cancer Black Moon Lilith (3°) – What goes around comes around, and this time around, it’s personal. What was motivated by ego may come back to humble you; what was motivated by heart comes back to support and empower you.

Though the eclipse will carry much of this energy forward through the next six months, the 2022 Scorpio Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse will be strongly felt from Thursday 12th May through Thursday 19th May. These days will be especially intense, either empowering and energizing you, or overwhelming you and exhausting you. Whichever experience you’re having, understand that it is meant to see the transformations underway both within you and around you. The old ways and the old you are dying. Get ready for your flowers and your wings.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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