The 2022 Cancer New Moon reaches its maximum phase at 7:52p PDT (7.37°) on Tuesday 28th June or Wednesday 29th June 2002, depending on where you are in the world at the time of max phase.

Cancer is cardinal water energy, meaning it takes initiative emotionally, and primarily brings attention to our emotional and intuitive energies. Ruled by the Moon, this New Moon will be especially intense because the Cancer Sun is conjunct with the ruler of the sign it’s travelling through. There will be a great deal of emotion flowing throughout this New Moon phase.

Cancer is also known for being associated with individual, personal emotions. With some awareness of the presence of others in the context of home, family, and close personal relationships, Cancer can have us invested in the past (family and home of origin) as well as in the present and/or future with a motivation to move on from the past into a new, more empowering future. Because of its association with home and family, and because of its cardinal water energy (initiative or beginning emotion), Cancer is the “emotional mother” energy of the Zodiac – emotionally nurturing, caring, and supportive…

…but in reality, each of us had a very unique experience growing up. Not everyone had a loving mother or mother-figure in our lives, and love wasn’t always given or shown the way we needed it.

With this 2022 Cancer New Moon, more of us will be awakening to the emotional impact our upbringings and/or our histories may be playing in how we view the world today, bringing us back into partial or full awareness of our emotional “inner child.” No matter how much we want to say we are adults, all grown and mature and responsible, for most of us it only takes one thing not going our way for us to revert into a tantrum of epic proportion.

Now if you look around the world right now, you may see these tantrums in full bloom. People who are passionate about keeping certain legacies or traditions alive, or we may be equally passionate about certain social or institutional systems or standards staying in place or continuing on their current course, regardless of their effectiveness in dealing with our world as it is now. There may be a great deal of resistance to letting go of the past, accepting the reality of our present-day conditions, and setting an agenda for what our lives can become in the future… but there could also be a great deal of hope that we can finally do just that – let go of the past, accept the present reality, and create an agenda to move on from here into a healing and life-affirming future.

For some of us, this full awareness of the here and now is what we’ve been waiting for! After months if not a couple years of uncertainty, many of us are now comfortable with that uncertainty. In that acceptance, we find empowerment as we begin understanding that we’re in the position to create our futures – both individually and collectively – rather than being dragged along for someone else’s ride. The emotional release some of us are feeling in this regard is liberating and inspiring, as it frees us up to make the best choices we can make for ourselves at this time. We are ready to give our inner child its permission to be its fully-expressed self, and to have the emotional support and encouragement to go out into the world and be its best and brightest.

However, this full awareness may be unnerving if not terrifying for some of us. This is especially the case for those of us who have become so emotionally invested in our routines and status quo, the major changes happening now are big enough to create some fear. The fearful inner child awakens through questions about whether or not you’re doing the right thing or aligned with the right people, especially when now we’re beginning to realize where people actually stand on the matters we’re all facing now. Our current reality is clarifying the divide between those who want to regress to the past for their own safety, those who want to progress forward into the future for their own freedom, or those of us who are frozen in emotional paralysis unable to do anything in the present. All of these potential agendas require that we stand in the here and now first…

…which is what the 2022 Cancer New Moon is encouraging us to do – to be present to the here and now and how we feel about it. To do this, we first must be willing to see ourselves and feel our truth. Then, we must be willing to see everything and everyone around us for what and who they really are.

This is good in the sense that we will be tuned into how we really feel about the conditions and circumstances we find ourselves in now. Whether it’s for better or worse, we’re feeling it, and if we’re feeling our emotions, that means we’re present to what we’re living.

There will still be some of us who’ll try to avoid feeling our emotional truths. We’ll try and pretend that we aren’t feeling the impact of the changes that are now coming into plain view. Trying to stifle our emotional expression – trying to silence our inner children – it isn’t the best idea right now…

…because there’s also an inclination to act out at this time. This is especially the case if you feel you’re being betrayed or deceived in some way or if you’re not getting your way in another – either situation could produce an inner child tantrum. But acting out may also be the case if you feel that you’re making great progress – the (over)confident inner child may lead you take bold emotion-driven actions. As result, even bigger changes are on the horizon for each and all of us.

On an individual level, all of this means making bold choices and taking clear, decisive actions in alignment with your emotional truth. These are steps you may have been afraid to take in the past. Yet you realize that if you don’t take them now, you may never take them, so why not do what you can to give yourself a chance.

On a collective level, this means we may see certain communities, groups, organizations, or institutions taking big, bold steps toward their goals. You may notice how emboldened they feel in declaring a certain course of action or a certain change in how they operate. These choices and actions will impact us all for better or worse, and we’d be wise to take notice as well as feel our emotions about what we are witnessing and experiencing. Your emotions are your best guide to how you really feel about something, and you may be surprised by what you feel versus what you think about some of the changes being introduced on the collective level.

The learning available to each of us through this 2022 Cancer New Moon is that your emotional compass will always steer you true. If you operate from your mind more than your heart, this may be a challenging New Moon for you as you may find that your mind may misdirect you in ways you’ve been able to rely upon it in the past. Yet if you’ve always operated from your heart and intuition, be aware that this New Moon phase may be more emotional intensity than you’ve felt in a long time. It’s okay to honor your wellbeing if you feel you need to pause or step away from something momentarily… but if that’s the case, it’s likely because you’re feeling something that you’ve never felt before, and it may be indicating that it’s time for a change of course for you.

It’s okay for your inner child to be afraid of change, to be afraid of moving forward into the unknown future and what’s next for you.

It’s also okay for your inner child to be excited for change and eager to move forward into an unknown future that you get to create and experience the way you want or need it to be.

But the most important question of this 2022 Cancer New Moon is… are you ready to give your inner child the nurturing, supportive, and encouraging care you may have not been given before? And are you ready to give your inner child the permission to receive it?

The max phase of the 2022 Cancer New Moon occurs on a numerological 22 Universal Day in the majority of the Americas, which represents strong connections within a network of connections. This is the epitome of “It takes a village to raise a child” energy, in that you may recognize that you cannot raise your inner child alone. You’ll need to find the people who are supportive if not encouraging of your choices and actions at this time. You may also need to pay attention if you’re hearing the same thing from everyone close to you as they may be seeing something you can’t see because your emotions are obstructing your judgment. In the Americas and all points west of them, this will be a day in the power of genuine partnerships and networks – or the absence of them – will be profound as you may need the input or feedback form others as sounding boards for you to clarify and determine what you’re truly feeling.

For the rest of the world, this New Moon max phase will occur on a 5 Universal Day of change, variety, and adaptability. In these regions, this will be a day of many changes, but it’s more likely to present itself as a call to adapt to the changes underway, and to set clear intentions and prepare for more changes to come.

These day energies are occurring under a 3 Universal Month and a 6 Universal Year – the energy of the child/student for the month, and the energy of the mother/nurturer for the year. This reveals an intention for each and all of us to learn about each other by exchanging our thoughts and ideas, and to nurture the healthiest and most healing common points as our collective way forward not only in our respective societies and social circles, but throughout the whole of humanity.

For those of you who want to do a deeper dive into this 2022 Cancer New Moon, here are the astrology transits (within 3° orb) for this New Moon phase:

Cancer 3 Sun conjunct Moon conjunct Black Moon Lilith (7-8°) – You may notice how your ego is invested in your emotions, and how your emotions are invested in your actions and the actions of others. You may also notice that you may really want to have a tantrum right now to express how you feel. Instead, channel your emotional energy into what you can do that would nurture, support, and care for others as well as support your investment in yourself.

  • semi-sextile Gemini Venus (7-8°) – It’s good to exchange ideas and information with others in ways which get both people thinking outside their comfort zones
  • square Aries Jupiter (7-8°) – the more your awareness of your emotional investment grows within you, the more challenged you are when you’re called upon to take action in some way
  • trine Pisces Vesta (6-8°) – How dedicated are you to your beliefs? The more emotional you are when your beliefs are challenged, the more likely it is that you’re emotional invested in upholding those beliefs, possibly as a matter of ego. To truly have power around the belief that is being challenged, you may want to make sure your actions don’t only create exceptions or exemptions for you, but that they create the same exceptions and exemptions for everyone.

SEQUENCE: Aquarius Saturn Retrograde semi-sextile Pisces Neptune Retrograde semi-sextile (Aries Eris conjunct Mars) semi-sextile Taurus Pallas Athena (24-27°) – Social institutions are limiting social institutions in order to maintain authority, which leads to people really getting in touch with what they believe and/or idealize in society, which leads to retributive actions, which lead to the repetition of patterns (or the allowance of the repetition of patterns) by those who don’t want to their own personal lives to change. The ONLY way to change is if everyone is involved in breaking the patterns, but that means each of us will have to be in action. Those who wait and watch may be left behind.

BLESSING TRIANGLE: Capricorn Pluto Retrograde sextile Pisces Neptune Retrograde sextile Taurus Pallas Athena (25-27°) – The transformation (through collapse and building anew) of our societal structures reflects and supports whatever we believe about the interconnection between everyone and everything, which is reflected and supported in whether or not we are willing to cling to or break from old patterns and habits to allow transformation to occur. If we want a better world, we must find a shared vision that we are all willing to establish as our collective objective.

Capricorn Pluto Retrograde square (Aries Eris conjunct Mars) (24-27°) – Actions being taken right now are in response to the collapse and transformation of what we believed would support our individual self-identities. The challenge for each of us is to consider what we, as individuals, are willing to take action for on a societal level. What kind of society do you want to live in, and are you willing to take the risks to make that society a reality?

Pisces Juno trine Cancer Ceres (19°) – People’s commitments to their values is amplified now, revealing how many of the emotions surfacing at this time are really value-driven emotions. This means our values are driving our emotions which are driving our actions at this time.

Gemini Mercury semi-sextile Taurus Uranus (17-18°) – The events happening around us are revealing shifts in our collective morals and values, affecting the quality of the information we exchange with each other, what we really believe, and whether or not we’re “good people” for believing what we do.

Aries Jupiter sextile Gemini Venus (7°) – The information you exchange with others through 1-on-1 interactions with them may clarify your own positions on certain matters and to help you grow. Don’t shy away conversations – there are gems of wisdom and opportunity to be found now.

The energy of this 2022 Cancer New Moon phase will be felt from Saturday 25th June through Friday 1st July 2022. Tune into the emotions of your inner child now, and give it what it needs. Trust that you can’t make a wrong choice – you can only make the choice that is best for you.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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