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The 2022 Scorpio New Moon reaches its maximum phase at 3:49a PDT on Tuesday 25th October 2022 (2.00°). The energy of the 2022 Scorpio New Moon will be felt from Saturday 22nd October through Friday 28th October 2022.

New Moon phases represent new beginnings and fresh starts. Yet in order to have a truly new beginning, there must be a clearing away of what is completed. This is where Scorpio is masterful –bringing what needs to come to an end to an end, and clearing out what no longer serves.

Scorpio is the Zodiac sign that brings forth transformation. Transformation is the death of an old way of being in order to allow a new way of being to be born. This means that what something was or who someone was before cannot be again because what or who they were before symbolically dies. The being that comes to an end will begin anew as a different being altogether, much like a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. Transformation is a cellular and energetic evolution.

With its fixed water energy, I often use the saying “Still waters run deep” to explain Scorpio’s energy – diving below what’s usually a calm surface in order to reach the places within us that are the most vulnerable. These deep dives into ourselves help us develop trust and intimacy with ourselves and others. These depths and the connections we form by diving into them are the places in our psyches where transformation occurs. We must feel the symbolic death in order to fully manifest it, and if we’re truly committed to transforming our lives, we must feel the desire for that transformation in the depths of our being. This is why it simply cannot be a surface-level, cosmetic, or aesthetic change.

Transformation is truly allowing yourself to let go of what you’ve known yourself to be in order to become someone entirely unfamiliar to you, yet on some level, someone you’ve always known yourself to be.

To this point, Scorpio is known for dealing in extremes. Unlike its opposite sign, Taurus, which likes to find its comfortable place on the grayscale, Scorpio prefers the decisiveness of black-and-white. There’s no sitting on the fence or “both sides” of matters for Scorpio – it’s in-or-out, yes-or-no, all-or-nothing. This alone can make Scorpio energy intense and intimidating for many people…

…but this 2022 Scorpio New Moon is especially intense for two more reasons.

The first reason is the Sun and Moon’s conjunction with Venus during this New Moon phase. This means that one-on-one relationships of any and all kinds may be sources of great revelation for us, burning away any obstructions to accessing our deepest insecurities and fears. This is great for those of us who want to get to the bottom of our emotional depths to clean out the wounds, heal them, and move on from them. Yet it won’t be so great for those of us who want to keep our emotional wounds hidden, as our partners, friends, and/or others may bring our secrets out of the shadows, pushing us to face them, admit to them, and own them.

The second reason is due to this Scorpio New Moon also being a partial solar eclipse with its maximum eclipse occurring at 4:00a PDT, only eleven minutes after the New Moon’s maximum phase. In a solar eclipse, the Moon obstructs the Sun’s light from reaching Earth. This could be symbolically translated into emotions getting in the way of self-illumination and/or conscious transformation… but in the case of a partial eclipse, this obstruction is not complete. Therefore, emotional motives are partially (if not fully) exposed despite efforts to hide them. Under the influence of this 2022 Scorpio New Moon, this partial eclipse could actually make these revelations explosive because those who are being exposed may feel they’re being backed into a corner, unable to do anything to defend themselves but to act out in the most volatile way(s) possible in an attempt to escape the prison of their own making and the consequences that might come with it.

As if the astrology wasn’t enough, numerologically, the maximum phases of the 2022 Scorpio New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse will be occurring on a 5 Universal Day in a 7 Universal Month in a 6 Universal Year globally. This is one of the rare times all global time zones will be in the same numeric energy, which makes this powerful New Moon and Eclipse even more profound. These numeric energies indicate that the changes we’re all experiencing – both individually and collectively – will likely be the focus of our attention on the day of this New Moon’s maximum phase, especially during the eclipse. These changes are forcing us to think about where we are in this moment, to address the past (as the past is at the root of the wounds being reopened now), and to complete and clear away the elements of that past that not only no longer serve us well, but which may also be holding back our transformation. This process could result in some very unexpected events as many of us who believed we could weather the changes in our lives as we always have, may now experience a transformation of ourselves and our lives whether we intended it or not. As shocking and upsetting as this process may be for us, it’ll be important for us to remember that it has the potential to have a very positive outcome.

If I were to give an analogy or paint a scenario which explains how all of these dynamics combine, it would be the equivalent of getting ready to go on an airline flight to the next chapter of your life’s journey, going through the security line, and finding out that everyone coming through must have their bags opened and inspected. You may not want your bag to be inspected, but it’s going to be. Whatever you’re carrying in the bag is going to be seen. Now because the New Moon is about clean slates and fresh starts, you’re not going to be allowed on your flight if you’re carrying the past – you don’t get to bring all of that with you into the next chapter of your life. All that old emotional baggage must be left behind. To be able to start from a truly clean and clear slate, you cannot take the past with you. It will not define you in your next chapter, no matter how much you may want it to.

And that’s the thing about this 2022 Scorpio New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse – some of us will want to take our past with us. We will want the past to continue to define us, and may even convince others that we need to allow our past to define us, for better or worse. Not because we necessarily want it to, but because we’re afraid to take those steps into the unknown of what’s on the other side of our symbolic death. We’re afraid to find out who we might be without our past to define us.

Those of us with the courage to allow our self-identities to symbolically die may discover that this releasing of our past is actually liberating. By no longer allowing the past to define us, we’re able to move forward, no longer bound by outdated expectations or reactions of others, or even ourselves. By leaving the emotional baggage behind at the gate, we’re free to create our identities and our lives newly. We’re able to leave our caterpillar crawling days behind us, and to begin using our newly-formed wings to fly.

To dive a bit deeper into the effects of this 2022 Scorpio New Moon and Partial Eclipse, here are the astrological transits within 3° orb at the time of the New Moon’s maximum phase:

STELLIUM: Scorpio Sun conjunct Moon conjunct Venus (2°) – This reveals that one-on-one interactions and relationships of all kinds will be catalysts for a deep dive into your emotional and/or spiritual truths. This may be disturbing and upsetting for those of us who avoid feeling our emotions, while healing and empowering for those willing to go on the journey through their deepest fears and insecurities into their transformation.

  • trine Cancer Black Moon Lilith (1-2°) – As Scorpio is known for its willingness to go to soul-baring depths in order to trust others, this transit reveals a desire to get beneath the surface and connect with others in order to dive into the past origins of our current angers and fears, and defensive/protective feelings. This exploration will likely target self-identity issues related to family or home.
  • quincunx Aries Jupiter Retrograde (0-2°) – Exploring your emotional-spiritual depths is incompatible with individual growth and expansion. These energies are asking you to go both deep and wide simultaneously, and this will be difficult if not impossible for many at this time. If you’re finding yourself unable to gain traction or expand in one or more ways in your life at this time, it’s likely because you need to do some work diving into your personal emotional depths and how you really feel in your connections and/or relationships with others. Likewise, if you’ve been digging into or hiding in your depths for a long time, it may be time to come out of the shadows in order to grow and expand. Of course, the latter may have you feeling very vulnerable, but through that vulnerability, you grow into your power and strength.

Aries Jupiter Retrograde square Cancer Black Moon Lilith (0-1°) – Personal growth is challenging at this time because you’re being asked to emotionally nurture yourself as you grow and expand yourself and your life. In other words, others are going to be busy healing their own emotional wounds – they won’t have time or bandwidth to help you through yours unless you’re willing to do it the same way they are.

GRAND TRINE/KITE: Libra Mercury trine Aquarius Vesta sextile Aries Eris Retrograde sextile Gemini Mars (22-25°) – 1-on-1 exchanges and conversations are encouraged and empowered by a (renewed) dedication to either unite people by preserving and celebrating our commonalities, or to divide humanity by dehumanizing or animalizing of those who we may perceive to be “other” or unlike us. The question that arises from this kite configuration is… are long-held and long-unresolved grudges from past events disrupting the peace? Have we allowed so much of our past to go unaddressed and unresolved where we cannot deal with our matters in the present nor prepare for or act in the best interests of our individual and collective futures? And as individuals and groups are being held account for their past actions, we can expect to see these people becoming extremely defensive, possibly to a point of acting out in violence in order to destroy whatever or whomever it feels poses the greatest threat(s). Don’t underestimate the self-defensive abilities of anyone or anything at this time – the more emotionally and energetically confronted people feel, the more they can push back or lash out in ways you won’t expect or be able to predict.

Grand trines are often seen a very positive configurations… but I always ask which celestial bodies and points are involved because sometimes, a grand trine-kite configuration can be more of a “perfect storm” than a positive thing. I believe that everyone has free will, so how someone or a collective of people choose to use the energy available to them is up to them. However, considering the current states of affairs in a number of situations in our personal lives and in our collective experience in community, society, and/or globally around the world, this could prove to be a highly combustible energy as Scorpio does tend to deal in extremes in order for matters to be clear and decisive. Being a water sign, Scorpio can also act in extremes that are emotion-driven. That will be something to watch out for under this 2022 Scorpio New Moon – people allowing their emotional defenses to get the better of them.

Gemini Mars square Pisces Neptune Retrograde (23-25°) – Thought-driven actions based upon idealistic visions may challenge individuals to question the thoughts they’re thinking and the ideas they’re sharing. Are you really thinking and taking actions in your own best interests, or are you trying to realize someone else’s vision – the visions and ideals of someone who’s convinced you that their ideal is yours?

SEQUENCE: Capricorn Pluto semi-sextile Aquarius Vesta semi-sextile Pisces Neptune Retrograde semi-sextile Aries Eris Retrograde (23-26°) – the rapid transformation of our societal structures and institutions is leading to an intense humanitarian view of the world or an intense anti-humanity stance, which leads to questions about what is our collective ideal if we even have one now, and have we individually and collectively betrayed ourselves to a point where we have no choice but to raze it all to the ground and begin again? Can what we’ve done to each other and ourselves be salvaged? That is the question we are being called to ask ourselves now.

T-SQUARE: Taurus North Node square Leo Ceres square Scorpio South Node (10-13°) – Evolving values regarding our livelihoods and lifestyles are trying to balance our emotional vulnerabilities. Both are being challenged by questions about the value of our individual self-expression and our abilities to create the realities of our lives. Are we acting in alignment with our values? Do our lifestyles reflect our values? How vulnerable am I willing to make myself to make the changes I need to make to (re)align with what I value most about life?

Pisces White Moon Selene conjunct Juno (5-7°) – This affirms the presence of a commitment to resolve matters in alignment with a Higher calling or purpose; for the Greater good of all.

Aquarius Saturn square Taurus Uranus Retrograde (15-17°) – Focus and discipline are needed in order to generate a viable collective/collaborative efforts to make lasting change in the world. Yet these effort to come together are challenged by debates regarding lifestyle values – evolution/progression versus tradition/stagnation or possibly even regression. Much of this is due to the fact that there is so much about the past that is still unresolved or unhealed. Too many open wounds, too many fears of being vulnerable or defeated. Too many fears of what has always been being eliminated. Too many fears of change.

Again, the energy of the 2022 Scorpio New Moon will be felt from Saturday 22nd October through Friday 28th October 2022. Make the most of this 7-day New Moon phase to dive into the deepest depths of your past to heal and clear the feelings of anger, sadness, betrayal, and/or fear from your emotional past.

If you’re going to be everything that it’s possible for you to be in your life, you can’t take that baggage with you. It’s too heavy for you to carry if you intend to move forward.

Let it go. Let it all go.
Let yourself be transformed by its release, and let yourself fly into your future.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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