The first major Moon phase of 2024 is the 2024 Capricorn New Moon, which reaches its maximum phase at 3:57a PST on Thursday, 11the January 2024 at 20°44’ Capricorn.

This is a powerful New Moon for a number of reasons, but one of the most exciting is the significant engagement of the Sun + Moon conjunction in the transits of the day. With both in the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn, the astrology and numerology around this New Moon make it very clear that its energy is going to present each and all of us with opportunities to set new and different courses for our individual lives. That, and when enough individuals realize they share similar if not the same intentions and/or goals for themselves and their lives, they can and may very well come together in collaborative and collective power to make powerfully transformative changes to the societal and/or institutional status quo.

In other words, it only takes one person to inspire many.

Be that person. It starts with you. It starts with the intentions you set.

The funny thing about intentions is that they’re great in theory, but they literally stay in theory until someone acts upon them. Without action, there is not a single intention that can be realized, not a single goal can be accomplished.

That means there’s effort that you get to apply, and the energies of this 2024 Capricorn New Moon are about focusing that effort on achieving your goals and realizing your visions by being your most unique and excellent self in the world, rather than focusing it on people and things you have no control over.

And that’s the thing. This 2024 Capricorn New Moon will teach us that you really only have control over yourself. No one else can have control of your life… unless you let them. Others can only treat you the way you allow them to treat you. Once that conditioning has set in place, it’s difficult to overcome… until you overcome it.

With Mercury in Sagittarius bringing just as much if not more energy to this 2024 Capricorn New Moon phase than the Sun + Moon conjunction, this is where and how both communication and action are crucially important for each and all of us at this time. Your freely-experienced and expressed thoughts and words matter more than ever now as sources of inspiration for yourself and others. This New Moon is a beacon call to pursue your goals and ambitions, no matter how much larger-than-life they may seem. However, even your most outrageous ambitions need to be rooted in fact and wisdom of experience if they’re ever going to have a chance to be realized.

That said, the easiest part of this 2023 Capricorn New Moon is setting clear intentions for what you want. The hardest part may be getting yourself to believe that it’s okay to speak those intentions! Admit to yourself that you want what you want… then don’t be afraid to ask for it! However, just because you ask for It doesn’t mean you get to sit passively and wait for it to come to you. In most cases, the Universe will ask you to meet it halfway. You will need to take at least some action in your own best interest.

This “meeting halfway” sentiment is complemented by the numerological energies of the day. The world will be under a 2 Universal Day energy, which represents emotional and intuitive connections, partnerships, and support. Two tends to avoid doing anything alone, so you may notice that you’re seeking out the companionship of others, or that others may be seeking your companionship a bit more than usual. Yet these relationships could be what help you understand that some of your connections will be helpful in your pursuit and achievement of your goals while others may be distracting or otherwise detrimental to your efforts.

That this is happening under the influence of a 9 Universal Month of completions and endings only affirms the need to clear out old connections to make way for the new ones you’re wanting to plant seeds for now through next month.

And these energies are all coming together under an 8 Universal Year of power, influence, and harvest – the fruits of our collective effort from over the last 7 years.

Altogether, the numerological energies combined with the astrological energies indicate that what’s likely to come up during this 2024 Capricorn New Moon is an assessment of our 1-on-1 relationships of any and all kinds and the roles they play in our everyday lives in the context of how supportive and encouraging they are of our individual and/or collective progress.

This is probably a good moment to encourage you to think and speak freely from the wisdom of your experiences, seek inspired action from that wisdom, and the empowerment which could be gained in taking action to make those intensions manifest in the world.

You’re the one who will need to set your intentions with clarity. You’re the one who will be committing to your intentions and goals through your words. You’re the one who is responsible for taking your first steps in alignment with your intentions and goals.

Where things go from here entirely depends on how you choose to think, speak, act, and allow… and how others choose to perceive it (which is not your job).

What’s most interesting about how things will likely show up for you during and after this 2024 Capricorn New Moon is that it may not be a direct action that gets you on your way to your goal. In fact, there may be some challenges or obstacles to your advancement which may require you to take some detours and/or confrontations in order to clear your passage. You may need to acquire some physical/material/financial resources in order to facilitate your progress. You may need to work through some relationship logistics and/or negotiations in order to move forward in your journey. You may need to let your guard down emotionally and spiritually with one or more other individuals in order to conquer your fears and transform your experience of yourself and/or your life.

Again, if change is going to happen, it’s got to start with you.

For deeper insights into the energies of this 024 Capricorn New Moon’s phase, here are the astrological transits within 3° orb at the time of its maximum phase:

GRAND TRINE: (Capricorn Sun conjunct Moon) trine Taurus Uranus Retrograde trine Virgo Juno (19-21°) – Unexpected returns on investments and/or unexpected resources come in when you commit to your goals; the clearer and more committed you are, the easier it is for the Universe to respond and answer… just be careful what you ask for because it will come to you in some form, it just may not be the form you expect or intend.

T-SQUARE: (Capricorn Sun conjunct Moon) square Aries North Node opposite Libra South Node (20°) – THIS is the moment of truth! Are you doing it for others, or are you doing it for yourself? And do you understand that by doing it for yourself, you’re ultimately doing it for others – indirectly at first, but in time, you’ll be able to serve others better and from a healthier and happier place?

(wide) SEQUENCE: Leo Black Moon Lilith semi-sextile Virgo Juno semi-sextile Libra South Node semi-sextile Scorpio Pallas Athena semi-sextile Sagittarius Ceres semi-sextile (Capricorn Sun conjunct Moon) (19-22°) – Now’s the time to face the facts about how your ego’s need for acknowledgment by any means necessary may be leading you to commitments you don’t want… which may be causing you to stay in relationships you’ve outgrown, which leads to you being more manipulative than you have to be in order to feel like you have some sense of control or power in your life, which leads to you being at odds with your True values which leads to you realizing that you’re not aligned with your personal goals and THAT’S why you’re feeling unfulfilled in your life right now? Maybe this is the time when you get to acknowledge where you’ve had enough, and when you get to make a decision to cut ties and

T-SQUARE: Sagittarius Mercury square Pisces Neptune square Gemini Vesta Retrograde (24-27°) – Open and honest communications challenge idealistic narratives, bringing a harsh dose of reality to the matters-at-hand. However, this harsh reality may result in some of us trying to create a new narrative to avoid dealing with the truth that’s emerging. When faced with the truth, do you acknowledge it, or do you make up yet another story in hopes of escaping to another one?

Sagittarius Mercury semi-sextile Capricorn Pluto (27-29°) – Open and truthful communications lead to the empowerment or collapse of societal structures, which may result in major structural transformation within communities, nations, and possibly the world. The information communicated could catalyze the transformation of what would otherwise remain stagnant.

Sagittarius Mercury quincunx Taurus Sedna (27-29°) – Open and truthful communications also reveal where we may be positioning ourselves as victims in our lives. This is likely to show up in regard to our personal resources and lifestyles, and this is likely to have you confront where you’re playing a victim in regard to your lifestyle and resources. Where are you being a victim in your life? What can you do to get out of the victim mindset to take responsibility for your life?

Sagittarius Venus trine Aries Chiron (15°) – Self-identity healing comes through personal growth in/through 1-on-1 relationships of all kinds. Your xpanded relationship experience can bring healing to your sense of self.

BLESSING TRIANGLE: Capricorn Mars sextile Pisces Saturn sextile Taurus Jupiter (4-5°) – Goal-driven actions supports your focus upon your dreams and ideals and having the discipline necessary to “keep your eye on the prize”, which supports your ability to attract, receive, and/or increase the resources necessary for you to (further) align with the lifestyle you’re growing into.

Capricorn Pluto trine Taurus Sedna (29°) – We cannot transform our lives until we let go of our perceptions of our victimization in regard to our lifestyles and the resources that support them.

BLESSING TRIANGLE: Aries Eris sextile Gemini Vesta sextile Leo Black Moon Lilith (22-24°) – How does your sense of “otherness” support your determination and dedication to learning and exchanging new ideas and information in ways which help bring light to your shadows, especially your hidden ego-driven behaviors. (NOTE: Those ego-driven behaviors hidden in the shadows are about to come to light for you to deal with them, ready or not. This is a good thing.)

Leo Black Moon Lilith square Scorpio Pallas Athena (21°) – Of course, as these shadow ego-drives come to the surface, we may want to hide them and more about ourselves even more, trying to come up with strategies to keep these parts of ourselves hidden when allowing them to come to light will bring about the transformation we’ve been hoping for.

Taurus Uranus Retrograde opposite Scorpio Pallas Athena (19-21°) – The more we allow our hidden emotional and spiritual/intimacy strategies to be revealed and transformed, the more we open ourselves to unexpected blessings to reassure us that we are on the correct path toward the transformation of our lives. The key here is to surrender to our fears of being emotionally and spiritually vulnerable in order to allow blessings to come to us and manifest in our lives rather than trying to force the manifestation of what we think we want or need.

The 2024 Capricorn New Moon will be felt from Monday 8th January through Sunday 14th January 2024. Use this time to not only set your intentions for the year and for the next chapter of your life, but to take your first action steps in the direction of your goals and to allow and embrace the support of other individuals who are inspired and encouraged by your initiative on your own behalf. You may have to start it alone, but you won’t have to finish it alone. The Universe (through others) will meet you halfway, if you let it.

Just remember, if it’s going to happen for you, it’s gotta start with you.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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