The 2024 Aquarius Full Moon reaches its maximum phase at 11:26a PDT on Monday, 19th August 2024 at 27°15’ Aquarius. This is a very profound Full Moon because it a seasonal Blue Moon, meaning it’s the third Full Moon of four Full Moons within a season – in this case, Summer (or in the Southern Hemisphere, Winter). This is also the first “supermoon” of 2024, meaning the Moon is unusually close to the Earth, making it appear larger. Yet even more than all of that, this Aquarius Full Moon makes quite an impact. Let’s look at why.

Aquarius is fixed air energy, which could be literally interpreted as stagnant air, even though in practical application, Aquarius tends to be anything but stagnant. The air element is associated with intellect, intelligence, exchanges of ideas and information, and other activities associated with mental and communicative functions. Therefore, as a fixed modality sign, Aquarius can lend itself to a staunch belief in certain ideas or concepts, or an unwavering approach to intellectual and communicative matters.

However, Aquarius is also the 11th sign of the Zodiac, and is often associated with mass communications, technological advancement, and innovation in both areas. Yet what makes Aquarius especially profound isn’t the technological innovations themselves – it’s how those innovations contribute to the evolution of humanity, both on the collective level and the individual level. What makes this especially interesting is that with this sign opposing (or being the outer expression of) Leo, this sign still represents individual self-expression, but in the context of group, team, or community. Aquarius represents what your unique and individual expression can contribute to something greater than oneself.

To that point, your uniqueness doesn’t only matter for you – it matters for everyone. In fact, it matters more than ever now. Without your individual contributions – without your unique thoughts, ideas, voice – there wouldn’t be differences in perspective nor unique expressions which help each and all of us evolve and grow as individuals or as teams, groups, or communities. Without those differences and unique expressions, the whole of humanity would not be able evolve and grow.

We’re currently dealing with five retrogrades – Mercury, Chiron, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto; but that expands to eight if you include Ceres, Eris, and Black Moon Lilith. This is a sizeable load of reflective energy, encouraging us to notice the feedback we’re receiving from the outside world right now. This feedback will bring some questions to the fore:

  • How have you been showing up in the world?
  • Have you been allowing yourself to show up at all?
  • Is allowing yourself to be seen and known outside your comfort zone?
  • Are you being forced into the spotlight whether you want to be or not?

This 2024 Aquarius Full Moon is likely to awaken emotions within you, reminding you of how much you are (or aren’t) letting yourself be known to others or the world. You may feel a longing to express yourself more fully, and this may result in you feeling called to take a step you haven’t wanted to take – a courageous step which allows others to see you in a different or possibly entirely new light.

Despite the encouragement from many, quite a few of us have been hesitant to step into our unique expressions of Light. Many of us attribute this hesitance to the state of the world around us – “things seem so chaotic and uncertain.” However, this chaos and uncertainty is going to be the norm for at least the next 3-5 years, if not longer. That said, it’s time for us to understand that we’re waiting for the world while the world is waiting for us. We are the ones who are creating the world we are living in, and instead of looking to others to tell us where to go and how to be, we’d best start deciding who we, as individuals, are going to be in the world – and fast!

The thing is… you’re ready for this moment. It’s long been time for your unique individual self to be seen by the world, and for you to learn and know you have a role in this world whether your role is large or small. You are worthy of being seen. You are worthy of being heard. You are worthy of being known… and this 2024 Aquarius Full Moon encourages you to let others know all of who you are.

By expressing yourself fully in order to share your uniqueness with your circles and communities, you may discover that your courage can reap rewards well beyond your imagination. This may not be an easy thing to do at this time, but it could be worth doing in the long run. The most important thing is that you put yourself out there in a way you’ve never done before. Understand that this Full Moon is a call for you to make the contribution to the world that you know you can make… but it only works if you allow yourself to step out of your comfort zone to make it.

This numerological energy of this day is of particular interest. In the western regions of the world, this 2024 Aquarius Full Moon is occurring on an 8 Universal Day of power, influence, and control. In the eastern regions of the world the Full Moon reaches its maximum phase on a 9 Universal Day of fulfillment, completions, and endings. I find this interesting because for many people in and of the west, this Aquarius Full Moon will be about taking control of one’s own unique abilities, talents, and skills, and putting them to good use for the benefit of themselves and others through community and/or collaboration. For the people in and of the east, this Full Moon will be steps to close and clear elements and aspects of their lives which inhibit their unique self-expression and ability to evolve in the world.

In other words, individuals in the west will be reclaiming their individual power in order to make a difference in collaboration with others; while individuals in the east will be clearing away what saps their power and focus. Both day energies are occurring under the influences of the 7 Universal Month energy (introspection, analysis, processing) and the 8 Universal Year (power, influence control). Of course, this means that we have another 8.8.8 day occurring in the western world at the time of the Full Moon’s maximum phase, but the entire world will benefit from this second dose of triple-8 energy during this week-long Full Moon phase.

The numbers bring up another component of this 2024 Aquarius Full Moon – the illumination of our values in regard to technology and humanity.

As we begin to recognize the impact of recent innovations in technology and communications, we begin to question the morals, ethics, and values behind our use of these tools. Are we using them to better humanity, and if so, how do we each and all define “better”? Is it in terms of what betters our lives on an individual basis, or on a collective basis? And do we want this for everyone, or only for a select few?

The question of values is significant because it will play a major role in how we as individuals come together as a collective to evolve the human race. This moment is bigger than any one of us alone. The choices we make for ourselves and each other now will affect our futures. This is another reason why this 2024 Aquarius Full Moon is so important – it connects us emotionally to the impact of the choices we are making now, and it begs us to ask ourselves who we are being in and for the world when we say we want something for ourselves and/or others. It also asks us to look at how we can contribute to the world, and to figure out how we can make that contribution beneficial to ourselves, our communities, and humanity.

Again, some of us are trying to wait this choice out, not understanding that it is our individual choices that will shape the world we are living in. If you don’t want to claim your unique individuality and power, don’t be surprised if and when your life circumstances change beyond your control, and you’re forced to embrace your uniqueness later, but possibly not as powerfully. This 2024 Aquarius Full Moon may very well catalyze this shift in your life.

That’s because the shift you’re being called to make in your individual self-expression is bigger than you – it’s about humanity. Your shift is part of a larger shift in the collective consciousness of humanity. It’s not only about you, it’s about how the changes you want to see in the world affect everyone… and it’s about how the individual shifts merge and become a collective movement in which majority-rule truly becomes the reality of our world.

Our individual perspective – the way we see the world – is shaped by values and goals or objectives. This 2024 Aquarius Full Moon may shift our values and goals as we begin to understand the impact of our values and objectives upon others. Once we realize who we are as individuals in the context of the greater whole of human kind, we may see ourselves, each other, and our world much differently.

For deeper insights, here are the major astrological transits (within 3-4° orbs) at the time of the 2024 Aquarius Full Moon’s maximum phase:

  • GRAND SQUARE/GRAND CROSS: (Leo Mercury Retrograde conjunct Leo 7 Sun conjunct Vesta) square Scorpio Pallas Athena square Aquarius Moon square Taurus Uranus (24-27°) – The feedback that’s been coming your way (and that you’ve hopefully been paying attention to) is intended to help you understand that this Full Moon is a call for you to take your first or next steps in making the contribution to the world that you know you can make… but only if you allow yourself to step out of your comfort zone to make it. You know you’ve got what it takes – put it to good use.
  • CONJUNCTED TRINE: (Leo Mercury Retrograde conjunct Leo 7 Sun conjunct Vesta) trine (Aries Chiron Retrograde conjunct Eris Retrograde) (23-27°) – This is another powerful call to embrace your uniqueness and to express it in the world. Whatever makes you odd or unusual is your superpower! Celebrate it! Being yourself fully allows you to stop being an “alien” and to find home first within yourself, then around you as others who will appreciate your individuality will be able to find and celebrate you, too.
  • YOD: Pisces Neptune Retrograde quincunx (Leo Mercury Retrograde conjunct Leo 7 Sun conjunct Vesta) quincunx Aquarius Pluto Retrograde (27-0°) – When your dreams are disrupted by the world being in disruption, all you can do is look to yourself for who to be in the world at this time. Who are you now? And if you’re not sure, take some time and space to figure out who you’re determined to be and/or become.
  • NODAL T-SQUARE: Aries North Node square Capricorn Ceres Retrograde square Libra South Node (7°) – Your values determine your goals and objectives, but your values may be shifting as you learn more about what your goals and objectives may cost you. Are you willing to shift your values to achieve your goals? And are you willing to experience the identity shift that will inevitably come with the shift in your values?
  • T-SQUARE: Virgo Venus square (Gemini Jupiter conjunct Mars) square Pisces Saturn Retrograde (17-19°) – The more you learn, the more you know’ and the more you know, the more you grow. The Gemini mantra is in full effect now, but the question that arises is… now that you know, how do you find yourself growing, and is it in the same direction as before, or are you discovering a new vision and path for yourself? Has your lack of discipline and focus been due to a lack of vision and inspiration?

The energy of the 2024 Aquarius Full Moon will be felt from Friday, 16th August through Thursday 22nd August 2024. Take some time during this Full Moon phase to spend some time with yourself in quiet rest or meditation – to get clear about who you are now in your life’s journey… and who and how you want to be from this point forward.

This is a turning point, and if you don’t choose how to make and take the turn to begin sharing your uniqueness with others, something or someone may make that choice for you.

Now’s your time to pivot to your True self, and to play your role in the future of humanity.
The future starts now.

Remember – as you choose to turn, your experience of the world turns with you.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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