Considering the state of things right now, I decided to bring this series back.

My friends and family know that I can get very interested in our Presidential Elections here in the U.S. I’m actually interested in the whole national election process, including the Senate and House races. But this year, in particular, the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election is more confounding than usual, and in many ways, it is likely to prove to be more pivotal than usual in both domestic and international matters.

That said, there are always plenty of questions about who each of the candidates really are and what they’re really about, beyond their campaign rhetoric and facades.

Since 2016, I’ve been studying the natal charts of the “major party” candidates using my unique blending of astrology and numerology – The Life By Soul™ System – to get below their surface veneers. I’m excited to share these analyses with all of you to give us some insights into the people who may be our next U.S. President.

Because this 2024 election is so odd, I also plan to do analyses for the “third party” candidates. Since I haven’t been able to acquire confirmed birth times for any of them, I may do partial/limited analyses for Jill Stein (Green) and Chase Oliver (Libertarian), who seem to be the leading candidates outside the “big two” parties at this time. And for the first time (because they may find themselves more integral than expected in the coming weeks and months), I may do brief analyses of the Vice-Presidential candidates as well.

In the meantime, I’ve done a 2024 republication of my 2016 natal chart analysis of Republican Party candidate, Donald Trump. He is 78 years old now, and was 69/70 at the time that analysis was done. Of course, if you want to review the original 2016 edition, you can find it here. There’s barely any difference.

And in the paragraphs to follow, here is the natal chart analysis for Democratic Party candidate, Kamala Harris.

Kamala Harris – born 20.October.1964 at 9:28p PDT in Oakland, California. (age 59 currently; will be 60 on Election Day)

Kamala Harris is someone who is quite complicated, and certain to bring mixed feelings to the fore for a lot of people. She, like Trump, can be charming and pleasant, yet also remarkably unpredictable in many ways. Yet unlike Trump, Harris seems to be coming from a place of genuine curiosity about other people and situations. She’s not necessarily in it only for herself, but at the same time, her public/professional persona is definitely not her private/personal persona, and the two have always clashed and will continue to clash throughout her 2024 campaign.

Let’s break it all down.

Her core identity (the energy she is grounded and centered in):

Harris has a Libra 5 base combination, Her Libra Sun makes her capable of seeing both sides of a situation, but Libra’s tendency to make things pleasant for everyone can also make her a bit of a people-pleaser. However, her 5 Life Path can make her quite unpredictable as she likes things to be exciting if not chaotic because she gets bored easily. She’ll ask questions and take actions that keep her entertained and keeps others on their toes. Yet when it comes to answering questions or being quick to respond when others put her on her toes, it may be difficult for her to communicate where she stands on many issues. She does not like to be pushed to make up her mind because she wants to keep her mind open, but she also wants to be able to pivot quickly to adapt to whomever she’s dealing with. It’s tough to pivot when something you don’t expect is coming your way. In other words, she likes to be the one to bring the chaos, but doesn’t like it at all when the chaos is brought to her.

Her base combination is placed in the 5th House of her chart, only affirming her excitement-seeking and fun-projecting nature. She can be creative and charismatic in response to others. Yet again, the Libra and west-side chart position factor means she’s often turning it on for others – she needs other individuals to engage with and help her determine which version of herself she needs to present. Otherwise, she she’ll default to her most neutral and pleasant persona.

The ruling planet of her Libra Sun sign is Venus, which is in Virgo in the 4th House of her natal chart. This indicates that her personal relationships will be where she finds herself able to have the most genuine joy and fun in her life. However, this positioning will also bring some complications, which we will discuss further later in the article.

How she sees herself (Projection):

Kamala has Gemini 3 projection energy on her Ascendant, and this indicates that she sees herself as someone who has a student’s mind and a childlike curiosity about life. She likes to ask questions and learn as much as she can from others. She isn’t afraid to admit she doesn’t know things, but she may not let on that she doesn’t know something if it’s something others might expect her to know. Not admitting she doesn’t know may bite her in the backside, especially if a line of questioning continues.

Gemini 3s tend to be underestimated because this energy is very playful and childlike, and often comes across to others as not knowing and needing to learn. With Gemini 3 as Kamala’s projection energy – the energy she is consciously projecting out into the world – she may not realize that even though she’s putting intelligence out there, she’s also putting “child-like” energy out there. She tends to approach things as if they’re to be questioned, but more in a curiosity manner than a “I actually need to learn, know, and understand this” manner, Therefore, the energy she presents herself with may not be seen as serious, or at least not as serious as many believe a potential President of the Unites States should be.

The ruling planet of Gemini is Mercury, which for Kamala is in Scorpio in the 5th House of her natal chart. Scoprio tends to play things close to the vest, so it’s likely she enjoys keeping secrets but reserves the right to divulge those secrets at very surprising times. The 5th House is also known as the “fun” house in a chart, so this Mercury placement probably amplifies her child-like playfulness. I wouldn’t be surprised if she has fun with and/or plays jokes or pulls surprises on the people in her life. However, don’t underestimate her ability to employ this “surprise” strategy professionally with the aspects this Mercury placement makes to her Midheaven and some of her 10th House occupants.

How others see her (Impression):

Kamala has Pisces 2 impression energy on her midheaven. The first impression she makes on others is being someone who serves others selflessly, possibly to a fault. I say that because her selflessness can become so extreme in this combination of Pisces and two energy, some may question if she has an individual and/or independent sense of self at all.

People with the number two on the midheaven tend to come across as people who prefer to be or are best suited being in a “number two” position – someone who is an excellent assistant or support person, but rarely a leader in their own right. If they are a leader, they’ll be seen by others as someone who cannot lead alone and needs to have an equal partner or strong support behind them. Add the highly intuitive, idealistic, sometime delusional, and sometimes escapist Pisces energy to that two energy, and having this combination on the midheaven/10th House cusp doesn’t come across as the most stable and solid leader or manager.

As result, the first impression she makes with most people is that she’d be a great surrogate or assistant for someone else. Until they get to observe her more closely or know her better, she appears to be so intuitive and emotionally sensitive to the energies and needs or others, which can make her a wonderfully attentive and accommodating person, but also can also make her extremely vulnerable to being influenced by others. It could also render her incapable of doing things alone/without someone else to do things for, as in she appears to value serving others well more than she values serving herself well.

That said, it’ll be difficult for her to be taken seriously as THE leader in any capacity. The people who are around Kamala or who are partnered with Kamala often have a lot of work to either direct public attention to her to make her convincing as a leader, or they may find it easier to draw the public’s attention away from her and to themselves in order to minimize the pressure on her.

Her Pisces 2 midheaven is conjunct Vesta in Pisces in the 10th, but also widely conjunct Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius in the 9th trine her afore-mentioned Scorpio Mercury position. This shows her dedication and determination to her professional/public image, but it also reveals how this goal becomes harder for her to accomplish the more she tries to prove herself as a leader to others. The harder she tries, the more likely she will sabotage herself with her communications, especially when she is doing a public speaking or live media engagement. This is because she’s become so used to playing to others’ expectations and needs, she’s become too good at hiding her own, and there’s often challenges when her own needs and/or values come to the surface. There will be more on this later in the article as well.

What she really (secretly) wants:

Kamala’s deepest desires are rooted in Scorpio 9 & Sagittarius 9 energies.

Her brightest and Highest desires are found in her ability to get to the bottom of things in collaboration with other in order to get results. She’s not afraid to delve into the darkness to find truth, and she can be very intense in her pursuit of getting to the root of issues to bring them to a resolution of conclusion. However, that’s because she is emotionally invested in getting the desired results. She excels when given a mission, and what’s great about this energy in her is that she’ll be patient for her opportunity to complete any mission assigned to her. It’s not about how quickly she gets it done – it’s that she’s thorough about getting it done. There’s sometimes even an element of vengeance or payback in her patience for resolution, almost if she waits until the perfect time to reveal what she can do. (Scorpio 9 White Moon Selena in 6th)

Her shadow desire is her desire to be seen as wise, knowledgeable, and mature. She feels she needs to prove this to herself more than anyone else, and she often believes that achieving the goals and markers of societal success will be enough to make her feel fulfilled. However, that does require some degree of public acknowledgment, and her commitment to gaining the respect and admiration of others as an “elder” or experienced professional may be difficult for her to fulfill as her commitment to service isn’t likely to be seen as anything extraordinary or exceptional – it’ll be seen simply as doing “her job” in the true spirit of service. If she wants more acknowledgment for her work(s), she’ll have to do something that really gets attention. The challenge for her is that often, what she thinks will garner positive attention or affirmation actually brings her attention that she probably doesn’t want. She tends to do “too much” rather than being okay with being “enough”. (Sagittarius 9 Black Moon Lilith in 6th)

What she needs to learn (karma):

With a Gemini-Sagittarius Nodal Axis that is exactly conjunct her natal chart’s AC-DC horizon line, Harris’ karmic path is absolutely interconnected with how she sees and projects herself into the world.

Forty-four is a master number in numerology, and this is a tall order to live into. It represents the establishment of stability, security, and safety in one’s life, usually on a physical/material resource level, then being able to share that wisdom of establish that stability and security with others so the community can be stable, secure, and safe.

When Kamala’s not able to express or establish and demonstrate her mastery of the 44, she is likely epitomizing the shadow qualities of 8 energy – control, manipulation, forcing issues, bullying – qualities which are in direct discord with her Libra Sun core of keeping things pleasant, pretty, and peaceful.

Her North Node has Gemini 44 energy which reveals that Harris is being karmically called to gather and share information in ways which bring a sense that safety, stability, and security is possible for those in her community, and that she is the one who can bring it to them. This is especially the case if there’s material/physical evidence to back it up- that she displays the qualities her community has and/or aspires to have.

Of course, this can be a complicated matter if and when there isn’t any material evidence to back up what’s being communicated. This is where the karmic aspect of this North Node comes into play as she may be called to think and speak in alignment with the evidence that does exist, and to acknowledge the fact that sometimes the evidence she needs really isn’t there. If she doesn’t have the material/physical/financial goods to back up what she wants or needs to say, you’ll likely be able to tell by the tone of her communications or the expression on her face. She’ll tend to become very curious, asking questions and appearing eager to learn while saying little to nothing to address the absence of knowledge or evidence for what was previously being discussed… or she’ll become very stern and angry, not willing to listen to or learn from anyone else. This behavior is a default to Kamala’s South Node energy…

… and her Sagittarius 44 South Node energy is an indicator that in past incarnations, she was someone who found great success in making sure others knew that she had the experience to back up her knowledge and wisdom. In this current lifetime, early on, it’s likely that she wanted to make sure that others knew that she knows things. In fact, Kamala’s often very inclined to tell people “how it is” because “(she) knows”.

Of course, like with her North Node, her knowledge and experience must be backed up by material/physical/financial results. When she can’t show tangible or experiential evidence of her knowledge and wisdom, the lower 8 energies come out, yet in this position, the shadow qualities come out as guidance to show her how to balance the karmic dynamics coming to the surface. The shadow traits reveal when and how Kamala’s being called upon to embrace her North Node energy and become a “student” of sorts again. Instead of believing she needs to prove what she knows, her balance will often come from proving she can learn what she doesn’t know. That, and by recognizing that she can learn from others, she’ll probably empower and inspire others to share their wisdom and knowledge so she (and others) can learn.

What really gives her “the feels” (her emotional core)?

Kamala, like Donald, was born on a Full Moon maximum phase day.

Her Aries 8 Full Moon in her natal 11th House is quite an interesting placement that reveals that her emotions are activated by how powerfully she is perceived as an individual within her public networks of all kinds. Whether the circles are professional or personal, if she’s seen by others in a positive and powerful light, she likely feels great and is in a positive and empowered emotional state. But if she’s being seen in a negative or weak/compromised light, she is likely to become very agitated if not angry, and this anger streak may surprise a lot of people, especially in contrast to the “light and fun” person she prefers and strives to present to the world.

Kamala will act on her emotions. This can be a good thing when she’s emotionally invested in social justice and sees opportunities to act on behalf of someone or something she believes is being treated unfairly or unjustly. However, this could be a more troublesome placement than not because she’s usually more (emotionally) invested in maintaining a positive social image for herself. When she acts out in emotional frustration or anger, she risks being seen a control freak or a bully toward individuals, her community, and/or humanity. Harris deeply feels a need to be seen as a positive influence, so when others don’t affirm her positive and socially prized traits, she’s more inclined than not to put a target on those who “attack” her.

“Attack” is in quotes because any criticism of Kamala is likely to be emotionally perceived by her as an attack, even if it’s a valid criticism. This is because she puts so much energy and effort into getting people to see and believe her as a likeable, constructive, and capable presence in the bast ways possible in whatever environment or condition she finds herself in. To have someone address her shortcomings or failures feels, to her, like her best qualities and efforts are being ignored or attacked, and this is offensive to her. (Yes. I said “offensive.”) Harris will, indeed, be offended by anyone who doesn’t reflect her self-presentation back to her, and she’ll take whatever steps she deems necessary in order to repair her influence and restore her power in any situation in which she feels she has been exceptionally challenged, embarrassed, and/or made a fool of.

Being emotionally triggered in negative or competitive ways is the way to get Kamala into focused and determined action. She’s always game to take on an opponent, especially one by which she feels wronged or betrayed. This is where she’ll prepare, she’ll put in the time and energy. She’ll remind them who is the “powerful” one.

Sadly, Kamala’s not really interested in acting in her own best interests otherwise. In general, especially when she is in a good space emotionally, she’ll still have a bit of a competitive streak, but she’ll approach it in her preferred light-hearted, joking, fun manner. It’s all fun and games as long as she’s being seen as the one with the power to bring the fun.

How does she find and wield her power?

Kamala has an empty natal 8th House. As we just discussed in her Moon placement, this does not mean she doesn’t have any power. Instead, it means that power, believe it or not, is not a major lesson nor priority for her in her current incarnation. For Kamala, it’s more about being perceived as having power than wielding that power herself – an interesting position to hold regarding power when one is choosing to run for the U.S. Presidency.

That said, the signs involved in Kamala’s 8th House are Capricorn and Aquarius, though, and these give me breadcrumbs to follow to find out where her power and influence actually originate and reside in her natal chart.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, and we find Kamala’s natal Saturn in retrograde motion in Aquarius in the 9th House of her chart. Harris is likely to find and wield power in ways which are strangely institutional and traditional, yet within those institutions, she makes very unconventional, unexpected, or controversial choices and/or tends to wield power through very unexpected, unconventional, and possibly controversial means (likely because she values symbolic power over actual power). Aquarius brings that collaborative community- humanity vibe into the mix, but it also brings forth the importance of innovative and/or emerging technologies in shaping the communications between and interactions of communities, nations, and humanity-at-large. The key here is that Saturn is retrograde, which I interpret as energy coming from the “outside-in”. Therefore, Kamala will likely find herself trying to accommodate the expectations, rules, and boundaries of others when it comes to how she wields her power; and the power Kamala wields will be the actual power of those who have given Kamala her symbolic power. This also indicates that Kamala does have ambition, but again, her ambitions are likely geared toward what others expect of her rather than what she may really want. (8th House Capricorn and Aquarius, Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius in 9th)

To this point, what I find most curious is that Kamala’s Saturn is trine her Sun/Base position. This indicates two things: 1) Kamala likely feels a need to prove herself as an unconventional yet influential presence within traditional societal establishments and structures; and 2) Kamala’s giggly, “fun”, social yet eclectic self-presentation is often employed as a cover, masking the pressure she feels to meet the standards of the role(s) she is campaigning and/or selected for. However, that second example also reveals how Kamala tends to compromise her ability to be taken seriously with her default of “keeping things light and fun”. Her inclination to lightness does not play in her favor as the world is often much more serious than she appears to take it, and the matters she will face as President of the United States are often taken much more seriously by others than they seem to be taken by her.

Saturn is also the traditional ruler of the other sign in Kamala’s 8th House – Aquarius. However, Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius, and Uranus often indicates where and how unexpected or unpredictable events may occur, which aligns nicely with her 5 Life Path number energy – maybe too nicely, as she will benefit from surprising events, but her own unpredictable actions may end up cancelling out or reversing any benefits she gains.

Kamala’s natal Uranus is conjunct both her natal Pluto and natal Venus in the sign of Virgo in Kamala’s natal 4th House of personal/private matters, home, and family. This trio makes for an interesting combination of energies as all of those planets hold potential for transformative connections with others – Venus through her one-on-one interactions and relationships; Uranus through her communities, affiliations, and the public-at-large; and Pluto through the process of death/destruction and rebirth/(re)construction. Kamala experiences and will continue to experience great emotional and possibly spiritual intensity through her (personal) relationships of all kinds, both the relationships she sustains (or are maintained) and the relationships she ends (or that are ended). However, all of this is in the sign of Virgo, which focuses on the efficiency, effectiveness, and functionality of systems and processes in very practical and often mundane ways. (8th House Capricorn and Aquarius; Uranus in Virgo in 4th conjunct Pluto in Virgo and Venus in Virgo – STELLIUM).

This Virgo stellium/trio also is in sextile aspect to Kamala’s Neptune in Scorpio, adding yet another Pisces influence to Kamala’s expression and boosting Pluto’s influence (as Pluto is the modern ruler of Scorpio) to highlight the possibility that Kamala may idealize the power available to her through her community and personal relationships and connections. It’s possible she sees them more as the holders of her power and as resources for her progress instead of as genuine balanced-power relationships. If or when others pick up on that expectation or entitlement to their influence upon others, those connections may not end up providing as much positive traction as she hopes.

That may seem surprising to some. After all, as a Jamaican-Indian woman, Kamala is seen as a major professional representative for women – especially to minority women who are apt to feel a personal connection to her. Yet this expectation places a heavy responsibility if not burden upon Kamala, triggering a subconscious wound she’s carried for most of if not all of her life. She knows others look to her to represent them and stand for them. However, again, it’s more than likely that Kamala doesn’t feel nor want that specific responsibility of service as strongly as others may project it onto her. (Pluto in Virgo in 4th, conjunct Uranus in Virgo and Venus in Virgo; opposite Chiron Retrograde in Pisces in 10th)

Kamala’s Pisces Chiron Retrograde is trine her Scorpio Neptune, and this combination only affirms that Kamala will (subconsciously) seek to escape that (emotional) responsibility at any and every opportunity she can. Even if she plays into it for public relations purposes, it’s likely that she’d rather be anywhere else than discussing how she is an icon or representative for minority women nationally if not globally. Remarkably enough, it actually empowers her more to say ‘no’ and escape that duty to “represent” than it does to do what’s expected of her.

Scorpio splits her 5th and 6th Houses, indicating the depths of Kamala’s power are found in her keeping things light and fun in some matters; but in others, it’s found in her taking pragmatic approaches to the matters-at-hand. This is where she is strongest – putting her head down and getting the work done that needs to be done. It’s not always glamorous work, but it’s necessary work, and she can excel at it often doing it with more depth and thoroughness than anyone else. This is where we return to the impact of Kamala’s Mercury position in her chart. In normal circumstances and with family and/or close friends, Kamala likely speaks what’s on her mind in a very direct and sometimes biting yet playful ways, but she can rarely use that tone on a public stage or in a public/mass media setting. Therefore, it can be difficult for Kamala to express herself authentically publicly because she likely can’t say what she wants to say how she would normally say it. She isn’t apt to say anything she “shouldn’t”, but she’s also not likely to say anything completely straightforward. This can breed distrust in others because kamala will come across as either “hiding something” or as withholding information.

Maintaining the power others have given her without self-sabotaging herself and her position will be the task for Kamala in all areas of her life, but especially in her career/professional matters, and even more so as a potential President of the United States. (Mercury in Scorpio in 5th trine her Pisces 2 midheaven, Aquarius Saturn Retrograde in 9th, and Pisces Vesta in 10th).

And last but definitely not least, we revisit Kamala’s Aries 8 Full Moon in the 11th House of her natal chart. That eight energy is the key part of this power reference in that 8 is the number of power, influence, control, and other associated topics. That Kamala has an 8 associated with her Moon is critical because when she feels disempowered, we know she will act out. But we must also remember that her Moon is in the 11the House of social circles, networks, and communities. People give Kamala her power, and people can take her power away.

This idea is bolstered by the fact that Kamala’s Moon makes a trine aspect to one more fascinating stellium of sorts in her natal chart – her natal Point of Spirit in the 6th conjoins her Descendant which conjoins her South Node which conjoins Part of Fortune in the 7th. This is a fascinating combination of energies because it shows that once again, Kamala is relying not only on her karmic past but on others to give her power. It also reveals how much she may believe that she is destined to be in whichever roles she is and has been in because they have been earned or gifted to her through her service to and/or her relationships with others. Her fortune truly does come through others. This, again, affirms that people give Kamala her power, and it’s people can take her power away.

The big question for this 2024 U.S. Presidential Election is… which people will (try to) give Kamala power, and which people will (try to) take that power away?

We have once more month from this publication of this article until the 2024 election. We’ll find out soon enough.

I hope this gives you valuable insights into what’s going on behind Kamala Harris’ public persona.

There will be more to come regarding this 2024 U.S. Presidential Election cycle. Until the next post…

Thanks for reading Signs and Numbers.

~ Light & Blessings,


P.S. – Some interesting synchronicities between these two candidates:

Both Harris and Trump were born on Full Moon maximum phase days – Harris on an Aries Full Moon (27°39′ Ari) in her 11th House ; Trump on a Sagittarius Full Moon (21°12′ Sag) in his 4th House. Both were born before their respective Full Moons reached their max phases.

Both Harris and Trump also have Gemini North Node and Sagittarius South Node, just under 3 degrees in separation (20°48′ Gem/Sag forTrump; 24°30′ Gem/Sag for Harris). Both were born before the Full Moon reached max phase. Both have a lesson in learning more before being a “know-it-all”. They also both have a tendency toward “panic babble” when they don’t know how to address a specific topic – they often fall into making up an answer as they go rather than admitting that they don’t know or understand a topic or when they don’t have an answer for the question(s) being asked.

Both Harris and Trump have their Part of Fortune and Part of Spirit conjunct the Descendant. However, Trump’s Part of Fortune in 6th precedes Part of Spirit in 7th; Harris’ Part of Spirit in 6th precedes Part of Fortune in 7th. This indicates that Trump makes his own fortunes, yet his calling is often influenced or dictated by others; while Harris often feels called to serve/work in (a) particular way(s), yet her fortunes are often influenced or dictated by others.




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