Considering the state of things right now, I decided to bring this series back.

My friends and family know that I can get very interested in our Presidential Elections here in the U.S. I’m actually interested in the whole national election process, including the Senate and House races. But this year, in particular, the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election is more confounding than usual, and in many ways, it is likely to prove to be more pivotal than usual in both domestic and international matters.

That said, there are always plenty of questions about who each of the candidates really are and what they’re really about, beyond their campaign rhetoric and facades.

Since 2016, I’ve been studying the natal charts of the “major party” candidates using my unique blending of astrology and numerology – The Life By Soul™ System – to get below their surface veneers. I’m excited to share these analyses with all of you to give us some insights into the people who may be our next U.S. President.

Because this 2024 election is so odd, I also plan to do analyses for the “third party” candidates. Since I haven’t been able to acquire confirmed birth times for any of them, I may do partial/limited analyses for Jill Stein (Green) and Chase Oliver (Libertarian), who seem to be the leading candidates outside the “big two” parties at this time. And for the first time (because they may find themselves more integral than expected in the coming weeks and months), I may do brief analyses of the Vice-Presidential candidates as well.

In the meantime, this 2024 article is a republishing of the 2016 natal chart analysis I did for the 2024 Republican Party candidate, Donald Trump He is 78 years old now, was 69/70 at the time that analysis was done.

I have also completed the natal chart analysis for Democratic Party candidate, Kamala Harris. You can find that here. But for now, here’s Donny!

Donald Trump – born 14.June.1946 at 10:54a in Jamaica, Queens, New York (now age 78)

His core identity (the energy he is grounded and centered in):

Donald Trump is someone who brings complicated feelings to the fore for a lot of people. He charms as much as he annoys, frustrates as much as he entertains. He can’t seem to make up his mind where he stands, yet we always seem to know what to expect…which is to expect the unexpected. Every catchphrase in the American lexicon seems to apply to this guy, which is what makes him extremely successful as a social icon.

With a Gemini 4 base combination, Donald isn’t someone who exchanges communications and information with others lightly…well, sort of. He is a Gemini, so whatever he’s doing, he needs to be having fun. Since Gemini is air energy, he often seeks his fun on the communicative and intellectual levels. Therefore, word play and mind games are his favorite ways to keep himself and all of the people who watch him entertained.

Yet you may also want to recognize that 4 energy represents security, stability, and structure in one’s life which isn’t always fun to address, and it reveals a need for reliability and dependability in his life.  It’s important to him to be able to establish his public and professional role as a societal and social success.

Combining the Gemini and 4 energies, you can count on Donald to be both charming the pants off of you and having a bit of fun with you (often at your expense), and you can count on him to be playing you or charming you for a reason. With his base combination in his 10th house, there’s always a goal or objective he’s striving for. If he didn’t have a specific reason for doing so, he probably wouldn’t be talking with you. He always has a professional and/or societal agenda, and it’s up to you to figure out what it is if you want to understand why he’s communicating with you the way he is.

How he sees himself (Projection):

Donald has Leo 11 projection energy on his Ascendant, and this indicates that he sees himself as someone who should be seen and acknowledged for being a leader in his own life and an inspirational leader for his community.

He isn’t afraid to act impulsively and assertively beyond the bounds of society’s expectations of what a leader should be, do, or look like in order to garner the following he craves (Mars in Leo in wide conjunction with Leo 11 AC). He is eager to take unexpected or unpredictable steps to make himself the center of attention, and much of what he does is done in order to make him to stand apart from and above the crowd.

Yet with his Ascendant being at 29.93° Leo, his 1st house is pretty much entirely comprised of Virgo energy. He knows himself to be very practical, pragmatic, and systematic…so don’t let the hype fool you – for all his bluster and show, he surely has a plan behind it. He doesn’t draw attention to himself without a well-planned purpose or reason. He’s always trying to make something work to his advantage.

His impulsive nature can be a serious liability for him as he is often unaware of the damage he may be causing to his public image and therefore, to his self-image when he lashes out. But he never seems to do quite enough damage to his image to drive people away. Someway, somehow, Donald always finds a way to bring the spotlight back to him.

How others see him (Impression):

Donald has a Taurus 5 midheaven. This makes him appear as the stalwart figure in the face of change. No matter what is happening around him, he always seems to be resolute. Even when he’s changing and flip-flopping his positions (as all Gemini base natives are known to do), something about his presence continues to seem constant and unwavering. He’s like a large rock in a river – allowing the water to rush by him while he forces all that comes at him to go around him or be delayed or destroyed in making contact with him directly.

He is remarkably aware of the everyday lifestyle values and circumstances of others (Ceres Retrograde in Aquarius in 6th), and he uses this awareness to his fullest advantage. He truly does hear what the people want, and makes it his job to deliver…or at least he does his best to make it seem like he will. Yet the question here is whether or not he will actually do it as he isn’t apt to do anything that will make him seem vulnerable or powerless. Only if it serves his public persona to do it – if it makes him look more powerful, influential, and omnipotent (Pluto in Leo in 12th opposite Ceres Retrograde) – will he likely follow through.

What he really (secretly) wants:

Donald’s deepest desires are rooted in Aries 7 & Sagittarius 7 energies.

In one aspect of his soul’s desire, he really wants to prove himself as individually powerful. Many if not all of his actions are driven by his desire to prove his influence over others, and he constantly (and publicly) compares himself to everyone and anyone else who is even remotely in a position of power and influence themselves.

In the other (shadow) aspect of his soul’s desire, he really wants to prove how wise and knowledgeable he is…but this is important to him on a very personal, almost private level. In fact, I’d go as far as to say this is more about him fulfilling a dream for himself than showing off for anyone else.

As these two desires combine, he won’t be content with proving his power where he can have it. He really does enjoy seeing just how much he can grow and expand his experience of his power in the world. He wants to explore all the possibilities, and his material-physical-financial partnerships help him figure out just how far he can go.

He wants to have the freedom to act upon any idea he has in order to expand his desired experience of life. There are no limits, no boundaries, no acceptance of the word “no” in his interactions with others. It’s his way or no way, and he will pull all the stops to make things go his way.

What he needs to learn (karma):

With his Gemini and Sagittarius Nodal Axis, Donald gets to learn and master asking, listening to, and learning from others in order to truly know and understand the world, especially in regard to his public and professional ambitions. In his past, he’s been very good at proving he knows things. In fact, he has an emotional need to prove that he knows things and he’s willing to take risks (and has a knack for getting others to take risks) on what he believes he knows.

The challenge for him comes when his confidence in his knowing takes him further than he actually does know how to go and manage. He often takes gambles he doesn’t have the wisdom of experience to back up. Even if he wins his gambles, he often finds himself in over his head, requiring a crash course in how to succeed OR rushing to put together a team or community to handle what he doesn’t know how to do.

The fact is…Donald doesn’t actually know everything. He knows a little bit about a lot of things. For him to truly succeed in his professional and public (and political) endeavors, he must find ways to recognize what he doesn’t know and be willing to learn it so he can find the success he seeks.  Some people may love his talk, but they won’t love his walk unless he learns what he needs to learn to back it up. Once he masters the art of asking, learning, and understanding, he can balance that with knowing that he really and truly has the wisdom and knowledge it takes to succeed.

What really gives him “the feels” (his emotional core)?

Donald feels larger-than-life. He has an emotional need to know that he is bigger and bolder and more of…well, anything  than anyone else around him. With a Sagittarius 5 Moon in his 4th house, he can also be a bit moody, depending on how much room he’s being given to express himself. The less cornered he feels, the better mood he’s in…and he feels most comfortable and free with his family and closest friends.

What may surprise people is his generosity with those closest to him. There is no experience or expense too large for anyone or anything he is emotionally invested in. He does his best to bring joy and freedom to their lives because that’s what brings joy and a sense of emotional fulfillment to him. It’s also likely that he’s remarkably open to feedback from his family – he really takes to heart what they think and have to say to him. From all indications, he’s an excellent father…which many people might not expect considering his public image.

Yet his connections with loved ones reveal the one area of his life which might hold him back a bit – his need to prove himself as a wise and knowledgeable patriarch of his family. It serves him well to continue getting out into the world to learn and experience new things and open/expand his mind as the knowledge and wisdom he gains and shares with his family members has been, is, and will continue to be his way of nurturing, protecting, and supporting them as they venture out into the world.

How does he find and wield his power?

Donald holds a belief that people will like him better if he has money and material or physical possessions. This may also drive a delusion of grandeur or an idealistic perception of his material wealth that he may not actually have. He does work for what he has, but it’s likely he is more caught up in the appearance of wealth than the practice of it. (8th house Pisces and Aries; Neptune in Libra in 2nd)

Donald takes assertive if not aggressive actions to act upon his ideals and visionary perceptions. This again reveals a bit of delusion or self-deception, and it doesn’t help that this 12th house is occupied by Leo energy as Leo seeks acknowledgment. Donald wants to be acknowledged by everyone, and wants to be acknowledged in a positive way. He’s very sensitive to negative energies, and when faced with criticism, he tends to respond with aggressive or combative reactions. (8th and 9th house Aries, Mars in Leo in 12th)

Donald is able to wield his personal power and influence upon All-That-Is by drawing attention to himself. He also tends to do this with an all-or-nothing approach – if he gets what he wants from someone or something, he empowers them/it; if he doesn’t get what he wants from someone or something, he destroys them/it. He feels most empowered when he is controlling whichever dialogue he is engaged in and when he is in control of his personal or private environment. His all-or-nothing approach probably also applies in these areas of his life. (Pluto in Leo in 12th; Scorpio in 3rd and 4th houses)

You may be surprised, but he is committed to serving people in a practical and pragmatic manner yet through unconventional and innovative ways. Yet his own service values are changeable, depending on popular opinion. He allows the desires and opinions of others to influence his own moral compass, giving him the potential to be a good public servant, yet he doesn’t really have his own set of personal morals and standards to stand upon. It’s this “take whichever position makes me most popular” approach which may make win over some people, yet doesn’t bode well for long-term stability. He’ll claim to hold a certain value or moral position until it no longer serves his interests. (Ceres Retrograde in Aquarius in 6th, 9th and 10th house Taurus)

This concern about stability is only amplified by the Gemini energy in his 10th house. Ruled by Mercury, which is in Cancer in Donald’s 11th house, he chooses his words to create emotional connections the people within social circles and networks. Gemini is playful and approaches everything as if it’s a game, so Donald’s able to use his words to play to the emotional values and desires of others. He says what he needs to say to make people feel good about themselves and about their lives and to help them feel like they have a place in the collective whole. (Mercury in Cancer in 11th)

Donald is infamously unpredictable, and that rogue attitude is rooted in his ambition. He is determined to win…yet he needs to learn that there’s more than one way to be successful and to excel in positions of societal and institutional power. Sometimes, you need to work your way into the system and earn your place in the system in order to change the system. He’ll have a LOT to learn to be an effective and successful President. (Uranus in Gemini, Gemini 7 North Node, and Gemini 4 Sun in 10th)

I hope this gives you valuable insights into what’s going on behind Donald Trump’s public persona in advance of the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election

To read the natal chart analysis for Kamala Harris, click here.

Thanks for reading Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, & Blessings,


P.S. – Some interesting synchronicities between these two candidates:

Both Harris and Trump were born on Full Moon maximum phase days – Harris on an Aries Full Moon (27°39′ Ari) in her 11th House ; Trump on a Sagittarius Full Moon (21°12′ Sag) in his 4th House. Both were born before their respective Full Moons reached their max phases.

Both Harris and Trump also have Gemini North Node and Sagittarius South Node, just under 3 degrees in separation (20°48′ Gem/Sag forTrump; 24°30′ Gem/Sag for Harris). Both were born before the Full Moon reached max phase. Both have a lesson in learning more before being a “know-it-all”. They also both have a tendency toward “panic babble” when they don’t know how to address a specific topic – they often fall into making up an answer as they go rather than admitting that they don’t know or understand a topic or when they don’t have an answer for the question(s) being asked.

Both Harris and Trump have their Part of Fortune and Part of Spirit conjunct the Descendant. However, Trump’s Part of Fortune in 6th precedes Part of Spirit in 7th; Harris’ Part of Spirit in 6th precedes Part of Fortune in 7th. This indicates that Trump makes his own fortunes, yet his calling is often influenced or dictated by others; while Harris often feels called to serve/work in (a) particular way(s), yet her fortunes are often influenced or dictated by others.





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