There’s a lot of astrological activity tomorrow, 12the July 2014, starting with the Capricorn Full Moon at its zenith at 4:26a PDT.

The Full Moon in Capricorn doesn’t mess around.  This is all about the results that you’ve produced and the emotional truth that you experience in light of them.  Period.  This earth cardinal Full Moon makes it clear – you’d better have something to show for the path that you’ve been on or be ready to change your course.

This is because the sign of Capricorn itselfis all about tangible or experiential proof, and the rewards of success and status that come with it.  It knows that in the world as it is today, most people still have to see it to believe it.  They need to be able to see that you kept your word, that you achieved or surpassed your goal, that you accomplished that mission, etc.  If you don’t have some sort of evidence to back up your efforts in this world, it often means that your word means nothing and your reputation lacks credibility.

Yet that isn’t to say that worldly resources and measures are the end all or be all in defining who we are in our lives.  It is to say that we are humans living in this world, and in order to gauge the effectiveness of our soul’s chosen human journey to date, we must look at the fruits of our efforts to this point.  We get to do this on a collective level as well as on an individual level during this 2014 Capricorn Full Moon.

Taking all that social and societal judgment and criticism out of the equation, the 2014 Capricorn Full Moon is an opportunity for you to see where you are on your journey based on your worldly results.  The Cancer 5 Sun illuminates your emotional truth and your real feelings about where you are on your chosen path, and what needs to change in your life in light of them.  There’s a strong likelihood that something about this day (+/- 1 or 2 days) places you at a very important fork in the road of one or more issues of your life, if not your entire life path.  It’s an opportunity for you to admit to the areas of your life that you emotionally feel good about and those that you don’t in order for you to make effective and positive changes.

By acknowledging that both your accomplishments and successes and your shortcomings and failures to have happened, you are able to place yourself in a position of power and strength in your life.  This is why personal responsibility is gold!  It helps you find your way out of your messes by helping you identify clear messages to live by with focus and discipline.  And though the rest of the world may be trying to keep you down with their dramatic social-professional labels and short-sighted views and criticisms, you can recognize the more subtle messages being shared that help you transform your life and rise above it all.

Taking the “Higher” path doesn’t mean that you get to pretend that the failures or shortcomings don’t exist.  That’s the thing with choosing a metaphysical or spiritual path of personal development – it is not intended to help you avoid the truth of who you are or who you’ve been, but rather to help you accept and be empowered by it.  Being on a metaphysical or spiritual development path believing it will help you escape or avoid your painful experiential and emotional truths that you don’t want to face or deal with may have you experiencing a very rude awakening during this Capricorn Full Moon.  Realize that many of these tools and techniques that you have been investing in and learning about are actually intended to help you face, deal with, and heal this pain!

When you can truly and fully accept personal responsibility for what has led you to where you are now, the shift in perspective helps shift your outlook and therefore your results for the better.  When you start living your life in a way that allows you to admit to and embrace all of who you are and have been, there is nothing to be afraid of anymore.  The criticisms and judgments of others can no longer hurt you emotionally because you know that you’ve learned the lessons and that you’re applying them to your life now and forward.  Once you’ve claimed your darkness, you are free to claim your Light.

The 2014 Full Moon in Capricorn is also an opportunity for you to recognize the structures and standards for success that we have collectively created in our communities, societies, cultures, institutions, professions, etc.  Do those standards still apply?  Are they still effective?  Are they still meaningful?  Considering all that is happening in the world right now, we may find that under careful examination, many of the standards we’ve used to measure success and status up to now are no longer serving us well.  We see this in our cultural and religious practices and institutions, educational institutions, governmental procedures, international alliances and policies, and more.  Many of these are outdated and maybe even obsolete.  The world has changed, even if our standards haven’t, and it’s time for us, and the structures that support us emotionally in our pursuit of them, to catch up.

That is the power of this 2014 Capricorn Full Moon – guiding you to accept responsibility for the results of your life remembering that they don’t have to define you, but they do exist to direct and guide you.  The proof, positive or negative, simply helps you get clear about where you really are, where you want to go next, and how you may be able to get there.

Embrace your results to date, set clearly-defined goals, and carry on, soul travelers.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~Light, Love, and Blessings,





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