We get to experience a rather remarkable New Moon this Friday, 20th March 2015 at 2:36a PDT.  Not only is the event itself pretty spectacular, there’s also some extremely potent energy present that can make a huge impact on the lives of many if not all of us.

To start, the 2015 Pisces New Moon is also a total solar eclipse, best viewed in the Arctic Circle, northern Europe/Scandinavia, and northwestern Russia.  New Moons often represent new beginnings, and total solar eclipses (which can only happen during New Moons) bring MAJOR new beginnings. Yet the effect of a total solar eclipse is much like a taking a leap of faith into the future.  The Moon – our emotional energy – obstructs the Sun’s light – our authentic self energy – leaving you to make choices with your heart alone.  This could be challenging if you aren’t one to tap into your genuine emotions OR if you’re still clinging on to negative emotional energies (such as fear, regret, resentment, anger, etc.).

This 2015 Pisces New Moon-Solar Eclipse occurs on a numerological Universal 4 day, making it a day which may be focused on matters of stability, security, safety, and solid foundations. However, this is while the Mercury, Chiron, and Neptune are also traveling through the sign of Pisces.  Though they are not in aspect to the New Moon-Eclipse or each other (within a 3° orb), the fact that all of these bodies are in Pisces and that Pisces is the only body-occupied water sign in the sky right now indicates that this New Moon-Solar Eclipse is a time full of potential for building foundations of compassion, forgiveness, and profound emotional healing…yet this time also holds potential for great delusion and despair if emotional expectations for healing and/or stability aren’t fulfilled.

Pisces is known for being the most emotionally and energetically sensitive sign of the Zodiac. Where Pisces resides in your personal chart can reveal to you the aspects and areas of your life in which you are most emotionally and intuitively sensitive, where your intuition is strongest, and where your intuitive and/or psychic abilities may be strongest. These areas of your life may also indicate where you feel the most compassion for others and where and how you are most capable of forgiveness and unconditional love.

Conversely, Pisces is also known for being idealistic and delusional.  Reality can be a tough pill for Pisces to swallow for when it’s strongly invested in its visions, dreams, and imaginings.  When things don’t live up to Pisces’ lofty expectations or delusions of grandeur, Pisces may seek refuge in solitude and/or silence.  Yet when Pisces is really hurt or when its dreams are painfully shattered, refuge can quickly and easily become avoidance, denial, and/or numbing out.  In these cases, Pisces’ anesthesia of choice is usually alcohol or drugs or other self-detrimental behavior(s).  It’s important for you to recognize your susceptibility at this time if you or others you know have a history of heavy drug or alcohol use or abuse or any suicidal tendencies.

To that point, there is also a great deal of fire energy in play during this Pisces New Moon-Total Eclipse.  It happens approximately 11 hours before the Spring Equinox, or rather, when the Sun enters Aries at 3:45p PDT.  With Mars, Juno, Jupiter Retrograde, Saturn Retrograde, and Uranus also in fire element signs at the time of this New Moon-Eclipse, there is a great deal of impatient initiative energy waiting for prime opportunities to combust. It’s a great combination for taking initiative and/or that afore-mentioned leap of faith…but for those who are in despair, desperate times call for desperate measures and you need not be surprised by people or groups taking impulsive actions due to feelings of victimization or martyrdom when confronted by the reality of circumstances at hand.

Solar eclipses – especially total eclipses – tend to have lasting effects, often up to 6 months after the eclipse occurs. Whatever intentions or projects you set in motion during this Spring eclipse, you’ll likely see the fruits of your labors come Autumn if not before.

On a somewhat shorter timeline, here are the other major transits are occurring as the 2015 Pisces New Moon-Eclipse is at its maximum coverage:

  • Pisces Mercury opposite Virgo Black Moon Lilith (1.22° applying) – This transit may bring a crushing blow to your idealistic notions, forcing you to actually make a plan for yourself and your life as you finally understand what you really need in your everyday routine if you’re truly going to have the life of your dreams. It may not be easy to balance out what you need to through implementation and practice, but the results will be worth the effort if you choose to start making the effort.
  • Taurus Venus square Leo Juno (0.19° separating) – Partnerships that prove valuable to you in certain areas of your life may also prove challenging as you commit to your unique and individual self-expression. In other words, you may not be able to have some of your relationships both ways. To that point…
  • …Leo Juno trine Sagittarius Saturn Retrograde (1.51° applying)– If you are feeling held back or held down from where you want to go in your life, this may be a call for you to move in a different direction in order to honor your commitment to courageous individual self-expression. This call is only amplified when this Juno-Saturn Rx trine becomes part of a Fire Grand Trine as the Moon moves within 3° orb of both Juno and Saturn just over 90 minutes after the eclipse is complete. This brief Aries Moon-Leo Juno- Sag Saturn Rx Fire Grand Trine configuration begins at 6:28a PDT, is most exact at 10:13a PDT, completes at 4:03p PDT, less than 20 minutes after the Spring Equinox occurs and focuses your emotional energies in order to launch you into a direction better aligned with your authentic self. Make the most of this few hours of Fire Grand Trine energy by setting and/or meditating upon your intentions for the new Zodiac year to honor both your commitment to self-expression and your responsibility to move forward in Truth.
  • Aries Uranus trine Leo Jupiter Retrograde (0.14° separating) – These two bodies made exact aspect to each other on 3rd March, and are still within 3° orb of each other until 26th March. Events and occurrences around you may happen unexpectedly and might even be surprising to you, but they are helping you awaken to how you want to grow and expand your unique expression of Light to make your presence known in the world.
  • Aries Uranus square Capricorn Pluto (2.3° separating) – These two bodies made exact aspect to each other for the 7th and last time in this series on 16th March, and their tension will be felt through 12th May when they move out of 3° orb of each other. Rebellion and revolution are afoot, but if you want to become the authority figure, you’d better be bringing something truly new and different to the table. Otherwise, your lack of substance and attachment to the outdated standards and structures is likely to be exposed in shocking or unexpected ways.  The old ways of being and doing are not going to lead you or anyone else forward, no matter how you try to package them to seem otherwise.  However, they will certainly lead you and others into a brief continuation of a futile past…if you let them.

All of these energies are intended to lift us into greater awakening to our collective Oneness and into awareness of our individual and collective readiness for a higher and more expansive level of consciousness that is more compassionate, more inclusive, and more accepting, and more kind.  Some of us are more prepared than others, and you’ll likely see and feel that in the coming days, weeks, and months.  For some of us who are ready to move forward and upward, we will embrace the coming blessings and challenges as steps along the way.  For those of us who are not yet ready or are in denial, this may be the beginning of a very rough period.  You’ll know where you stand as this seasonal shift occurs and develops.

This 2015 Pisces New Moon-Solar Eclipse precedes another eclipse – a partial lunar eclipse on 4th April during which the Earth’s shadow partially obscures the otherwise Libra Full Moon. Your one-on-one interactions with others may help you understand more clearly what you truly want for yourself.  This energy could find you making course changes in/for your life’s journey as you begin to fully comprehend what your emotions and intuitive promptings are actually telling you.  You may also notice just how much you’ve been actively avoiding or denying these intuitive communications in your day-to-day activities.

Both of these eclipses will have effects that will be felt well into the autumn months of 2015.

Are you ready for the higher consciousness that is emerging? This is your chance to find out.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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