Old key

We’ve discussed it quite a few times. With Pluto moving through Capricorn until 2023, there have been quite a few retrogrades of Pluto in Capricorn, and there will be quite a few more.

This Pluto in Capricorn’s latest retrograde, which began at 9:23p PDT on 17th April 2016 and lasts until 26th September 2016, may be more potent than any of its predecessors.

Capricorn (cardinal earth) is the sign of ambition, accomplishment, and results. Also associated with governments, corporations, and other societal institutions, Capricorn is often seen as an authority figure which provides focus and discipline to society at large in order for things to get done. Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio (fixed water), and represents both great empowerment AND/OR great destruction to bring about major life transformation – whichever action is necessary to make one’s power and influence known. Pluto in Capricorn tends to deal in extremes to fulfill its objectives, so there isn’t a compromise, an in-between, or a meeting at the halfway point. It’s yes-or-no, in-or-out, all-or-nothing when it chooses to empower or destroy whatever and whomever it encounters on its path.

The retrograde motion of Pluto in Capricorn means that there will be swift if not instant response to assertions of power or influence. Retrogrades mean feedback – information and insight coming from the outside-in. So when you make efforts to assert your power or influence in order to achieve or accomplish something, others will let you know how successfully you are fulfilling on your ambitions or intentions.

To that point, you may find those in power and/or people you’re trying to influence respond to you very positively as long as you go along with their plans or align with their intentions and ambitions. As you inspire and empower them, they in turn inspire and empower you to continue on to the fulfillment of your goals.

However, you may also find that those in power or those you are trying to influence respond to you negatively if they feel their positions of power and influence are threatened in some way. Even if their methods or presences are outdated or outgrown, if they don’t realize that they’re behind the times…or if they are resisting their ultimate demise, you may experience them fighting to the bitter end to maintain their increasingly obsolete place in society.  As result, they may ignore, reject, and ridicule your status, power, and/or influence in their efforts to discredit and disempower you in the hopes of maintaining their positions and status.

This 2016 Capricorn Pluto Retrograde is especially notable because it occurs during a numerological 9 universal year. This means that Pluto’s destructive and clearing energies are going to be at a zenith. There’s a higher likelihood that outdated societal structures and institutions are going to be weakened, dismantled, or destroyed to eventually be replaced by newer, truer, higher integrity institutions. There is a great deal of feedback coming in making it known exactly which roles and structures are being phased out or outright eliminated…but those who are in the positions being phased out may be oblivious or resistant to the messages. Caught up in their blind ambition, they may not see that even if they win a battle here or there, they are losing the overall war. They’re trying to delay the inevitable.

That said, over these next five months, pay attention to where you are being empowered or disempowered in your life, and adjust accordingly. Anywhere you lack focus or feel disempowered is an area of your life calling for transformation – the release or ‘death’ of your old experience. Letting go of the circumstances you’ve outgrown or which otherwise no longer serve you well could help you make way for a new, empowering experience to emerge…or they could turn you toward a whole new direction which is much more aligned with your authentic self.

Meanwhile, here are some of the transits involving Capricorn Pluto Retrograde which are occurring in the next 3-4 weeks:

Capricorn Pluto Retrograde square Aries Venus at 1:51p PDT on 19th April – The more you try to control your partners in order to feel a sense of power or control in the midst of the changes happening, the more likely those partners will try to fight your efforts or turn your actions back onto you. The control you intend to have over them and/or the damage you intend to inflict upon them may end up backfiring and weakening your own position instead.

Capricorn Pluto Retrograde trine Taurus Mercury Retrograde at 7:46p PDT on 12th May – If you’re not making headway, try listening. The feedback you receive from others may help you learn and understand why you aren’t finding success in your pursuit of your goals and ambitions. Even those you may believe are out to hurt you may be offering insight or information that could help you.

Capricorn Pluto Retrograde trine Taurus Venus at 7:20p PDT on 13th May – Notice which relationships in your life empower and inspire you to accomplish things and manifest success in your life… and which ones seem to tear you down and make you feel small or defeated. Also notice which people receive what you have to offer/share, and use it to their advantage. The value you bring to their lives could help lift you up to greater levels of success and accomplishment.

Thanks so much for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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