fire-texture_XkmxHbThe 2016 Virgo New Moon reaches maximum phase at 2:03a PDT on Thursday, 1st September. This New Moon brings some powerful creative energy. It also brings some powerful completion energy.

This New Moon also brings us an annular “Ring of Fire” solar eclipse. This will be a deeper look into the function and purpose of the elements of our everyday lives than usual. That’s because this eclipse will get you to look beyond what is plain view and delve into the shadows to find out what is really causing the problems which need practical healing solutions.

During an annular solar eclipse, the Moon is blocking the Sun’s light from reaching the earth yet not completely, making the Moon look like it has a fiery golden ring around its entirety. Because the light around the Moon will be highlighted, there will be a heightened awareness of the emotional responses to practical realities we are individually and collectively facing.

The eclipse may temporarily give us the excuse of not being able to see our paths clearly and taking our steps forward with confidence. But it’s one of those experiences in which you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone…for a moment. Then you’ll be fully aware of it every moment after once you have it back. In the case of this 2016 Virgo New Moon-Eclipse, you may have to deal with the fact that you’ve known the reality of your practical circumstances all along, yet you chose to avoid or ignore it. Now you’ll have no choice but to face it, deal with it, and solve it.

That said, this 2016 Virgo New Moon-Eclipse occurs on a numerological 1 Universal day. When combined with the New Moon-Eclipse energy, this is a prime combination for beginning new endeavors. Yet this day also brings the beginning of a 9 Universal month in a 9 Universal year – long-due completions and endings within endings. As we each and all awaken to the emotional realities what we’ve been hiding from, there will also be a strong urge to purge anything and everything that’s no longer serving a pragmatic purpose in your life and/or is no longer contributing to the healing or healthy function of your physical being or your day-to-day routine.

In other words, this 2016 Virgo “Ring of Fire” is going to burn some stuff down, bringing forth the beginning of a lot of endings.

Though the Virgo 9 Sun would love to keep all of this in the realm of all that is practical and purposeful, the Virgo Moon’s involvement makes this process emotional as well as practical. Be prepared to feel all the feelings which come with letting go of what no longer serves. Though you will be happy to release a lot of the things which are about to leave your life experience, there will still be a sense of loss as their absences set in. There may also be some endings which happen outside your will (or control). You will need to accept and mourn these as well, trusting that these endings are intended to move you forward and everything that’s happening is happening for your Highest good and the Highest good of all involved.

Also remember – these losses (both chosen and unexpected) create the necessary space for new things to enter. You have an opportunity to prepare for a wonderful new beginnings which could be brighter and more aligned with your inner truth that what is coming to completion. Keep an open mind and an open heart to not only what is going away, but also to what is on its way.

So…what’s on its way?

That’s up to you.

This is where your creative intentions get their say…and this is where it’s helps to have a plan.

If you don’t yet have a plan, get to work. This 2016 Virgo New Moon-Eclipse will assist you in creating one. Use the energy of the current Virgo Mercury Retrograde to seize your second chance to put a plan in place. If you do have a plan, use the Mercury retrograde opportunity to make some adjustments. The key here is to make the most of this time of endings so you can usher in beautiful new beginnings.

There’s also no point in having a plan if you’re not going to take actions to implement it.

Under the influence of this 2016 Virgo New Moon-Eclipse, it would be in your best interests to take a step to put your plan into motion. Even if you only know what the first step is (don’t have the rest of the plan) or even if the first step is creating the plan, this 1 Universal day is the day to take it.

Yes, I’m encouraging you to walk into the “Ring of Fire”. I’m encouraging you to allow what no longer serves your truth to burn away.

On a transit level, this 2016 Virgo New Moon-Eclipse will also provide one of the angles of a mutable T-Square configuration opposite Pisces Neptune Retrograde and square Sagittarius Saturn. This may find you seeking balance between your practical responsibilities and your inspired visions (or delusions of grandeur). You’ll need to ask yourself where you sense of duty lies, and find a way to honor both so you’re able to function in the day-to-day while pursuing your dreams realistically. This is one way in which that fire can help shed light on what needs to stay and what needs to go in your life as you may be trying to manage too many responsibilities…or maybe not enough. Be aware that you’ll be held responsible and accountable for whatever you are (or aren’t) doing, especially if it’s not aligned with your inner truth.

To that point, the biggest hitch in balancing this T-square is likely to be the New Moon-Eclipse’s sextile with the Juno-BM Lilith conjunction in Scorpio. In this pairing, your inclination to seek practical solutions is met with a strong emotional commitment to a deep-seated desire that may not be acceptable to others – either in emotional perception or practical reality…or possibly both. In order to stand up for your position, you may need to admit that you believe in and/or practice something(s) which others may find distasteful or unacceptable. You may also need to deal with others admitting to their “unacceptable” positions. This may prove to be the catalyst in many of the changes and completions you experience in the next couple of days…and over the next few weeks and months.

The effects of eclipses always last for 6-12 months after they occur, and due to the events which occur, their effects may be enduring well beyond that frame of time. This is also marks the closure of the effects of the late winter eclipses which opened the doors for these current changes and completions to occur.

So even though there will be many endings, they are only the beginning of a new life experience for you. Though it may look menacing, don’t be afraid to walk through the “Ring of Fire”. The steps you take could ultimately prove to be more productive for you and your life than you think.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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