Sunrise over seaIt was the last transit of U.S. Daylight Saving Time. Juno entered the sign of Sagittarius at 1:59a PDT the morning of 6th November 2016, only seconds before the time change occurred in the areas which practice it.

Juno embodies commitments of all kinds, and as it travels through the sign of Sagittarius, Juno will be committed to the growth and expansion of your personal freedom. It also inspires you to expand your world view in order to find the spaces and places which allow you to experience your freedom.

Through your adventures, you learn more about yourself, others, and the world around you – you become more aware of what is actually and factually true. This is why Juno in Sagittarius is such a wonderful placement! It encourages you to 1) commit to the growth and expansion of your world view so you may expand your life experience and increase your awareness of the world around you, AND 2) to share the wisdom of your experiences with others in positive, truthful, and life-affirming ways. Juno in Sagittarius encourages you to ‘go there and do that’ so you can experience the world first-hand, then share your wisdom and truth so all can benefit from your actions.

Of course, these expansive experiences don’t come without their challenges. First of all, in order to go on an adventure, you’ll need to be willing to leave your comfort zone. The energy of previous sign of Scorpio helped us all get to the bottom of things in order to establish trust and allow our emotional-spiritual vulnerabilities to be revealed. Now that we’ve opened our hearts (or had them cracked open) in this way, Juno in Sagittarius moves us into a larger, more expansive (and less secure) environments in order to further expand our emotional awareness and develop emotional connections with others through adventurous actions and experiences.

It can sometimes be difficult to move into uncharted territory with an open heart and mind, especially if you’re not really interested in having an expanded world view. This is where it’s up to you to choose how you want to proceed under the influence of this Juno in Sagittarius.  You can take your steps forward with courageous optimism, or you can attempt to move forward in stubborn resistance or outright disdain for all that is different from what you know.

Keep in mind that it’s not Sagittarius’ nature to do be resistant or fearful. Sagittarius tends to be a warm, positive, and creative energy which encourages us all move forward with buoyancy and hope. After all, you get to go out into the world and find out what is true for yourself. This is exciting!

Yet what makes it exciting may also be what makes this energy so challenging – that it encourages you to go out and find out what is actually true.  There’s a possibility that what you’ve known or believed to be true may not be true after all. If the idea of adventurous growth and expansion terrifies you because it may change what you know to be true, or if you’re not seeing (or willing to see) the expansion of your world view as a positive experience because it might challenge or change your long-held beliefs,  this Juno in Sagittarius period is likely to bring a difficult time ahead for you. In this case, you may experience this call to commit to the growth and expansion of your world view as a Universal mandate, pushing you into unfamiliar environments and experiences and “forcing you” to see and accept the changing world around you for what it actually is, whether you want to or not.

In other words, under Juno in Sagittarius, the Universe may be just as committed (if not more committed) to your freedom, truth, growth and expansion than you are. It’s not going to let you move forward in this world in a state of uninformed ignorance. It’s determined to provide you with the knowledge and wisdom of experience you need to be all you can be in your life…and all you get to be for others as a teacher or mentor.

When you step outside of your familiar boundaries (or when you’re forced to step outside of your comfort zone), you realize just how vast and diverse the world is. However, the choice is up to you how you approach and see the world as you move into its expanse. It’s up to you whether you choose to be committed to stepping forward believing in the threat of difference or the promise of common intentions. No matter what our differences, we can come together in the common desires to care for and protect ourselves and our loved ones, to have peace and ease in our everyday lives, and to live with the freedom to creatively express ourselves in whichever ways ring true to our hearts.

If you are choosing to move forward with an open heart and an open mind, you may find that collectively, all we each and all want is the freedom to be who we uniquely are and to share our uniqueness with the world around us. We want to know and be known, to see and be seen, to hear and be heard. We look for ways to have our presence grow beyond ourselves out into the world around us, and we are eager to experience and learn about the presence of others in the world that is bigger and more diverse yet strangely more familiar than we ever might have expected.

As far as transits go, there’s not too much happening in the next couple of weeks. Mercury enters Sagittarius on 12th November, and makes exact conjunction with Juno on the 14th November a few hours before the Scorpio Full Moon, giving you a prime opportunity to declare your commitment to truth in an earnest, open, and expansive way. Otherwise, the rest of the 2016 Scorpio Sun period is rather quiet for Juno.

That said, there will be plenty of time for Juno to make its presence known. Juno remains in Sagittarius now through 2nd February 2017, committed to having each and all of us experience the world in a free, open, and positive way. Embrace Juno’s energy and the commitment that may awaken within you to expand your awareness of and connection with others over these next three months, and notice how much you and your life grow as result.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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