The 2016 Aries Full Moon is at its maximum phase at 9:23p PDT on Saturday, 15th October 2016. The energy of Aries is initiative and assertive (sometimes aggressive) it its actions to get things started. The energy of the Full Moon is emotional energy that is coming to its peak, bringing opportunities for emotional reflection and fulfillment of the matters at hand as determined by the Sun.

In this case, the Libra 1 Sun is the light being fully reflected by the Aries Moon. This means that initiative actions are being taken in the context of equality, fairness, and justice in interactions and relationships of all kinds, and the Moon is encouraging us to become aware of how we feel about these actions. People aren’t waiting for something to be done – they’re taking it upon themselves to balance the scales wherever they are experiencing what they perceive to be unjust, unfair, or unbalanced.

The challenge here is that those who have held advantages in their partnerships and/or relationships may not experience this balancing as a positive. And those asking for equal treatment may see the leveling out as a positive, but they may not fully realize the responsibility that comes with the power they are asking for. There’s a learning curve on both sides of the scale, and as result, there is a powerful emotional awakening possible as people begin to realize exactly what it means to be equal.

Emotions will run high as they always do during a Full Moon phase. Yet with Aries’ influence, the emotions are awakened by celebrations of and/or challenges to one’s ego or self-identity. Therefore, your perspective of matters is going to be very reflective of how you see yourself in your relationships with others in all areas of your life. And others’ perspectives of themselves are going to be assessed in the same manner.

That said, this 2016 Aries Full Moon doesn’t come without its quirks, and its quirks are powerful ones.

To start, the Moon is in approaching conjunction with Uranus Retrograde in Aries when it reaches maximum phase. This reveals an element of unexpected or unpredictable action or activism for a cause or community purpose as result of a social or societal imbalance coming to light. The most unexpected element of this may be the assertiveness or the aggression of the community action – the emotions being triggered may not be positive ones. Yet the Libra Sun is in charge, and its penchant for objectivity, diplomacy, and peace is encouraging these combustible emotions to be channeled into open and willing discussions, negotiations, and hopefully, resolutions.

The ego-drive of Aries is powerful, and it would be irresponsible for me not to make it clear – some of you will be tempted to take impulsive actions you may regret later on. These actions are being driven by your perceived sense of self, NOT by objective assessment of the relationship or situation at hand. And with Uranus’ presence, your actions are bound to affect many more people than just you…and they may not be happy about the after-effects or results of your actions. Therefore, think before you act.

Other transits in effect during this 2016 Aries Full Moon phase:

Libra Mercury square Capricorn Mars conjunct Pluto – Fairness consciousness challenges actions being taken to attain, maintain, or sustain power, influence, and control. You may notice how communications are focused on balance, equality, fairness, and justice…or on the avoidance of those topics. Pay attention to how is the information around you may be being controlled.

Scorpio Juno trine Pisces Chiron Retrograde – This transit encourages getting to the bottom of whatever is causing the collective emotional-spiritual wounds which affect us all. This represents an all-in commitment to healing those wounds….for those who are willing to accept the mission.

Libra Mercury sextile Sagittarius Saturn – Objective conversations may assist in the recognition of pathways to alignment with your inner truths.

Libra 1 Sun quincunx Pisces Chiron Retrograde – Initiative actions inspired by a desire to bring balance indirectly progresses the healing of collective wounds.

Aries Moon moves into conjunction with Ceres Retrograde shortly after the Full Moon – Passionate emotion-driven actions awaken awareness of your own and others’ personal values. Hopefully, the values and emotions are in alignment. Otherwise, actions taken at this time could bring a lot of confusion. The emotional upsets coming to the fore are the result of the conflict between how you feel and what you (thought) you valued.

The effects of this 2016 Aries Full Moon will have an effect for about three days prior and three days after this phase is exact, and is most intense within the six hours to either side of the exact phase. Use your observation skills to notice where you are being driven by your emotions and/or your ego, and ask yourself this question:

Are you taking initiative actions now to move yourself forward toward who you are here to be, or are you defending your ego and your past?

Think before you act.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings always and in ALL ways,





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