The Pisces energy is very strong right now, with the Sun, Mercury, Mars, Uranus, and Chiron all traveling through Pisces. The Moon, which was New in Pisces last Friday (12:47p PST on March 4th), has just entered Aries, waking up Mars’ action inclinations with emotional energy. It’s a fascinating combination, and this brief time of Moon in Aries gives us a chance to adjust our courses and plan our actions for the upcoming Sun in Aries in just under two weeks from now.

Pisces is a water sign, and water signs are associated with emotional energy. Your emotional energy is where your deepest connections with people, events, and elements of your lives come from. And if you haven’t found a way to face, deal with, and truly accept the emotions around the events in your life – both “positive” and “negative” – you cannot move through them or beyond them no matter how much you may tell yourself otherwise. Emotional honesty is the key component to true and unconditional love, and is imperative in the forward progression of your life. Your emotions are a measure of your alignment with your inner truth.

There’s an old saying – “actions speak louder than words”.

That saying has stuck around for a long time for a reason – because it’s true. And nothing is a better example of that than the transition from Pisces to Aries. Pisces is a perfect time for you to come to terms with your emotional truths, before we enter Aries which is a time of initiation and action. It’s perfect because whatever you really feel, you will act upon. It is inevitable – your actions do speak louder than your words. Your actions never lie. And no matter how much you may speak otherwise, your actions are the evidence you can look to for you to know where you really stand as well as where others can look to know where you stand and possibly even where they stand with you. If we are honest and clear with ourselves about our emotions, our actions can have power because they are aligned with our emotional truth.

Pisces allows us an enormous opportunity for emotional reflection, as Pisces represents how each of us can be of contribution and service to others (and to ourselves as an extension of others) through empathy and emotional expression with and/or to the world. As result, we have chances to examine what evokes our inspirations, imaginations, ideals, philanthropic efforts, compassion, empathy, beliefs, dreams, fantasies, illusions, delusions, victimizations, and martyrdom – all perfect launching pads from which to explore our emotional realities.

Pisces being the 12th of the 12 zodiac signs also brings forth a sense of completion and ending, which of course, leads to new beginnings. So in this time of heavy Pisces presence, you have the opportunity to look at how you are communicating your emotions (Mercury), how you are acting upon your emotions (Mars), how you are emotionally influencing and aligning with or emotionally rebelling against groups and organizations (Uranus), and how you are doing your best to heal your emotional wounds (Chiron), with the Sun in Pisces bringing things to light as openings for you to walk through to seize the day and to radiate the love that is present in you, waiting to be expressed through you.

Thanks for reading and sharing. Until next week…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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